The Daily Meme #390!

in #wrongthinc3 years ago (edited)

Woot woot, any ford big block fans out there reading this?
If you know one, give them a big heads up, eh?


Why, dear reader, do you think that crapitalusts go soooo hard against communism?
Do you think that working together for our mutual benefit isn't a better way to manage large groups of people?
It's better if you win and I lose?

Is something wrong with you that you think dogs eating dogs is how things should be done?
Any means necessary to get money?
It's just good, best practice crapitalism?

Well, if you do, I doubt you hang out around here very long.
My content is anathema to the control freaks such as these.
As well it should be.
In a society calling itself free.

'When confronted with an unfree world, the only rational response is to live your life so that your very existance is an act of rebellion.'
Albert Camus
His books.

Alexander Berkman, in his own words:


I want to tell you about Anarchism.

I want to tell you what Anarchism is, because I think it is well you should know it.
Also because so little is known about it, and what is known is generally hearsay and mostly false.

I want to tell you about it, because I believe that Anarchism is the finest and biggest thing man has ever thought of; the only thing that can give you liberty and well-being, and bring peace and joy to the world.

I want to tell you about it in such plain and simple language that there will be no misunderstanding it.
Big words and high sounding phrases serve only to confuse.
Straight thinking means plain speaking.

But before I tell you what Anarchism is, I want to tell you what it is not.

That is necessary because so much falsehood has been spread about Anarchism.
Even intelligent persons often have entirely wrong notions about it.
Some people talk about Anarchism without knowing a thing about it.
And some lie about Anarchism, because they don’t want you to know the truth about it.

Anarchism has many enemies; they won’t tell you the truth about it.
Why Anarchism has enemies and who they are, you will see later, in the course of this story.
Just now I can tell you that neither your political boss nor your employer, neither the capitalist nor the policeman will speak to you honestly about Anarchism.
Most of them know nothing about it, and all of them hate it.
Their newspapers and publications — the capitalistic press — are also against it.

Even most Socialists and Bolsheviks misrepresent Anarchism.
True, the majority of them don’t know any better.
But those who do know better also often lie about Anarchism and speak of it as ‘disorder and chaos’.
You can see for yourself how dishonest they are in this: the greatest teachers of Socialism — Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels — had taught that Anarchism would come from Socialism.
They said that we must first have Socialism, but that after Socialism there will be Anarchism, and that it would be a freer and more beautiful condition of society to live in than Socialism.
Yet the Socialists, who swear by Marx and Engels, insist on calling Anarchism ‘chaos and disorder’, which shows you how ignorant or dishonest they are.

The Bolsheviki do the same, although their greatest teacher, Lenin, had said that Anarchism would follow Bolshevism, and that then it will be better and freer to live.

Therefore I must tell you, first of all, what Anarchism is not.

It is not bombs, disorder, or chaos.

It is not robbery and murder.

It is not a war of each against all.

It is not a return to barbarism or to the wild state of man.

Anarchism is the very opposite of all that.

Anarchism means that you should be free; that no one should enslave you, boss you, rob you, or impose upon you.

It means that you should be free to do the things you want to do; and that you should not be compelled to do what you don’t want to do.

It means that you should have a chance to choose the kind of a life you want to live, and live it without anybody interfering.

It means that the next fellow should have the same freedom as you, that every one should have the same rights and liberties.

It means that all men are brothers, and that they should live like brothers, in peace and harmony.

That is to say, that there should be no war, no violence used by one set of men against another, no monopoly and no poverty, no oppression, no taking advantage of your fellow-man.

In short, Anarchism means a condition or society where all men and women are free, and where all enjoy equally the benefits of an ordered and sensible life.

‘Can that be?’ you ask; ‘and how?’

‘Not before we all become angels,’ your friend remarks.

Well, let us talk it over.
Maybe I can show you that we can be decent and live as decent folks even without growing wings.


This same easy to read format continues through most of the questions you can ask here.

The social ills we are suffering through now have repeated themselves ad nauseum through countless generations since the first two people banded together to farm the neighbors rather than the land.

If you don't largely agree with Alex and Albert, you have likely accepted liars at face value.

How can you know that what you know is correct unless you examine ideas that say it is not?

You can block out the ideas that show that you are wrong, but you can't block the responsibilities that flow from that persistent wrongness, imo.


If you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places, perhaps it is time you pushed back on that, eh?
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets that make the world what it is today.

That is all, for now, you may resume your otherwise mundane day.
To contest the characterization of your day as mundane, make a post of your own explaining why your day is not mundane and ping me, eh?

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What they do is voluntary, but openly public.
Don't abuse their willingness to work for the collective for what little we give them, eh?
Without them, none of this exists.

copsarenotsatan grandma.jpg



Oh the old No True Scottsman fallacy

More like the name stealers strike again.

