in #writing6 years ago (edited)

What would you do if you knew?

Without bothering with the technical details of how it came, suppose for a moment that suddenly and unexpectedly, you had a valid warning that the financial system was going to crash in a few hours.

What would you do once you had gone through the mental denial and acceptance phase of the initial panic?

image by @willymac

Suppose that all of the following runs through your mind while you are deciding on your immediate actions: You had studied and researched the possibility, and you knew the facts and expectations. You knew the "how", and now you know the "when".

It does not matter how it happens; war, an Electromagnetic Pulse, or a natural event. Most likely, when the system does collapse, it will be caused by a bank defaulting on derivatives it holds as an obligation on its books; an obligation to cover another banks' risk that is suddenly impossible to meet and one that will cause a domino effect through the world banking system as it triggers payments of other derivatives held by other banks that cannot be met either.

Once it begins, what is to come will be all of the credit created by the world banking system destroying an equal amount of wealth in a matter-antimatter reaction that cannot be stopped. The real problem is that the banks have easily created far more credit than there was wealth and people began to confuse credit and money and think of them as being the same. The banks knew otherwise because credit made them very rich.

There are hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of those bank-invented financial instruments of mass destruction, and the banks used them to enrich themselves by selling risk to other banks and thereby placing all bank customers at extreme risk. There are far more derivatives than there is money on earth to pay for them. One German bank alone has over fifty trillion dollars in derivatives; by comparison, there are only about 1.5 trillion in cash dollars in existence. That one bank has more than enough derivatives to bankrupt all other banks! Of course, nothing could ever go wrong with the bankers' concept of risk management.

Image by @willymac

The collapse would happen worldwide in a matter of a very few hours, if not minutes, depending upon where it began. One bank's computer announces a "We're bankrupt" warning to a stunned staff, and, at the same time, other banks' computers get the news and they reproduce the same chaos in the tallest, most expensive buildings in all the major cities on the planet. Each computer does quick sums and computes the obvious fact that more money is owed to other banks than they have access to, triggering default rules that spread through the linked systems at near the speed of light. Every bank on the planet just became worthless. Customers of those banks have lost every penny in checking and savings accounts through the banks' legal confiscation of all deposits to meet inter-bank obligations. That part of the complete system failure would be over before the first customers found out a failure was underway.

Customers have no money and the banks have no money. Everything was credit; there was virtually no real money involved and nothing to prevent as much credit being created as the banks could entice borrowers to use. The closest thing to money is the paper Dollar in your possession, even if they are I.O.U.s to the Federal Reserve Bank. Everything else is a computer entry in a bank's computer and you do not own that. At least you have the paper Dollar and it will be good for a few days.

In Des Moines, Iowa, a customer logs on to her online account to see if a check has cleared. Access is slow and a few seconds later, a small window announcing that the bank is sorry, but their computer is down for the remainder of the day but will be up before business hours tomorrow. Of course, all the bank's customers get the same message. Calling the bank gets a voice message that all lines are busy. No one tells you that the bank will never open again and that your money no longer exists.

Within the first two hours or so, the credit card companies will be officially notified that their bank cannot accept any transactions and that credit lines have been temporarily suspended. Panic and turmoil will spread through the credit card company's main offices as they decide their next course of action. They will have no option but to notify their branches and data centers to reject all credit cards because they know customers have no method of paying for their purchases. Without banks, customers cannot be direct billed nor can they write checks. Credit cards just became as worthless as all the blank checks.

Before they know anything has happened, customers in Memphis, Tennessee, Miami, Florida, and a hundred other cities routinely visit their bank to withdraw cash and find a small sign on the inside of the locked door announcing that the bank and its ATM machines are closed because of electrical problems but will open in the morning at regular time.

After hours, the sign will be replaced with one that simply says CLOSED, and just below it, another small sign with the name and telephone number of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation that itself will be closed within two weeks without having reimbursed a single customer of any bank. The Federal government will begin to close operations because the banking transfer system cannot function since there are no counter-parties for the valueless Dollar.

As a bank customer, you are left with the cash in your pocket, the gas in your car, and the groceries you have at home, even if that has not yet become a coherent thought in your head. You do not have any savings in the bank, you do not have a checking account, your pension does not exist, and you cannot sell your worthless stock investments. You are not alone, because all electronic money has become worthless.

