Short comments like that often seem copy&paste, but I recently started to ask which part the commenter specifically liked. Honest commenters (like you) usually feel safe enough to explain. Spammers don't react.
And tbh, the comments I really hate are those that have basically no connection to the actual post and just ramble random nonsense. Happens on almost every post if mine.
Yes, that is true. I do use short post a bit, especially when it comes to reading stories. I do not like to point out spelling type errors on a persons story post. Fat fingers happen a lot. If I do not like a story then I just do not comment. By the time I get to the third or fourth post of a continuing story, I start to run out of things to say, other than I am continuing to enjoy the story thanks. I'm not much of a critic, I hated that part of my last job, evaluating people and their work.