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RE: 8 Best Yoga Asanas and Poses for Back Pain Relief

in #yoga7 years ago

Thanks for these poses/tips. I've had a passing interest in Yoga for a while now, but never practiced.

As someone who's suffered on & off with back pain for years, mostly due to my spending so much time sat down at a desk on computers, I've always thought of Yoga as an ideal solution.

My problem is, that when I don't have back pain, I have low motivation to practice Yoga, even though I realise it'd probably help keep the back pain away. Then, when I do get back pain, I can't practice anyway because I just want to rest & recover.

Maybe now is the time to actually get of my butt and make a start - and these poses don't look too, thanks for the motivation.


yesh, this is the best solution to relife back ache