Since the failure was late in the business day where you live, the damage done is not apparent yet to most people. If you stop to fill your car or truck with gas you find that the credit cards don't work, but you happen to have the cash and you use it to pay for the purchase, noting that you will need to get more cash tomorrow. Others who stop and cannot use their cards and have no cash are the first to begin the sharp slide down the steepest decline in Western history.

Early that evening, in South Texas, on Interstate Highway 10, a long haul trucker running on fumes stopped at a Loves' station and pulled up alongside twenty other trucks for two hundred gallons of diesel fuel. The company credit card was refused by the pump. The driver called the dispatch office and asked about the problem with the card but they were having a hard time finding out anything. While he waited for instructions, another trucker at the adjacent pump had the same problem, but with a different credit card. Both were tired, anxious to get back on schedule, and getting frustrated. When they went inside and found the turmoil in process, they realized that they would not make more miles today, and that delivery times would be missed. It began to get rowdy as one of Love's staff turned out the lights in the big signs towering above the Interstate while another announced to the assembled customers that they had been told to not sell any more fuel or merchandise unless it could be paid for in cash. The trucker had $62 with him.

An older couple had stopped for gas on their way back home to Pensacola, Florida, and saw the sign's lights go out as they pulled up to the giant gas station. The fuel gauge was in the red and the driver was thankful they had made it safely. Little did he know that neither his nor most of the other vehicles would leave the parking lot again, and that his only choice for getting home was to walk. Without food, water, or lodging, it would be a very unsuccessful journey. People all over the country and major parts of the world were having similar problems

That scene was repeated hundreds and then thousands of times. Delivery trucks filled with goods stopped wherever they ran out of gas. By morning, there were very few vehicles moving on the normally-crowded highway.

Customers in stores shopping for clothes or food or anything else began finding out that all purchases must be for cash only, because there was some kind of problem with the credit cards. Without knowing how important cash had become, many paid for things that used up their precious cash. Others left, angered by the store's service.

By early morning, the news has spread, even telephone calls from friends and family in the early morning hours with the news that credit cards did not work and urging early trips to buy groceries as soon as they could. Before the day was over, even large stores were visibly drained of merchandise and people were drained of their cash reserves.

By the second day, stores were not getting any re-supply trucks. Many trucking companies had recalled their trucks if they had enough fuel to return; there was no reason to deliver goods that could not be paid for. Thousands of big trucks ran out of fuel along the Interstate highways and the drivers began thinking of beginning their long treks home.

Most people went to work the day the banks did not open; many knowing nothing about the financial problems because they never paid attention to financial news. The work actually done varied, depending on how closely related to the financial system they were. News spread within organizations and work groups as they contacted the outside business world and, by the end of the day, almost everyone knew there was a serious problem, and that their paychecks would be delayed. People left work early to get the groceries they could pay for with their remaining cash.

The stock market closed at noon the first day when a three-day suspension was imposed. That was for public morale only, because no one on Wall Street expected that the NYSE would open again. With no money and no banks, what was the use?

The telephone, cable TV, and utility companies began executive meetings to determine how to cut losses to stockholders, knowing that they were delivering services that would not be paid for. Delivering prepaid services and then suspending operations was the only answer. Cell phone and TV service would terminate for everyone in less than a month.

When people are worried about having enough food and are running out of gas for their cars, a lot of them will not go to work. The second day, even more will stay home with family when it becomes obvious that there is no way their pay can be direct deposited and no way they could be paid in cash since there is no cash. Why work when you cannot get paid? Even career employees began to realize that their retirement income and pensions had disappeared, and they left also. By the end of the fifth day, almost nothing would be functioning.

Violence was breaking out and most grocery stores had closed by the third day and then had been looted. There were no food deliveries and no food to buy at any price, so an increasing number of people began knocking on doors and asking for food. That very quickly turned violent because people with families to feed can be very demanding and will easily justify "any means possible" as a course of action. Very quickly, violence would be met with violence.

The second night, there were thousands of armed robberies by people trying to get cash.

By the third day, many places with anything left to sell were refusing to take Dollars because of reports - primarily from foreign news reports via satellites and short wave radio - that the dollar had lost all of its value, along with most other currencies. "What do you have to trade?" was the most often asked question.

