Your main argument is that it is all done without permission of those people. I can guarantee you that every single one of the people who are in that competition gave a permission and most of them even sent the photos, which were used in the post. When people are looking for excuses to be hurt, they get hurt. Other from that, it is just entertaining. I was in one of those, and I frankly don't give a shit if I lost or won. No matter what, I still know that I am hot lol.
Aprat from that, I am not up for a discussion, which is doomed, because of sutbborness. I just wanted to say that your facts are wrong, but I still respect your opinion. If what you said was right, it would be definitely wrong to use someone else's photos without a permission. However, it is not the case this time, @klye. Just thought you would want to know.
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Well, My main argument is that we're supporting anti-social behaviours and also supporting copyright infringement. The second argument would be this is a straight up money grab at the expense of others likelyhood. Third is the fact the STEEM community was unknowingly duped into voting on the sexiness of young woman who was 16 when the picture used was taken.
None of this sits well with me.
Maybe you're not an insecure person. Kudos to you. But I know damn well others featured in these bullshit steemygames have had real negative emotional responses. I don't think any of the facts I've put up here can be disproven. Infact if you look at it all it's impossible to say that permissions were fully given.
Mrs.Steemit's comment stating "these pictures are 4 years old" certainly goes against any form of permissions.
You can "debunk" me all you like, but anyone who's actually been paying attention to this shit developing will pretty quickly realize that nothing I've said in this post is misinformation nor fabricated.
If you find this entertainment, that's cool man. I can't take that from you. But some people consider fighting dogs entertaining too as well, which isn't humane.. So keep that in mind I guess.
mrs steemit provided permission, we have the chats and the emails,
again, every single person in the games gave permission and approval to use their pictures,
most even selected their pictures.
Then why does her comments speak the opposite of this?
I'm not calling you a liar but when I read the comments and see that pictures obviously were NOT provided by her (until you picked her teenage pic) then really it's a matter of looking at the evidence.
I don't believe for a moment Mrs. Steemit supplied a picture of herself at 16.. So if you'd like to re-think that statement probably for the better.
Fundamentally walden I know you're not a bad guy.
You've got good intent.
Regardless on if you received permission or not (which evidence points to you did not) this whole "steemygames" thing is childish, unnecessary and frankly some pretty low moral shit.
Now I've got nothing personally against you, I've seen the good work you do fighting plagiarists. But for fuck sakes man this isn't much better than them.
Just tell me how is someone putting their nudes in steemit is socialy correct, while this is not (take into account that people gave all the permissions). Also, I am discussing just for the sake of discussion, so be sure that I have no hard feelings, it does not affect me directly, so I am just defending the plain idea.
You are still thinking that permissions were not given, but they were. I have no idea what is the point for ppl to comment otherwise, but facts are facts. It only hurts your post's quality to provide false facts, even though, you might be arguably right in general.
as for the dogs fight, nobody ever asks dogs if they want to do it. Completely different thing. But once again, we all have different standards and morla norms. I am just sure that no one here wishes bad things to happen... just different pov.Yeah, I get what you say @klye. However, don't you think that someone who might get hurt in participating in beuty contest, should not give permissions to do so? I mean if you give permission with an idea that you will definitely win, and you lose, it is not platform's problem, is it? I have nothing to do with those games, apart from being in it, cause I don't find it THAT intersting.
... I like the way you thnk to be honest. Refreshing to read the opposite side of thought for sure.
I can't disagree with anything you've said above and I can certainly agree with tons of it. The permissions sadly is just a small part, same for the winner / loser thing.. Regardless of if peple consent they will still be affected (sometimes) if they lose.. You're too laid back to give a shit I get that.. But others featured in these sorta things haven't been. :/
Actually, it was Cassandra from the SPTwins that received consent and permission to use the pics directly from Mrs Steemit, we can show you the emails and chats if you want.....
For the sake of unbiased journalism and bringing everything to light for everyone I'd love to see this (as many others would as well).
It's only fair that you're allowed to bring your evidence fourth.
Not one for hosting kangaroo courts..! Everyone has the right to fairness.
Feel free to shoot the chat evidence somewhere into the comments here. I'm honestly interested to see if permissions were given.. and that if Mrs. Steemit actually gave you a picture of herself at 16 to be used in this ridiculous competition.
What lawform does steem fall under in order to infrige on copywright? Which court has jurisdiction?
Be the USA if I'm not mistaken, Steemit Inc is based out of there.
I'm no lawyer, surely someone on here could spell it out far more clearly.
It seems some rudimentary form of consent was given in a few cases here, hence the revision to the post. Although I'm not sure "lol sure" is really any form of consent that would stand up in any court.. <_<
Hi, please have a look at the official @steemgames @steemsports response: