Good day, Steemians!
Yoga is not about touching your toes; it's about what you learn on the way down. -- Jigar Gor
In case you didn't know,
It makes EVERYTHING better.
If you feel bad, it can make you feel good;
if you feel good, it can make you feel great!
My yoga journey has taken me all over the world,
and one of my favorite things to do is to share yoga with other people!
and I have taught for most of them.
that's part of why I fell in love with it.
Yoga has been an absolute miracle in my life,
and it is part of my purpose to bring it to others.
I invite any questions, comments, or concerns you may have about yoga, beginning, or deepening your practice.
Yoga is an accessible path to health, relief, inner peace, acceptance, love, and much much more!
How can I help you along your way??
💛 Sara!
Hi @saramiller! I have a question about healing. I work at a desk / on a computer for most of my workday. I pretty consistently end up with stiff upper shoulders and neck by the end of the day which usually ends up with me having a bad headache. I usually drink plenty of water so I'm okay there. Can yoga help with my headaches and upper stress/tension? Is it something I would need to do daily?
Thanks for your help!
Hi there, @britt.the.ish! Yes, I definitely recommend stretching out every day that you work at a computer--"tech neck" is a real thing that strains the body quite a lot! But, it's quite easy to stretch out and get some relief to stop those headaches for good!
So one thing to do is neck rolls: drop your chin to your chest, then roll the head clockwise for several breaths, then counterclockwise for several breaths.
Then you can bring your ear towards your right shoulder. Gently grab the top of your head with your right hand to pull a little farther--just enough for a tasty stretch, not enough for real pain. I think it helps to extend through the left arm while you're doing that. Then you can switch sides: left ear to left shoulder, and help the stretch with your left hand while you extend through the right side.
I love to clasp my hands behind my back and see how far I can pull them up towards the sky. This helps roll the shoulders open. This one is nice to do while standing, and add in a bend from the waist while you're at it to bring the head towards the ground if you like.
There's one called eagle arms that also feels great for shoulders: extend both arms straight out. Bend elbows, hands up towards the sky. Bring your right arm towards the left, and left arm towards the right--upper arms cross here (right over left or left over right doesn't matter, because you will do one side and then switch to do the other side). Slightly draw your elbows together towards the body's midline, and wrap the hand of your bottom arm around the forearm of your upper arm--you want your palms to meet. Now you can continue to squeeze your arms together towards the midline if that feels good, and/or you can keep the arms together and lift the arms straight up from the shoulders, so your fingers are stretching up to the sky. That feels really great, so breathe into it for a moment or two.
One more for now, I'll share a link that's a really fantastic stretch for the back:
I hope that helps you a lot!
I do these things too! I've had pretty bad tech neck (great name for it too, btw) for a couple years, all because my first job had me working on a laptop for just a few months. Crazy what impact months can have on years.
But one other thing I HIGHLY recommend is getting a standing desk. That's brought my body much relief. I have a chair that I can switch to if my feet get sore, but I'll switch back to standing after not too long.
That is a great recommendation, @ytho! It definitely helps to be able to go from sitting to standing. The human body just wasn't designed to be all crunched down over a computer all day.
hi Sara!! I'm excited to find you here! I have a you ever wrestle with having the motivation to get started? Or to do the yoga things you want to do?
Absolutely! If I'm practicing daily, it's easy to keep it up. But if I'm not doing a physical practice every day, it's also easy to keep not doing it :) Getting on the mat is sometimes the hardest part...whatever resistance I had almost always melts away as soon as I get to getting it.
I have observed that I feel way better on every level when I do asanas, and I even get kinda negative when I skip it. Honestly life is just a little suckier if I'm not taking at least a few minutes a day to do some stretching, conscious breathing, and meditation! It all comes down to priorities, and I prefer to be healthy and happy so it's worth investing a little time every day in doing some yoga.
Do you struggle with motivation too, @itchykitten?
Hahaha, goat yoga! I hear that's a thing now...
i wish i was as nimble as a goat :)
Hi @saramiller :)
Yoga and Breathwork specifically have also changed my life.
Providing this knowledge for others is my goal.
Hi @kingtate! That's a great goal, so many people can benefit from yoga and breathwork. How are you working towards your goal?
Learning through experience and over consuming CEUs.
I would like to get into yoga more, Tai Chi is my main method along with Weightlifting.
Cool, breathwork can benefit your weightlifting and tai chi as well. Hope you're enjoying the learning @kingtate!
@saramiller Thanks for this awesome post! I love to take the time to relax in the morning with yoga. I wish I could live next to a waterfall to combine some yoga/meditation time :P
I too love to take some nice yoga in the mornings. It helps me get open, centered, focused, and grateful, and it really sets the tone for the rest of my day.Oh man, @rootsoflife, living next to a waterfall is my dream! 😍
Yoga and Meditation are great for the body and mind!
Oh yes, @cryptosight--so so so so so so great!! I don't know any other exercise that brings such great balance to the body, mind, and soul all at once.
Just got back into practice. That first photo is definitely inspiring.
Woohoo, congratulations for returning @thatgrlbeth!!! That pose is surprisingly more about balance than strength. Keys for me are starting with the chest down, bringing the weight into the fingertips, locking the ankles together to anchor it, extending through the legs, and lifting up the upper body. It's really awesome and fun when you get the hang of it!!
I don't think that Yoga can make one slim.
Hmmm...If you're sitting in meditation all day, then maybe not. But if you're doing a few hours of physical postures in a 105 degree room, then yoga may make one slim. It depends on what style or focus you make your practice.
I see, will try Yoga and gonna see if it does works.
Yoga has helped with my chronic pain. I recommend it to and one that has neuropathy and or back pain.
That is really exciting and wonderful to hear, @chrisrelihan! I had chronic hip pain when I started, and within a month it was gone. I also know people who turned to yoga as an alternative to surgery for scoliosis, and they fully healed as well. #legit #miracle
Hey Sara <3
Second one is Taj Mahal right? Thanks for sharing your life :)
You're welcome, and thanks for swinging by! 💛Hey @inviter! Yes it is :)
My pleasure dear, followed you! Will look forward for more content in future :)
Thank you! :)
Been doing yoga for a little while now. I been doing bodyflow classes from les mills. Any suggestions for new people who recently have gotten into yoga? Like what type of classes would you suggest?
here.Hi @crystalpacheco! My biggest bit of advice to beginners is to bring awareness to your breath--every single movement coordinates to an inhalation or an exhalation. The mind can wander a lot during a practice, and you have to train to a) recognize that when it happens rather than let the thoughts carry you off, and b) bring focus back to the breath when you recognize it. Conscious use of your breath unlocks a lot of power! I use a breathing technique called "ujjayi" when I practice--you can read more about that
kundalini. For something powerful with lots of strength (and in my experience, not too much narration by the instructor), try ashtanga. For a challenging detox, try bikram (= hot yoga). For something relaxing, try yin (also called restorative)...I think yin yoga is probably a good place to start for most people. There are also straight up meditation or breathwork classes if that's what you like!As far as classes go, please read my reply to @ytho on this post for more on what I really think of them. It definitely can be valuable for a beginner to have in-person demonstrations (and hopefully adjustments if the instructor is competent). The type really depends on what you want to get out of a practice; there are soooooo many styles out there! For a really weird but classic yoga experience that's more about tuning into, harnessing, and developing your own energy, try
I suggest finding a setting you're comfortable in and people you really like to practice with. I also recommend experimenting to find the style that you like best!
i am proud to be an indian since yoga is invented in our country india......if anyone need help i can help:)
I had a nice time studying when I was there. What part of India do you live in, @akhil80?
Andhra......U r from India ??
No, I'm not from India, but I got to visit!
Hello @saramiller I smoke cigarrete for quite long time now, If I stop it immediately and enroll to yoga calss is there any side effects like body withdrawals incase? Thanks if you can answer. Btw. Upvoted and followed you.
Thank you, @janver06!
You probably have a lot of gunk in your lungs that may make deep breathing difficult for a bit, but that will get better and yoga will help it. I guess you will cough a lot until you can clear that stuff. I highly recommend drinking plenty of water to help flush it from your system, especially if you will also be sweating in yoga. If you get dehydrated, you may get headaches.
Yoga will be very helpful in teaching you to manage stress in a healthy way rather than by reaching for a cigarette. I wish you many blessings on your journey towards health!
using yoga in my life has help giving me the perfect balance in my life....
mind, body and soul are linked to create something amazing where we can drift off into our own wee worlds, while achieving great flexibility and strength for our bodies that we abuse
Will start to follow, have a look going to start to write about my own experiences with my body and how I have changed them for the better
Wow, it's not often you meet someone who has found the perfect balance in life! While it's great to drift off into our own wee worlds, I think yoga adds great power to the bigger picture as well. Plus, for me, yoga is a tool to stop abusing our bodies and choose something healthier. Thanks for sharing your view, @livethedream0208!