Police forces quickly diminished in size as violence increased. With no police response, neighborhoods became armed camps against the armed groups of foragers. Foragers will steadily become more violent and more forceful and will become takers. That is human nature. Wolves are takers, and wolves eat sheep. That is nature.

Cities are not good places to be in those times. Nothing is working, the first responders are more stressed than anyone because they feel a duty to protect but they have families to protect, also. Hospitals quickly exceed their emergency room capabilities at the same time supplies become difficult to replace and as the staff thins out.

Television and radio staff cannot get to work any more easily than anyone else, and they cannot be paid if they do work, so they will not work. The final news will be the national feeds and they will be so general and programmed with fake optimism they will be uninformative.

As will everyone else, the power companies will have staff shortages. Their limited supplies of fuel for vehicles will run out since deliveries have stopped. Outages will occur and they will not be repaired. Circuits will trip and cascade failures will occur because linemen are protecting their families. Failed circuits shift loads to other circuits and that results in overload failures. Another line of dominoes begins falling inexorably.

Medicine will not be available. Where would it come from if people are not working and trucks are not running because gas is not being delivered because there is no money to pay for anything? Without medicine, life will become a shortened nightmare for many, many people.

Grocery stores will be empty in three days. Within a month, there will be no cell phone, cable TV, or Internet and most electricity will be lost. There will only be hungry people looking for food...wherever they can find it.

NOW, what would you do to prepare in the remaining few hours?

And a better question would be: What should you have done sooner to prepare for this almost-certain event?

Things break. Systems break.

When no one gets paid, everything breaks. When people are hungry, things break even more easily. When there is no more food, there is only survival.

Everything is so intricately intertwined, small failures in complex systems trigger larger failures and that can become catastrophic. Once started, failures run themselves and they fail very rapidly. Things go from working to not working, literally overnight.

How did it happen?

The fractional banking system was the beginning.

Credit instead of money was the wrong fork in the road.

Unbacked fiat made failure inevitable.

The Just In Time delivery system ensured the rapidity of a societal collapse.

The lack of a financially educated population made easy work to lull it into passivity.

An unaccountable government with cozy banking ties signed the death warrant.


Comments from real people are welcomed.

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Rather wish I wouldn't have read this as my bedtime story! But thank you for making me think and not letting me keep shoving this to the back burner.

It keeps me awake at times, too. The situation gets deeper and more complex every day and we are living on credit. The govt borrows 40 cents of every single dollar it spends! That is creeping higher all the time because of the interest we owe. It is to the point where it cannot be fixed.

Following Venezuela is the only way out: pay the bills with useless Dollars.

There is going to be a lot of collateral damage when that happens, so work on adjusting your savings while you still can.

What would happen with personal debt? I have a small line of credit at the bank that has my house as collateral. Should I pay that off?

There are so many factors involved in that decision and so many "ifs" about which event happened first, that has to be your decision. If the loan has an adjustable interest rate and the bank can increase it, I absolutely would close it.

I paid off my equity line and closed it when I began my exit from the system. IMHO, everyone would be better off if they lived without credit, period. Keeping the minimum in a bank to cover the monthly bills is enough exposure for anyone.

It takes a change in mind set to see the difference, but credit is the major drag on a person or family's well being. Remember that, if a bank goes under, it still owns part of your house if you have a mortgage. If it somehow reconstituted itself in twenty years, it is still part owner of your home. Not good!

So many things to think about!🙂Thanks so much for taking time to answer my questions.

Be careful with free opinions, however well intentioned they are.

There is indeed much to think about and these are perilous times we are entering. I am a great believer in "stacking and holding". Credit and inflation are going to kill the banking system. Write it down.

It all makes me glad that I am old! 👵😃

Well, thanks, @willymac, for scaring the living daylights out of me. :) It's one thing to know that such a thing can happen and trying to be prepared for it, and quite another to see it described in such awesome and terrifying detail. I simply want to get out as much from the bank as I possibly can right now to have as much cash on hand as I can. Zero out the accounts. Then sit around trying to figure out what the value of all the miscellaneous stuff I have lying around might be worth and either sell or barter it.

We have food in some form or another. We will have to get the water barrels filled before the water is turned off. A few hours isn't enough to sell my house in a financial crisis, so that would need to be something I took care of at least a few months before.

