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RE: Triggers and OCD.

in #writing3 years ago

Thank you so much for posting this. I got triggered last night and reading this helps. When I am triggered I feel like I am losing my mind. How can my mind be so strong and so weak at the same time? And these thoughts don't seem to bother other people making me feel very alone. My life feels so uncertain in many ways right now. Even though I have made much more progress this year than the past few years it still seems so hard sometimes. I think part of the struggle is if it is some kind of choice, then I didn't make that choice before by doing the compulsions because I felt I had no choice for a very long time. So there's guilt and the shame loves to get at me for that, Because there has been times when I have been stronger. Like you I am trying to live more freely but for me right now it is a balance because I can't pretend it doesn't exist either. I like the telemarketing thing you mentioned and idea of reducing behaviours. I am trying to change things but I also feel kind of trapped here. I don't think I'll ever be normal. My goal is to be less stressed, to feel I can manage this existence and not have the OCD get in the way of things I want to do anymore. Glad you found the videos useful. It is weird isn't it? To not logic it out but it fits with what Teal Swan said about OCD and people experiencing OCD have this trauma around complete loss of control and trying to control everything is like avoiding that original state, making it worse or something like that. I think the idea a few people are saying is do not engage. Do not engage with the rabbit hole of what if etc because it creates more stressful thoughts. Hard thing to not do.


You're welcome. Thank you for sharing the videos that helped me learn more!
Glad to know that something I shared helped!

That's an interesting point in regard to weak and strong at the same time and it reminds me of how... I've said before to one of my friends how I feel like I'm speaking out against some of the worst criminals in the world and simultaneously so bothered by some simple things that don't even bother most other people and it's so weird! How can I have so much bravery in one area, and be so controlled by fear in another that is way less dangerous? In fact, not dangerous at all! smh
It's weird.

Bummer you feel that way, though it seems like the guy in that one video was trying to help us who suffer from OCD with embracing uncertainty more... So, maybe you could try to find a way to be more open to the uncertainty? I dunno. Just throwing ideas out there.

Reminds me of the book DARE I read about anxiety and how they teach to "run towards your fear" I know it's easier said than done and there's some situations where that advice could literally kill people, but... There's something about embracing your fears that can reverse the amount of power they have.

Glad to hear you've made so much progress, and I feel similar. It still seems nearly impossible.
Also glad to know the telemarketer thing was appreciated.

I don't think I'll ever be normal either, but I don't want to be either. I'd just like some of these negative issues I deal with reduced.

That sounds like a good goal! I hope you're able to achieve it. :) It's great you're trying!

Interesting in regard to the trauma and loss of control. That makes a decent amount of sense, not sure if it applies to everyone with OCD. But in my case I do feel control is a significant element even if I never realized it for so many years until recently.

And I agree... Extremely difficult! Though, if one is able to solve such... It could also be an incredibly positive feeling... Oftentimes the more difficult something is the more amazing it feels when you solve it or complete it. Or even just make progress on it!

Thank you again. I don't know about running towards the fear. That has never seemed like a good idea with my OCD and the things I have done in the past.
I agree I never wanted to normal, just happy.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