Nice ... Always amazing photos
Thanks @mahmoudh!
Seems fun. Good to find something that really help your body and soul!
I've long known about Yoga but not involved in the art. I think i'm getting interested and would be getting a lot of tips from you.
Thanks for sharing this.Hi @saramiller
.. Followed! and please do stay in touch because i'll be needing your support.
Hi, @mcekworo! Welcome to the wonderful world of yoga!! I'm happy to do what I can to support you :)
My favorite was always hot yoga in the winter (I live in Canada). I totally fell out of it. I feel the roadblocks are I haven't set up an area in our house for yoga nor the time (cycling is my favorite form of exercise so I would just do that haha). I could definitely use the yoga though :(
I find that when I practice, it's super easy to keep practicing,
and when I don't practice, it's super easy to keep not practicing!
For me, just getting on the mat is often the most "difficult" part. If I've been away from a physical routine for a bit, I will ease back in with maybe 10 minutes of stretching or 5 sun salutations. Anything that feels a little more accessible than 1.5 hours in a hot studio!
Hot yoga is intense! I'm sure you're familiar with how great you feel after a nice sesh. I hope you will find some time and space to return to your mat, even if it's just a few minutes here and there for your mind and soul's sake, @miyurufernanda.
Thanks for your comment!
The yoga experience is very entertaining, the exercise is great. Is it easy to learn for a beginer like me?. Your are right good exercise can bring healing to the body and joy to the soul.i wish i know how to do yoga. You did a nice job,and the idea to share with us is very good. I am one of your student already hahaha. Keep doing the good job.
Blessings, @hynet and thank you for your comment! Yes, yoga is easy for a beginner. There's an ocean of info out there, so you can jump in from wherever you like! I used to cover a pose a day in my Steemit posts, and I think I will return to that format soon. Here's a link to just one pose that feels really yummy if you want to do a physical practice:
Ok dear,your welcome, i have upvoted, i will check the link. Keep doing what you love doing, your good at it.
Thanks for your support, @hynet!
Your always welcome.
Thank you for sharing this amazing post. Nice to see other yogi in community! I'm new here but i will be following you keep up the great work & I hope you share more techniques would love to learn more.
You're welcome, @fourtwentycrypto! Welcome to Steemit; it's great to see the yoga community expand here!!
You make yoga look very easy and do it with grace, but I'm sure it has taken years of practice to gain that level of skill. I am happy to hear that yoga has been helping people not just with mental focus but also with pain management. Thanks for a really great post, @saramiller
Thank you, @breakingtonight! My practice has definitely developed and evolved over the years, and at this point it is something much deeper for me than just exercise. I have yet to find a situation or condition that yoga does not improve, and there are so many avenues for practicing it! I hope to turn as many people on to yoga as possible.
That's very inspiring to hear how it has greatly helped you on a personal level. Glad to hear that you want to reach out and help others, too!
I've done tai chi as well as other arts and so yoga is especially appealing because I'm sure that it can be quite beneficial! :)You're welcome, @saramiller
Have a great evening!
Thank you, @breakingtonight! I have done a little bit of tai chi. There's a lot of overlap with tai chi, yoga, qi gong, and even martial arts as they are all energy management systems. Fascinating stuff!
How do I start yoga ? I m not flexible lol , can't even touch my toes with straighten legs
If you want to start with physical exercise, try 3-5 sun salutations every morning:
If you want to start with something more mellow like meditation, try this:
@saramiller Are there yoga apps that you recommend, or do you believe there's no substitute for in-person instruction?
I need most in a given moment. I believe the role of a yoga teacher is to encourage the student to develop their own self-sustaining practice, but that's not what I have found in most studio settings.Great question, @ytho! I'm actually not a big fan of most Western yoga classes, because I think they a) focus almost exclusively on movement, and b) rely on repeat customers, which completely forsakes the fact that yoga reveals how to tune into and properly adjust oneself. To me, the point of yoga is not to do the exact same movement at the exact same pace as 20 other people, but to connect with whatever
That said, it is possible to find really great teachers and classes! I think in-person instruction can be incredibly beneficial at a certain stage in a person's practice. Learning proper alignments, for example, can be helpful with real life guidance. Or if going to a class helps develop structure and routine, or if the instructor is super inspiring and you just really like him or her, that's cool too.