That secluded property somewhere I felt like I needed to procure ages ago and turn into a self-sustaining homestead if not full-blown fortification is looking awfully more important this moment. :)

And, it sounds like, I need to be a lot friendly to my neighbors and try to come up with worthwhile alliances, if possible.

This all sounds a lot like what's going on in Nicaraugua and elsewhere right now, for different reasons.

Yep, it scares the daylights out of me, too. If people understood how it all actually works, it would scare them and that alone would cause the whole mess to collapse. There is no money there! None! The U.S. does not have its own money! The closest we come is to print slips of green paper with "Federal Reserve Note" at the top and no where on it does it say it is actual money. It also does not say that the Federal Reserve is a private bank that the U.S. borrows money from and pays billions of dollars in interest to every year.

Besides, anyone is lucky to have that green paper I.O.U because that is proof that you at least have something that represents money that doesn't exist. Your checking account is just digits in the bank's computer and the bank legally owns them; not you. You have NOTHING to prove that you "own" anything in a bank. If the system died, the only money would be the $1.5 trillion in cash dollars, and that includes all Dollars circulating all over the world; not just in the US. And that would have a useful lifetime of about three days before people found out it was useless.

Nope, not a pleasant prospect, is it? Most people refuse to believe there is nothing there, but there truly is nothing there! The cash was never printed to back up the loans and checking balances and savings balance; just enough to meet customer cash requirements.

The ONLY way you can ensure you insulate your wealth is to remove it from the financial system. That means no bank accounts, no stocks no IRAs (unless they are self-directed, in PMs, and you take possession). Literally, if you cannot physically hold it in your hands, you do not own it. Harsh, but true.

On the human side, being aware f how precarious it all is, making whatever preps we can insulates us a little from the tsunami when it hits. Like most kinds of crashes, if we can survive the initial impact, we stand a far better chance of making it through the crash. Having the most cash on hand is a far better choice than having it in the banks, especially when they can impose negative interest rates and charge US for keeping money in THEIR bank. Sheesh! At least having it would prevent it from being lost in the crash, but the three-day useful life means you have to spend it all or lose it

Better options are putting the extras in gold and/or silver. That has worked for over 5,000 years for very good reason: fiat money sucks. In the meantime, preps, preps, preps. Being nice to neighbors is a very good beginning. Extra nice!

Ye, it is like Nicaragua. The bad thing there is that once hyperinflation starts, it always continues until the money becomes totally worthless. Cutting off five digits on the right hand side of a unit by decree does nothing to resolve the underlying problem. Imagine your hidden stash of a thousand, $100 bills losing one half of its purchasing power once a day. A little arithmetic on that will upset your stomach. At the same time, the value of PMs would maintain their original purchasing power. Two million Bolivars (or Dollars) for a cappuccino, anyone?

So, just out of curiosity, since you said the stock market would be worthless, where does cryptocurrency, in your estimation, fit into this? Considering it requires a powered up device and internet connection, I'm guessing you'll say it doesn't fair any better than the rest, which essentially takes us back to what you said. If you can't hold it in your hands, it's worthless.

Someone here out of the blue replied to a comment where I had said something about the US and the debt ceiling. Basically, the gist was, Europe, China and Japan are far more in debt than we are per capita. Okay, that could be true, but because we're so intertwined, I'm not sure what difference it makes other than the likelihood of where the meltdown will begin. At any rate, I feel like this is meant to be an awakening of sorts, and I need to get back to those thoughts and feelings I had years ago and find the way to put them into action. Which means I need to bring my wife along for the ride somehow. I'm not sure how that's going to happen. And I'd rather do it in a way where she won't add that to the list of things she worries about incessantly, since when it begins is about as unpredictable as what crypto is going to do next. And I feel that at this stage discreetness is an imperative, as far as how fast these final preparations happen. I don't know. I just need to opt out of everything now. :)

Actually, I'm highly positive on cryptos and their future as a medium of exchange. The best thing going for them is that they are not part of the fiat-based monetary systems and they are NOT government controlled. The are used world-wide by all peoples, independent of political bias and anonymous. you cannot say that for Dollars or Yen or any of the others.

