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RE: Yoga 2.0 - How Can I Help You?

in #yoga8 years ago

Absolutely! If I'm practicing daily, it's easy to keep it up. But if I'm not doing a physical practice every day, it's also easy to keep not doing it :) Getting on the mat is sometimes the hardest part...whatever resistance I had almost always melts away as soon as I get to getting it.

I have observed that I feel way better on every level when I do asanas, and I even get kinda negative when I skip it. Honestly life is just a little suckier if I'm not taking at least a few minutes a day to do some stretching, conscious breathing, and meditation! It all comes down to priorities, and I prefer to be healthy and happy so it's worth investing a little time every day in doing some yoga.

Do you struggle with motivation too, @itchykitten?