Thanks for this @iwrite
I have a couple of comments.
First, I never thought to put an attribution to my own photos in my posts. I will consider doing that from now.
Secondly, for many years I was a trainer and produced material for management system courses. In many ways what I taught was just re-stating what was already available from literature study and research. Always with sources attributed though.
I also drew a distinction between the education part and the training part in courses. What I was doing in-course was developing skills not knowledge. And when delegates asked "What if someone copies your notes?" I would tell them that the knowledge is freely available if they want it. How to use the knowledge is not so easy to acquire.
My third note is that development is generally based on pre-existing knowledge and practice. Although there are places for blue-sky thinking that is generally rare. We build on what has gone before.
As Isaac Newton said in 1675: "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."