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RE: Accidental Plants & Such

in #yardplants16 days ago

I like to think of the birds bringing you seeds to surprise you with new plants, even if their delivery method is maybe not something to think on LOL

Lots of exciting stuff here— I really like making soup with pumpkins so that one would probably thrill me the most! You must have a really interesting climate to be able to grow pineapples AND more cold weather plants?

I've been dying to go get my hands in some dirt lately, so your post made me smile 💚


I love the birds even more should they be the culprits for these, lol!

Pumpkin soup is heavenly :)

We only have a dry and wet season (mostly cold here in our mountainous region) so any plant can thrive, although there are certain plans we can't seem to grow successfully (i.e. cucumbers, etc).

Thank you and glad you smiled out of this 😍