Out of Time (Automatic Writing)

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

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The morning follows wind-scattered corpse sky, follows rain battered pavements, follows feet walking. I step off the bus into the grey expanse, eyes focus forward to block out the memories of a warm bed.

Life follows breath, as death follows nothing... follows everything until there is a conclusion.


When you look in the mirror you aren’t looking at a reflection, rather your mind's creation of the self. Have you ever thought you were ugly? Or looked at yourself in a different light or at different times and not recognized what you see? This is the mind distancing itself from reality.

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Image by Tracy Lundgren from Pixabay

This is the mind trying to overrule the real world, trying to impress the internal onto the physical. The mind tells you stories that destroy reflection.

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Time brings a measure of comfort to us all; an illusion of achievement, a will to complete things once started. Without the creation of time humans would still be floundering in instinct, remembering nothing. Time gives us the context to frame pictures to experience what we call memory.

Without the concept of time we would learn differently. Without the concept of time our lives would be simpler - one ever changing moment, like a painting that shifts in swirls of colour, in aspect and perspective. A reflection of infinity.


When you sneeze you loose yourself for a split second, no thoughts, no memories. Just for one second the internal dialogue stops and you are nothing. The french call this la petite mort - the little death.

Thanks for reading.


My creative drive has been a little flat recently and this has been spilling into my writing. I've found myself writing less and at times it feels forced. This could be due to the fact I recently found out someone close to me has a serious disease (you can read more about this in my recent post Crypto, The Big C and the Dark Night of the Soul). Whatever the reason, I've decided to employ a few techniques I learned in university to stimulate the muse and get that creative energy back. Two things that can be extremely useful to help get out of a creative slump are keeping a dream diary and automatic writing.

Automatic writing is when you switch your brain off and just let yourself write without evaluating it. The practice is meant to be an exercise in self reflection, a way for you to find themes and insights into your inner world. Some claim it can lead to psychic channeling and communication from spirits. Often, what comes out is complete nonsense, but I discovered in university that once in a while something comes out that can be edited and rearranged into something interesting. This is not automatic writing in the traditional style, but I've never been one for following the rules. What I prefer to do when I can see strong themes in a piece of automatic writing is keep a copy of the first draft to read later and follow the initial insights to their conclusion through the editing process. This can often lead to worthwhile creative work.

All digital art in this post was created by me using GIMP Photo editing software and Deep Dream Generator, unless linked to source below picture. If you have enjoyed this post, please check out my homepage @raj808 for similar content. Thank you.






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oh i like that, the little death, sorry to hear about your friend, I know how that feels, you look after yourself and let yourself feel it all xxxx

They also call organisms le petit mort too!

Posted using Partiko Android

sorry to hear about your friend, I know how that feels, you look after yourself

Will do, thanks :)

... la petite mort... a sneeze as a path to enlightenment ;)

I think @riverflows has been the victim of the dreaded autocorrect... or she has used the polite terminology for the other thing La Petite Mort describes lol

Isn't it orgasms? 😆

Omg auto correct. Yes. ORGASMS.

Posted using Partiko Android

Automatic writing can be a good natural medicine!!! So sorry about your friend. The muse does come and go. Xxx

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, automatic writing has been like a match thrown into a dam for me before. A few logs burn and the water of creativity bursts through. Hopefully it will do the same this time :)

So sorry about your friend.

That's ok, thanks. It is actually a close relative. I don't really want to elaborate more about it tbh but it has got me down which is probably coming through in my writing and lack of creative drive. Like Monty Python I'm trying to...

definitely the most interesting perspective on a sneeze lol

Ha ha, yeah la petite mort... a sneeze as a path to enlightenment ;)

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