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RE: Rebecca - Chapter 1 - Warning! Contains strong language / mature content

in #writing7 years ago

While I enjoyed the story thus far, there are a few writing errors. You might want to take a look at your tenses. Eg. you can't say "here I was" it has to be "there I was" if you are using the past tense. You tend to lapse into the present tense : "Never mind, I’m here now and the only time I could get work in this area was this time of year, so I had no choice really. Unless I stayed in England." This piece is a good example. It makes the writing sound really flimsy if you use the present tense such as in "I'm here now" while telling a story in the past tense.
I apologize if this comment sounds rude, it was not meant to be rude, I am merely a huge fan of constructive criticism and I think it is one of the best ways to grow.
Feel free to check out my work and leave some criticism of your own.
Keep up the good work man. You are doing great. This story sounds like it is going to get really interesting. I am excited to see what you have in store.


I think my tenses in writing are one of my worst habits!
I sometimes even miss them when I re-read (and probably do it while writing normally!) But you're completely right. I think it's because the story is set in first person too, which doesn't help me.
I will certainly keep an eye out on my tense now though (I don't think I need telling twice haha!) just getting through the rest of the first draft for now.
Thanks again for the constructive criticism. Not many people have the balls to these days. :P
All the best.Thanks @umperfectpoet!