Writing posts is hard but sometimes it seems to me that writing comments is even harder. Because of that, I’ll give those of you who struggle with it a handy little guide to writing a comment on steemit.
Actually read the post you’re leaving a comment on and try to understand the content
Don’t comment something that’s missing any reference to the actual post, the author will think that you just copy&paste it everywhere in the hope that someone will upvote it. Bad examples below, avoid these:
Don’t comment just to advertise your own post but it’s okay if your post has the same or a similar topic.
Don’t just quote random passages from the post without actually saying something original about them.
If something seems weird, check the tags. If one of them is "fiction", the things described in the post probably didn’t actually happen.
And last but not least:
- Upvoting your own comment looks pathetic, especially when you don’t upvote the post itself. Why not upvote someone else’s comment and do something for the community?
Of course, if know the author of a post personally, most of those points don’t apply. Friends can comment bullshit on other friend’s posts.
Happy commenting!
Disclaimer: Please see this post as a humorous attempt at venting my annoyance about comment spammers. I doubt that the people who are the actual problem won’t even read this. In fact, I’m expecting many dumb comments under this post.
First picture taken from pixabay.com, the rest are screenshots collected from my posts
There are few things more annoying than comments that are clearly cut and paste and have nothing to do with the material. Doubly so when those comments aren't even accompanied by an upvote and yet proclaim things like "Amazing! I love your work!"
Even a broad strokes scanning of the post - or even just commenting in relation to the title! - is a thousand times better. Anything but the totally useless non-comment.
I recently had someone copy a comment from the same post and post it, was like: lol.
Hah - that's a classy move. Hard to pin down what that person thought would happen...
Why do we even need to spell out the obvious? It's getting quite old.
Or maybe I'm getting old and crabby!
The fact that this needs to be spelt out says quite a lot...
As someone who spends most of my VP on up-voting constructive comments I get, I really appreciate the efforts made by anyone who has their mind on what can be done to improve the user experience of being on the platform, rather than trying to squeeze out another few cents. As owners of STEEM, we should not forget that its value depends on how many invest in it, which again depends on how many use it, which finally depends on whether or not they appreciate being here.
It's weird to me that there's not a lot more people that get this simple idea. That you may end up making more money by investing in others and improving the quality of the platform, and thus boost the value of your steem holdings, rather than contribute to making the platform crap in the pursuit of a cent.
Startling times when people need help on leaving a comment, it must be a deeply harrowing moment to realise your a literacy dunce when your taking advice to leave a comment. Everyone is so scared of what others think just incase they are racist or worse today, sexist that they struggle to leave a thought bubble. Strange times.
Many Blessings all, form the best writer steemit will ever see x
Not sure how I feel about that comment. Some people are afraid to post anything more than a short "I really liked your story", because of attitudes like that. Readers, (like me), may not be that great at writing. Afraid of being called out for evermore, (these are on a blockcode that supposedly will never go away).
Short quick "I like" post can be for a lot more reasons then the one I tried to write.
Still for: @suesa, I will resteem this post because I found it useful, I may not entirely agree, but it is a handy guide.
Short comments like that often seem copy&paste, but I recently started to ask which part the commenter specifically liked. Honest commenters (like you) usually feel safe enough to explain. Spammers don't react.
And tbh, the comments I really hate are those that have basically no connection to the actual post and just ramble random nonsense. Happens on almost every post if mine.
Yes, that is true. I do use short post a bit, especially when it comes to reading stories. I do not like to point out spelling type errors on a persons story post. Fat fingers happen a lot. If I do not like a story then I just do not comment. By the time I get to the third or fourth post of a continuing story, I start to run out of things to say, other than I am continuing to enjoy the story thanks. I'm not much of a critic, I hated that part of my last job, evaluating people and their work.
Uhm, not sure if I agree with that fully. But yeah, helping to foster a climate where people feel invited to share their thoughts benefits everyone in the long run.
Take care yourself!
I have read all your in this post.Thank you in advance, @suesa
Point by point the outline is:
-Before commenting on the post of the first person we understand the writing, do not comment that is not relevant to the post or question followed. Like begging for upvote.
Please forgive me if my previous comments in your post could be considered spam.
