I even questioned the Twins, about risking their reputation by involving themselves with Walden. (because of the way he treats people in steem.chat and on discord. My question didn't make them happy, but I don't think they had any bad intentions. I don't think they misled anyone involved.We discussed this in Steemspeak on discord, and although I agree it is a lame contest, I do know @mrwang wasn't mad, and I did hear Walden asking people he was trying to get involved for permission. I do believe he received permission before doing any of these.
I think voting on people based on four pictures, especially in the case where horny sounding comments are made is lame. However, I will say, I don't think anyone involved was just randomly adding pictures of people or had any malice.
I don't know how Mrs.Steem felt about the pictures that were taken from her instagram, but I don't think anyone knew she was 16 at the time of the photo. She did tell them to grab the photos according to a screen shot here.
Per usual, I think having the discussion is a good thing.
Thanks for your feelings on the matter whatsup.
The evidence is pointing to they did get permission to use people's likeness. I've revised my initial post to bring fourth the evidence that they'd given to me. In no way do I want to look for reasons to start chaos nor conflict.
Simply put I was expressing my concern on a matter that bothered me. I'm glad I was wrong for part of it actually.
Regardless though of permissions granted I still think the whole thing is a pile of shit moneygrab with little thought given to those involved in the competitions.
Does Steemit need this sort of shit to thrive? Absofuckinglutely not.
Might be something a teenage crowd would be interested.. But I think for the most part we're all adults on STEEM.. and if we choose to revert back to acting like children and judging people based solely on physical appearance may as well just go fuck around on FB / Twitter.
The society being shaped here won't accept this sort of shit if I've any part of it.. Which I believe I do.
Hi, please have a look at the official @steemgames @steemsports response: https://steemit.com/steemsports/@steemgames/proof-of-consent-of-participants-and-the-danger-click-bait-f-u-posts
I didn't doubt that. But thank you for posting.