It's a herding cats problem. With your narrow definitions, its unlikely an effort will manifest the ideals you seek. When you hand wave unsuccessful attempts at Anarchism, then you get sucked into the purity spiral while also disallowing yourself to learn from others mistakes by proxy. Minarchism is probably a more realistic outcome.

So, a little rule by force is fine.
Who gets to call the shots, and why them?

I think the idea of minarchy is accountable leadership from smaller institutions. You could make it a rotation or lottery style if you think democratic process is flawed. Usually minarchs are more for defense from other nations and normal public stuff like roads. Mostly very libertarian in nature to keep overhead low.

Yes, it all boils down to rule by force.
If a utopia requires armed thugs to persist, it sucks.

Sounds like a voluntary buy in someone can opt into or not. The problem with framing that collective buy in is without it would leave people victims to tribalism so a stronger force would conquer without the minarchy. It's a paradox of tolerance issue. It's about striking a balance.

Do you think that working together for our mutual benefit isn't a better way to manage large groups of people?

It could be better way for people. However, people are taught to be egoist and act for their interest. Always to me always to me, we are greedy and don't know "enough". Another mentality is needed to build a better system.

Anarchy isn't compatible with socialism since socialism by necessity requires redistribution of goods, often at gunpoint, and often by a body of monopolized force (ie govt). Anarchism only works within a completely free trade structure in which individuals are allowed to create and exchange without coercion from any entity.
Anarchy would allow individuals to join socialist organizations if they chose, but such organizations would be violating the spirit of anarchy if they were to coerce outsiders into joining them.

If you want to read the history of where coercive socialism made the split from cooperative communism, here it is.

Marx was a tool of the name stealers that are the banksters today.
This is why everybody thinks what happened in russia was communism, when it clearly was not.

The same reason you know 1984, but not The Iron Heel.
It serves the narrative of the banksters for things to be this way.

Hmmm, I'll have to check those out. Interesting to see a Jack London book "forgotten", I guess everyone has lesser known works.

Personally I prefer "We" to 1984. It's the predecessor of both Rand's "Anthem" and 1984 and imo a much better story.

Here is a way to read We for free.
It must be in demand if they won't let you have a free pdf copy.
I'll have to add it to my reading list.

Once you read the book you will see why it was left off the popularity lists.
It lays out the flaws in the math inherent to crapitalism.

Thankfully I was able to find a copy a few years ago in a used bookstore.


I will admit I'm a full ancap, having been schooled by Bastiat and Mises. But I'm always open to learning different ways of looking at the world.

Lol, ancap.

I was an ancrap, too, until I did the reading required to come closer to mastering the genre.
This book illustrated that I am a communist.
I was not prepared for that, but it explained some things I had read out of the library.
Until I read this novel I couldn't figure out why folks were so anti-crapitalism.
Now I know.

I'm always suspicious of anyone who flat out defines capitalism as "exploitive". Perhaps it's a matter of definition, an ancap would support the trade of goods and services by voluntary associations. There is no hierarchy inherent in free trade, and no coercion. Anything exploitive isn't true capitalism.

Just as a socialist says the Soviet Union wasn't really socialist, ancaps will say the current system isn't really capitalist. It's just a slapping match.

We could probably agree on one thing: real anarchy has never been tried. No matter how members of a society organize their economy, as long as power is concentrated in governments (or corporations, or in the hands of wealthy individuals) economic conditions always wind up exploitive.

There is no ism that is a good ism.
I once had a 429 cobra jet with cobra jet heads. It was scary to drive.

Edit: back to the ism's

I believe that Anarchism is the finest and biggest thing man has ever thought of; the only thing that can give you liberty and well-being, and bring peace and joy to the world.

The problem with all the systems all of them. I espouse none of them. Is that they require everyone to be honest, helpful, involved, trustworthy.............. many more honest things are needed for it to excel.

In society 90% are lazy worthless eaters who can not be trusted with a rock.
Today around 6% of the population of the world produces 90% of the products produced. The other 10% is produced by nature. Now the products the 6% are producing are mostly Luxury items not need for life and substance. Products not needed. But all the labor spent to produce them.

We could fix this but not in this world. We have an entire elite class who do nothing ever but consume. Then we have other classes who do the same if they jump through the monkey hoops and give up their children to the state. I don't see any ism that can fix this.

I'm am hoping to survive the next CATASTROPHISM Event.

The doctrine that major changes in the earth's crust result from sudden catastrophes, such as the impact of a large meteor, rather than from gradual evolutionary processes.
The doctrine that changes in the earth's fauna and flora result from major catastrophic events that cause the die-off of many organisms and are followed by the appearance of new types of organisms.
The prediction or expectation of cataclysmic upheaval, as in political or social developments.

That is the only ism that I am thinking about.

I've seen one, but didn't get to drive in it.
Just imagine how scary it would be with electronic fuel injection getting the mixture right every time.

I've been faster, in a Porsche it is quite different. Have not tried one of these YET.