With this post I have learned a lot about the correct comment ethics
I'm really new to this but already I'm starting to see people commenting stuff that is clearly BS. It's like these people don't realise that just saying "good job" over and over, won't get noticed. Good post my friend and consider yourself followed.
nice post lol
I have read through and totally agree with you, lol
i love your fictions
(i am trying to summarise your comment wall, jk)
I hate those bots more actually, i mean human efforts takes like few seconds but bots are leaving tons more within those seconds
very good advice. i will make sure to not promote my own posts from now on :) i will also upvote you and not my comment. i will be good guy now because of you :) thank you :D
good points! I'll add the commenting should bring any value to the community or enhance the original post. I read posts and if i sure that's a topic that touches me and have my own experiences which may be valuable to others then i got the urge to share it and i'm glad to get some feedback or maybe an upvote. But bringing value to others seems to me always essential either with my own post or by commenting others. Sometimes i had a longer comment than the original was because i feeled it's worth nethertheless i got an upvote. Thanks for the reminder!
I read through all the comments, (58 at the time of reading), there are a lot of very good ones. I left a comment on one of the comments, and mentioned at the end that I would be resteeming your post. One thing I found to be very pleasant with this particular post is that you actually have more views that votes, and a good many comments. It is a rare day that I run across a post with more views that votes. I just wish that all of you really highly educated people on here would understand that not everyone may be as well educated as you are for what ever reason. Things would be a lot better in Steemit if we people could understand that simple concept...Not everyone went to an IVY league school.
Thanks again, very lovely post.
Thank you for your comment!
Well, I didn't go to an ivy league school either and probably never will. In fact, I don't even have a degree yet.
I think the main problem around here is that people try to gain money by spamming non-sensical comments. That has not really much to do with missing intelligence.
I just wish more people would try to actually enrich the community with their posts and comments, not just spam and plagiarize. You don't need to be highly intelligent to produce good content :)
But people need to understand that language is very important on a platform like this. Too many think that Google translate is enough to make up for bad language skills. It is not. And I somehow wish they'd keep to posting in their own language (or a second language they actually know well enough) because posts that are translated with Google aren't helpful for anyone.
I've definitely read other people's comments that use the bs technique of just quoting parts of the blogpost to make it sound like they read it, but didn't really say anything additionally! I'm new here and guilty of upvoting my comments :( I thought I read that as a tip for beginners :( Guess I'll stop doing that now! Thanks for the tips!
It isn't horrible behavior but people usually don't like seeing it, especially when people with more SP do it.
I wish you success in your steemit career :)
it's crazy I just posted something similar like 20 min ago
Guess we're all annoyed
you work hard for a post. If a comment can properly put in couple world toguether i'm cool, but so many
great post!
is unbelievable
I agree, but I think nothing wrong with self and not pathetic.
People should throw in reasonable comments , unfortunately, most people get follow for follow or upvote for upvote comments. Moreover, I do not know if they are bots or human as bots comments better smetimes..haha. Following you now in order to stay in touch and send in my support.@suesa you said it all, I also indicated most of these tips , however broadly in my post (feel free to see my blog posts) .
When I saw the topic of this post, i feel something belong to me, sometime i comment in any post i dont read all of post but i just read a part then i comment. :)
wow nice photo, love the cactus
(This is not a spam comment, so unless you are suesa, please don't flag this. She can flag me because this is to tease her)
Idiot 😂
Damn you @apsu, now I'm too late, wanted to do something similar :( Like post btw @suesa ! :p
Hey Suesa, thanks for this post. Good info and to the point. It does seem funny you have to remind people to READ THE POST that they are commenting on. Can't wait to see the other comments on this post. Thanks again for posting this.
You wouldn't believe what kind of comments I get on a regular basis... I've been tempted more than once to reply "did you even read the post?"
I would love/hate to see the spam replies on THAT reply!!!! AAAARRRGGGHHHH
Did it once, no reaction :(
I need to know if we are friends or not :p
We actually talked to each other so I consider you at least a "steemit friend" :P
great, thanks, so I can comment bullshits on your posts lol :))
Spam comments gets annoying alright. It is one of the 3 problems I covered in a post below. You wouldn't believe it. Even in a post talking about SPAM comments, there are 4 or 5 who still commented with SPAM.
Suesa discovers the comment section of Steemit.
