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RE: Project Mistletoe: An Uncommonly Good Idea Goes Bad (Part 2)

in #xmas7 years ago

Making wreaths would be fun-- trying to sell them would have to be done by experts! Or, if I dressed like an elf...

I wrote the first part of this while the internet was out, thinking of writing it for December, but eh, I couldn't wait! This beats the holiday rush.


I've always been fortunate at Christmas time since our winter business is very lucrative. It's summer and especially fall where we always had the struggle. I save through the winter, but at the same time I have this need to enjoy, or more especially my kids enjoy, times of plenty, so I also do a bit of splurging. The thing about the grapevine business-it's tied to wineries and alcohol is recession proof. No matter the economic climate there is always a demand, in fact during recessions sometimes that demand even goes up-when times are tough, people drink more!
But I still know the feeling because both of my children's birthdays are in August. Well, there's no elf to compete with of course, but making sure to have good gifts for the kiddos is just something I've always felt the need to do.

I think it's the alcohol industry that will keep me afloat as a piano player- there'll always be a bar, and a song is sometimes just what is needed.