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RE: Angel - A short Story

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

Hahah....been a while since i had a curie vote! Funny how it comes about. I had a conversation with @simplymike hours earlier, after i 'caught' her vouching for me somewhere, lol... and then as always, she thinks my writing is top, had always been, and i should be doing it more often. And there i am like, well, let me see if i still have that creativity. a few hours of scribbling away on a pad first gives me the idea and shortly the story line.

And to be honest with you, i kinda miss this sort of thing, you know, writing. And have lately been thinking of how to do more of it. The curation is taking a little more of me. Sometimes i have this thinking that if i wrote more, i'd be curied more, and my account would grow more!

Nonetheless, i have found a certain joy in curation, including the engagement that comes with friends and more followers...and more newbies steadied around steemit's murky waters! so it to comes with its own pros...I think, like @simplymike advised, balance is important. And i will be trying to strike it, and make sure i have a creative post alongside the features posts.

Those scenarios are what women are daily presented with, by abusive husbands who for some reason don;t even seem to realize it. i mean she prepares your food and can do with it whatever she likes, she presses your clothes ad has the flat iron at her disposal, you come home drunk unable to life food to your own mouth, and she is sober, but you call her weak! lol and the of course she knows which kitchen knife is sharpest!

Its unfortunate, but in my country, women have previously taken one of those options. It is actually in part my inspiration for this story.


Congrats on another @curie vote, @mirrors. I told you you were a great writer 😉 know it came off the back of our last conversation. Thanks for striking the match stick!

You need to find balance @mirrors; I feel the same. But when this becomes too much like work (all curation) and none of what you like, it's time to change course a bit.

It's interesting (sad) to me the psychological effects of abuse; the fact that the wife has the "instruments" at hand, but unable to find the strength that's right in front of her.

Its rather, i'd imagine, that she has the 'instruments', weapons if you like, but finds the strength not to use them, despite the temptation!

Ha! Now there's the difference between you and I @mirrors 😎