
Kyle - she posts her own pictures in the comment section at one point - do you think she would do that if there was no consent? What are you on about? Its not porn - its a hot or not contest and youve just proven you can find all kinds of pictures of these girls all over the place. While I share your opinion about the subject matter being "trashy" there is a huge leap between a trashy contest adults consent to - and whatever you are trying to turn this into.

The way I'd interpreted it is that they'd ripped old photos of her from somewhere (which they did, with permission I guess) and she not approving of them so she gave them other ones to use.

If you've read the revision I've cleared at least that part of this. They came fourth with evidence of permission and thus I adjusted the article to state what has been brought fourth, it's the only fair thing to do.

I may come off as a hot head too kuick to jump to conclusions.. But I do agree in fairness and as such any evidence brought fourth to support their defense will be accepted. I'm not out to make enemies.