More like "suesa is incredibly salty that every second comment on her posts is shit". I love comments and get really pumped when esteem sends me a notification about a new one. And then it's this bullshit. I needed to vent 😂
I must agree with your posts. In my early comments I made all the mistakes under the sun. I thought a post was fact, when in fact it was fiction. We have to learn from our mistakes. I hate one or two word comments, always makes me feel that they didn't really grasp the content. I also feel that it is better to comment even if you don't upvote. Sometimes my upvote power is non-existent but I still comment because the post desrves it.
Pertanyaan yang sama dari saya, bagaimana cara membuat suatu koment yang bisa menghasilkan nilai sehingga dengan demikian kita akan rajin memberikan komen pada postingan-postingan orang lain. Adakah trik yang bisa membuat komen bisa bernilai ?
Give me your advice..
I should have added "don't comment in a language different from the one in the post if you don't know that the author can understand it"
I have no idea what you want from me
Forgive me, .... i meen .... same question from me, how to make a comment that can produce value so that we will be diligent to comment on the posts of others. Are there any tricks that can make a comment worth?
Give me your advice ..
Great post and information! Yes I see that many people don't read the posts and just give a comment like ( great post thanks for sharing ) and some comments don't even match to what is written in my post. We make a post for people to read it and not to just give a short or not matching comment. Have a nice day and steem on best regards from Mauritius :)
You are absolutely right @suesa. I am confronted with all these types of comments everyday day. People should read and understand the article before commenting on a post. Some common example of comments that i think you have come across on steemit are " Nice post" , "Great post, keep it up", "Beautiful pic or nice photos". These people are not adding any value to the post of the owner of the article by sharing their ideas or views on the content of the post while acting like that.
Great picture wish I was there! (sorry)
I love how short and to the point your posts are, proof that you don't need to write novels every time you post to do well. I am probably guilty of leaving pretty short comments a few times, but I do always read the post/look at the photo etc. Sometimes you really enjoyed a post and just want to say that, unfortunately so many people say something short like "beautiful picture" that it does just come across spammy. The fact that you actually need to tell people to actually read the comment is sad, but also not surprising. When people hear about Steemit they instantly think "quick buck" and that's gonna encourage a tonne of spam. And I can be honest and say I was one of those that thought "quick buck" but after five minutes of being on here that notion was dispelled pretty fast!
I haven't seen one "bad" comment from you yet, so don't worry :)
It's usually pretty easy to distinguish short but "good" comments from spam.
most people are writing" nice post " and none of them read ^^
Reading the post is a must thing before commenting... after this post hope you will get some relief from spammers....
And do not consider my comment as a dumb one.. ;)
You helped me find a typo, your comment is much appreciated
I'm crap at posts and comments but I did like the bit of humour at the end , cheers mike
Nice. Just kidding.
i was serching for a suggestion to comment in other post. I think that the people have to be ORIGINAL. one thing is being a cool guy but is terrible how people pretends to be other person, the cool. Sometimes people don't care about content, they just want to search some post to comment and being cool. thanks for the post, i really agree.
I agree fully with this - this follow me and I follow you or good or nice, uhm ja I tend to ignore them. Thank you this is good and nice information LOL. Resteeming
Suesa, thanks for sharing. Your words are noted by many persons, I am sure.
Hmm, quite a bad attempt at being humorous, you need to try a little harder 😉
Seriously, I liked the points you recommended here. Esp. I've noted one point as a take home gift from your post:
Although it's more relevant in comprehending the post than writing the comment, I did like it. Thank you for this!
It's never really funny if it's true 🐐
Dear Suesa - spammers will spam, writers will write. Good post and it still illustrates what is wrong with such an open platform, we all have to trust and believe in good content and even more so, good behaviour.
Most of the comments on steemit are of course writing, I see for myself this phenomenon. Many reasons are found, first because it posts a friend, so must comment without knowing the contents of the post. Secondly because it is asked to comment by who has a post, the results are not in accordance with what is in the post.
Obviously as the owner of the post wanted to comment it in the form of criticism or input, so that our writing can produce more on each post.
I hope in every post I have criticism from any readers who have seen and read my post.
It rarely exists, indeed we need to remind each reader to give criticism and entry, in order to improve the quality of our writing.
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You win in not reading and plagiarism :)
good post