Yes, if the power was down, it will be along wait before you can get to your cryptos, but you can still hold them! If you have a hardware wallet you can download your cryptos into the wallet and also their location addresses and private keys. That will be the only place the private key exists, so you are the holder of that secret. If they are kept on an exchange instead and things go south, your keys are stored in the exchange's computer and you have an account with the exchange, meaning that you do not have your cryptos actual location or the private keys to get them. The exchange has that. you cannot get to your exchange account, you have no access to your cryptos and there is zilch you can do about that.

However, if they are in your hardware wallet, whenever access to the internet is restored, and it will be sooner or later, you activate your little wallet device and you have your cryptos! They are stored in every copy of the blockchain, multiply redundant, spread all over the world, even if all the drives are dead, the copies will be backed up and available when needed. When the reboot occurs and all are in sync, your address will be there and you alone have the private keys to access them. So, you do hold your cryptos. I trust that process far more than I trust banks to keep up with them for me. And since my hardware wallet is not connected to the internet, i'm not connected to hackers; also a safe feeling.

The net is: gold, silver, and cryptos will weather the storm. It's easier to get the cryptos to Singapore than it is silver and gold, if you happen to need them there if you bug out, but chances of me doing that are diminishingly slim.

And I agree that it does not matter much where the dominoes start falling. The EU has closer currency ties with the US and a failure there would hit here more quickly than maybe Japan or China, but maybe by a day or two's buffer. When things get crazy it will spread fast since we are all linked by the dollar since it's the reserve currency (for now, anyway.) A failure will be a failure and we could easily never find out how it started or who wad first. That would be a moot point anyway. By then, we would have more to worry about than who did it. If we had a sound money system we would be impervious to the falling dominoes. In fact, we are by far the worse offending nation on the planet as far as money owed vs. money on hand. After all, we don't even claim the dollar is money! There is nothing at all preventing us from printing a five trillion Dollar bill or coin and giving it to China in payment of all our debts, and than ask for change.

It is an awakening, I truly believe. We know we cannot pay debts and we see Venezuela and remember Zimbabwe and the Wiemar Republic and we are doing exactly what they did and expect it to turn out differently?

As far as domestic acceptance is concerned, I went through that about six years ago and you are exactly right about it being a sensitive and possibly a damaging subject. I suspected that and thought I was doing well, but the fear factor can get to feel omnipresent as if a tsunami is approaching and we are in the shadow already. Every purchase of food or other prep goods we made was another visible reminder that the future was in turmoil and it began to get frightening for her without me knowing. Since none of our friends seemed to be concerned about the future, it led to reactions I had not anticipated. Suffice it to say that, if you present the information and it is not clearly and obviously accepted, it's best to go stealth with it as far as you can. I didn't see that. I'll be happy to share details in a private forum; this is a bit too public.

Withdrawing from the system takes guts, but once you realize that when dollars are converted into gold and silver, you will be rid of most of the worry, that helps a lot. If the clouds clear, you can always convert back to fiat.

Opt out, my friend. Believe me, a six hour warning is not enough.

You wrote a book about this if I remember correctly. We've got the house on the market and are looking to get downsized, rural and self sufficient if poss. My current preparations amount to some rudimentary foraging knowledge, a large bag of porridge oats and a catapult to protect it with. I think I have a way to go.

I did, and thank you for remembering that, Ian!

I wrote Sterling: For the Republic using the same basic premise. I actually like the characters in it because they are the best I have created. They are very human, non-Rambo types, who make their share of mistakes. The idea began when I was working on my MBA and realized that everything I was learning was how a complex system of smoke and mirrors worked. As long as no one asks why the Emperor has no clothes (or, does anyone realize that all this is credit and not money?) it will work until it doesn't. It's all a get-rich game built by the banking system and the only sane thing to do is withdraw from their game: get out of their system.

Downsized, debt-free, rural, and self-sufficient is the perfect way to go! Being just the two of us, having a few neighbors with their own catapults is some solace. Our catapults are the high velocity lead tossing types, and we all have bags of porridge oats. It is far easier to have a couple of people awake and on outdoor surveillance duty 24/7 than it is for two people to manage. Much to be said for isolation, but also much to be said for mutual support. Remember that, at best, it takes three people to keep one on surveillance duty: one sleeping for the next shift and one providing infrastructure support. A couple alone will not win that struggle.

