Who peoples suffering from back pain, they should do Yoga activities for relief the lower back pain. If you're in pain start to pick the good exercise and terrific Yoga Poses. However, no matter what's your age everybody can do Yoga less then 80 years old. I share with your some awesome and best Yoga Postures, that can be helpful for your pain. Though, you can also consult your doctor and make sure that yoga exercises are safe for you.
1. Fists Forward Bend
First, you stand ready for Yoga, attach together your feet and bend your knees. Now your belly touches the thigh and keeps close as possible. Closed your fingers into the fist and make position into opposite direction.s Squeeze fists actively and keep back, neck and head relaxed. Now take breath 10-20 slowly. Now you'll feel good and relaxed. This is the best pose to relieve back pain.
2. Downward Facing Dog
The second step is also super easy to follow. Lie down on the mat on your stomach and place your palms and hand down. Lift your chest, your balanced will on hands and knees. Now lifted the hips much as possible. After taking long breath 10 to 15 minutes. You can see picture below it's simply easy step.
3. Wall Plank Pose
Firs, stand in front of the wall and your hands and palms facing the wall. Keep your head downward and forward spine and keeping L shape. Take a deep breath and hold this pose for few minutes. This is also simply easy tip to do this.

4. Child’s Pose
This is very interesting child pose, bit a difficult but you can do it. Sitting on your heals and put your hands behind the back. Keep your knees and toes closer and your head touching the mat. Take slowly breath for few minutes and this take this step of Yoga for few minutes.

5. Two Knee Twist
Simply lie down on the mat, bring your knees and chest to T-shape. Now lower your knees on the ground and take slowly breath. In this pose, your shoulders pressed down firmly. Do this process for couple of minutes .
6. Legs Up The Wall Pose
Simply lie down comfertably on the mat and placed your legs on the wall. Now placed your palm and stomach balenced on your back nd your hands straight on your side . This pose is super easy to follow and relieve your back pain simply. simply follow the pictures bellow.
7. Plow Pose
Lie down on the Yoga mat and balenced your back on the ground. Your feet tound the ground over your head. Now your hand will be balenced your back, hold this pose much as you can for few minutes. This is a powerful step to relief your backpain and streches.
8. Seated Forward Fold
This pose is also easy to follow. Sitting on the yoga mat, stretched forward your hand and bend forward hip. Try to reach out the feet and ankles same as you see in pictures.
Pictures Source
If you want to get rid of backache forever so, all above these yoga posture easy to follow, must add in your daily excersice if you've back pain.

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which one is your favorite? @sanach
sb se simple wala, legs up the wall pose ;)
Thanks for these poses/tips. I've had a passing interest in Yoga for a while now, but never practiced.
As someone who's suffered on & off with back pain for years, mostly due to my spending so much time sat down at a desk on computers, I've always thought of Yoga as an ideal solution.
My problem is, that when I don't have back pain, I have low motivation to practice Yoga, even though I realise it'd probably help keep the back pain away. Then, when I do get back pain, I can't practice anyway because I just want to rest & recover.
Maybe now is the time to actually get of my butt and make a start - and these poses don't look too hard...so, thanks for the motivation.
yesh, this is the best solution to relife back ache
I sometimes suffer from terrible back ache since I sew, but I always shy away from yoga. Dunno, something in me just sees it as not capable of offering any comfort in my situation.
I should give it a try though, and I'll try a few you listed. I shouldn't conclude when I haven't ever tried it yet. Haha
haha okie you can try it
I really like doing the Two Knee Twist, it's super effective! Sitting long hours on a daily basis can really cause some back pain, especially when the posture is not on point for the whole day... There were a few I've never tried, but I will. Thank you for sharing these! :)
AhaN, cool you can try it ;)
Thank you for the information
What a great post :) I love to read about health, I'm doing a morning yoga every day now and it's so good for you :).
Thanks for the healthy tips... i'll told my sis to do these kind of stuff 😁
Please don't write less than 80 years old, everybody can do yoga, point. there is no age limit.
Swami Yogananda practiced 2.5 hours yoga daily and teached til he died at 105:
Tao Porchon-Lynch still teaches yoga at 100 years of age:
Krishnamacharya, Iyengar, all the famous teachers who brought yoga to the west practiced way passed their nineties.
Dharma Mittra still does his free headstands shortly turning 79, and you can be sure he won't stop at 80 and neither will I :)
brother your post Amazing please give me one upvote
wonderful post great information. thanks for @sanach
hard sport:) Upvote for You
Wall Plank Pose is the best for beginners in my Studio! I am sure they really they become aware of the existence of their back and ailments due to bad posture when they practice and sustain it. Excellent post! If you like visit my blog , I share about Yoga and Ayurveda!
Thanks, I've been looking for a suitable course of action and I believe this may well be the answer.
I will apprise you of the results.
You nailed it! I've got frequent back pain and these poses are my GO TO moves!