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RE: Surviving a Drunk Driver - my true story - part 1

in #writing8 years ago

Surviving a Drunk Driver - my true story - part 3

There wasn't much time left in the school year so I just smiled a lot because I didn't know what else to do. A few days before school got out for the summer I was approached by 6 people, individually, that apologized for not being more polite & nice to me after I got back. They explained that most people at the school didn't know the truth about what happened. They were told that John & I were in an alcohol related accident. The few people that knew what had happened weren't asked or were using the truth or their own good. (see the last couple lines of part 2 and use your imagination)
I don't mean to dwell on school but that's when it happened and that's when I was affected the most. John & I had original plan was to take my GED out of 8th grade and go on to college. I was the only person in Missouri to school a perfect score on a Missouri wide test that all students take. I had spoken to a couple colleges and universities and they said if I had my GED that I could start in the summer semester. My alcoholic father decided to "fly-off" to Vegas one morning instead of attending a meeting with the school officials. John & I talked about it and he talked me into going to High School instead of getting a new meeting. I decided to enjoy a couple years in high school then move on to becoming an Engineer. I took mostly academic classes and Acting. I also decided to tryout for the Freshman Football team. I wasn't any good but I thought if I didn't do it then I'd regret it. Luckily for me this is what got me into good enough shape to survive the wreck. I played for two seasons and had become a pretty quick runner. I ran 40 yards in 5 seconds flat in full pads. I couldn't catch a ball to save my life but I could run. I was going to run track in the Spring but I never got the chance. I was also signed up for Acting in the Spring but with my voice being damaged I didn't want to embarrass myself so I just dropped that dream. My Doctors kept telling me that I would be able to play football again after the rod came out so I became the Football manager my Junior year so I could keep busy during my dark times. Being Manager kept my mind busy on Non-suicidal things. I realized after the rod came out that I wouldn't be able to do any sport except bowling. John & I bowled every Saturday morning in a league so I stuck with it for as long as I could after I lost him. Bowling kept my mind busy so I had little time for other thoughts.

(I'll write more later)