Thanks for the advice Will. It does seem that things are taking a downward spiral. I've been researching the 'wildfires' happening across the globe and there seems to be lots of evidence pointing to the use of DEW in conjunction with weather modification. Are you familiar with this?

Not with DEW.what's a worthwhile source?

The below video is an interview with experienced fire captain John Lord. Some of the anomalies are discussed here. Some of the images are shocking, they include things like entire properties destroyed while healthy trees stand around all sides.

That is some interesting stuff, especially the related videos about wood being touched by metal burning away when other wood is seemingly unharmed. I have worked with high energy microwave radar and have seen that effect ( a metal object on a table leaving a char of its footprint on the table when in the output path of a magnetron ). It takes only a millisecond to get really hot! One thing though: you cannot bend a high frequency beam with any accuracy at all, so any directed beam would have to come from above, and you cannot ionize a column of air unless the emitter is on one end of the column. That limits where you have to be when you start doing tricks.

I'll keep an eye on the DEW stuff. Thanks for pointing that out.

Reagan talked a lot about star wars then it all went away until now with Trumps talk of the space force. I'm sure the project never went away even if talk of it did. What with HAARP weather manipulaton...reflective mirrors in space doesn't seem far fetched to me. Dr Judy Woods book 'Where did the towers go' is an evidence based study of what happened to the 2 towers on 9/11. I'm no expert but she is and her conclusion is that only cold DEW can explain what physically happened to those towers. It is a fascinating read and it looks like your experience would allow you to understand more of the scientific data than I could. She has presentations about the book on you tube as well. She even tried to sue the US govt over their provable lies around the event. It came down to the supreme court who used their right to simply refuse to allow the case through their doors. One interesting statistic from the book for example highlights how the 'collapse' of building 7 measured 0.6 on the Richter scale which is the same as the use of a jack hammer on the ground. I've attached a short clip of Dr Woods seismic data analysis below.

howdy there willymac! wow this is what everyone needs to hear even if it scares the trash out of them, great job of giving us such a detailed accounting of how this would go down!

It's about time people started getting scared enough to take the possibility seriously that things can fall completely apart in a very few hours and they may wake up one fine morning to find that they are living in a broken world that will be fortunate to have a 17th century level society.

It really can happen and there is not much to prevent all the parts from breaking. I saw an interview once where a reporter asked a young couple what they would do if the power to the city was lost and would not be back on. Her answer was, "Well, I suppose we would just have to eat out every day."

Everyone really should entertain the possibility that they may be on their own for a few days. It doesn't take long to get thirsty!

hahaha! willymac! that couple's response is sadly typical isn't it? of today's clueless people, oh my gosh that's funny but it's not really, sorry. it's such a deadly serious thing that you just have to laugh or cry. you are so right sir!

Gallows humor, Tex. I thought it was so mindlessly ignorant it was beyond words; living proof of normalcy bias. Her survival plan would be to hold her breath and close her eyes until the unpleasantness is over.

"living proof of normalcy bias." so true that's exactly what it is but it lest you know how devastating this could be or will be.

Yep, being aware is the beginning of survival. Reading the financial news once in every few years would be a start. Maybe more often if you really wanted to get scared about how the system operates.

Devastating is quite an appropriate word when talking about a quadrillion dollars sitting there waiting to suck up all the assets held in banking accounts. Get electronic money out of the banks and buy PMs or cryptos so they are not subject to being sucked into that black hole when it opens!

howdy again sir willymac, yes I agree and I really enjoyed that post where you were laying out the situation so thoroughly!

thank you for writing an exhaustive take on what can happen if the financial system collapses.Hi @willymac,

One of the reasons gold is so revered is that people dont have faith in the economic system anyway. I am not sure that real estate would be of much use at the time, but gold would be invaluable. cash on the other hand may lose all meaning in such a reality.

There are a lot of other realities that are far more demanding of the system. Imagine if there is an oil embargo. this may not affect the US but for the rest of the world it is catastrophic. Food cannot be transported. bills cannot be paid and the bank's derivatives foreclose.
War is a fundamental reality of economic crashes.

An apocalypse (a la mad max) is a direct offshoot of law/order collapse which follows soon after.

How many of us are willing to wage a war on each other for food, clothing and medicines. In fact how many us are capable?

i would say the best asset is to have access to some land where you can grow some plants and feed yourself. Back to basics as it were!

Thank you, Adarsh!

Faith in gold and silver is well-placed and has served well for 5,000 years. I see them as being the only real, durable wealth. Change dollars or rupees or yen or rubles into real gold or silver and learn to think of exchange rates and costs of things in gold instead of in fiat currencies!

I agree that there are many routes that may be taken to cripple an economy, but all of them, including a pandemic viral infection, pushed hard enough will break any financial system and that is the one think all societies today depend upon. If it breaks, then everything breaks with it.

How many of us are willing to wage a war on each other for food, clothing and medicines. In fact how many us are capable?

Oh, every one of, I suspect, especially if your wife or daughter, or son is dying of hunger or from lack of a medication someone else has. I believe people will do what they have to do to survive when children are concerned. I may philosophically prefer death to taking life-sustaining food from another, but would have a hard time making that decision on a child's behalf.

Back to basics as it were!

Agreed 100%! That is very problematic for those who live in cities and fleeing to the countryside post-crisis event is too late to begin farming in time to sustain oneself, especially since farmland is already owned by someone who will not likely welcome a flood of refugees on their farmland.

We may find that large cities were not a beneficial construct for a sustainable society.

Gold and silver are worthless commodities to a crumbled economic system. Food, tools, fuel, and safety will be the most valuable commodities, and in the shortest supply.

Gold and silver are not for use during the face-down part of the collapse, but are to contain wealth that will be stored until a replacement system in in place. That may be the next generation but the relative value will still be recognized.

I agree completely that you can't eat gold and no one would sell you a can of beans for a gold Britannia in the middle of a crisis. However, If I make it past that failure point in my society, I would much rather have a few Britannias buried in a can than not. That will give me a resource that has served as real money throughout history.

Back when a silver dime was a day's wage, an ounce of gold was a small fortune! I'm not going to care about that if I don't have food in the meantime.

Damn, Will, regular master of scaring the crap out of me here. I'm not going to weigh in on if it is plausible or not because I'm not savvy enough to make that large of a prediction, but you seem pretty spot on as far as human nature goes.
So to quote a Rick and Morty episode, "Watch as grandpa topples an empire by changing a one to a zero."

I'm pretty sure it's more plausible than not, considering how the system is interconnected and the bankers have created as much as a quadrillion dollars worth of those imaginary bundles of "assumed risk", knowing full well there is not that much wealth on the planet.

Yep, all you have to do is change a digit...and it's gone!

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Willy, you paint the story exactly as it will be and it is not a matter of if it is a matter of when. Sad that this post didn't get much attention, people have a hard time facing the truth.

What he said. 👆

Seriously though, this is excellent. Well written, profound, and not sensationalist when you really think about it. Well done, you’ve earned a new followe, and thanks to Sultnpapper for the recommendation.

After reading this over on Weku, I found it here on Steemit and have reSteemed it...

This is an eye-opener, very well written and compelling. Anyone reading this, please don't hesitate to reward @willymac by upvoting any current articles, and/or by engaging him in the comments and then upvoting his replies...



Thank you for the compliment and the resteem, @creatr.

I strongly believe that everyone should be more aware of the difference in real money and credit because they are not even close to being substitutes. Credit is the undoing of our financial world!

And yes, the sky is falling!

And now I've been able to ex-post-facto reward your post a little bit by voting for your comment!

Thank you for the recognition, @creatr. I value your input on things intellectual and otherwise.

You're welcome.

Thanks for the compliment; you honor me.

Wow... idk what else to say right now. That just put words to a lot of things I subconsciously knew but hadn't realized. I guess taking money out of savings to get emergency food supplies and other things of the like doesn't seem so bad now...

I don't either. It makes sense to be informed and prepared. Imagine the 500 trillion dollars of play money the banks invented that are backed by nothing suddenly disappearing. It will fail and cancel every national currency's value almost instantly.

The entire thing only exists because everyone agrees it does, idk if you can come up with a more unstable foundantion than that!

That is an excellent synthesis! It is more of a religion than a financial system.

Then, some uneducated observer looks and observes that the King is wearing no clothes. POOF! There goes the royal image!