I have never used any yoga apps, but I started my own practice in my living room by watching DVDs and downloading torrents of Rodney Yee. I tried some other DVDs from the library from some other well-known yogis, and I never liked them as much as Rodney Yee's. I definitely recommend him! He's got a nice voice and a nice braid. :)
I think the one I started with was called "AM Yoga for Your Week" had 5 twenty minute routines, and I decided I could commit to one 20 minute practice a day in my living room to give this yoga thing a shot. I got better every time I tried it, and at the end of just a week I noticed I was a lot stronger and I recognized the patterns in the movements. Once I witnessed that improvement, I was hooked! From there I tried classes because I wanted to know more and more about it.
Awesome, thanks for the insight – much appreciated!
I notice the prevalence of what I'm calling the "yoga culture" in the urban scene, in which people take part in yoga classes because of social expectations or what have you. It's a lot about getting seen and wearing it like a badge, though this is only my opinion and I don't have any way to back it up. But I just know that's how trends work.
I've been recommended yoga as a way to help alleviate stress and back pain, and I think I'd much rather do so in the comfort of my home where it's just me and I can focus. I have heard that apps are great, but I'm sure that the videos that you've recommended are similar – apps are just a nice way of packaging up videos, but perhaps with an accountability measure though notifications and such.
I think there's always benefit in taking whatever kind of yoga is available, but I as I say I do find standard Western classes to be somewhat superficial.
I hope you will give it a shot and find relief from your pain as quickly as I found relief from mine. Life is much more enjoyable when you're not hurting or stressed all the time! I think there's a big benefit in starting at home, because you can really customize your sesh. If your back is hurting, it makes sense to give it a little extra attention!
You can probably find apps that have special little routines specifically for back pain or for stress relief or whatever.
I hope you feel better than ever super fast!
yoga is like a yogurt for the body and Yoda for the soul
LOL 😊 @joeyarnoldvn!
heard some people say that yoga can freeze age,is it true?
Is there any simple yoga I can do when my shoulder pain?
I had a teacher who looked 35, but she was in her upper yes, I would say that yoga can freeze age.
Try clasping your hands behind your back and lifting your hands towards the sky.
Also bend your elbow and put your right hand on your upper back; elbow will point up to the sky. Use your left hand to pull your right elbow farther back. Breathe deeply a few times, then switch sides.
Thanks for your question, @angelababy--I'm going to make a post soon for shoulder stretches with pictures!
ok thanks.Followed.Looking forward to your new post.
thank you for sharing
You're welcome, @enomujjass!
I think all of the benefits of yoga are metaphysical in nature. Todays society puts so much emphasis on being in shape, having sex and looking good I wouldn't be surprised that a lot of people simply imagine that yoga is curing what ails them, when in realty it is just their superficial obsessions that are tricking them into thinking it this. Yoga is one of the silliest workout methods I have ever witnessed and it has been sexualized to a point of disgust. What ever happened to running a lap or lifting weights? why must we sexualize everything ?
One of the foundational aspects of ashtanga yoga is brahmacharya, which means celibacy or focus of the life force and sexual energies. Yoga is much more than a workout method, and my own experience is enough to prove to me that it provides real benefit on physical, mental, and spiritual levels.
Wow. thanks for the great insight. Leave it up to a women to incorporate sexual energies into a work out. FML
I've ever done yoga before but recently I've been prettty stressed and this post may have just motivated me to have a go! :)
I hope you are inspired to try it out, @arckrai! Yoga can definitely do wonders for easing stress.
I will tell you that the first class I ever went to was NOT relaxing for me--I felt goofy and it was really quite intensely physically challenging and my mind kept thinking about other stuff, and I didn't understand why people said yoga was peaceful!!! But I also knew people had had success with it for thousands of years, so I gave it a few more chances. It really helped when a) I started practicing meditation, and b) I got a DVD to practice at home.
I suggest keeping an open mind and focusing on your breathing above physical poses. Hope this helps you!
:) you should look into downloading the WIm Hof Method ! :)
You are the 3rd person who has told me about that in the last 24 hours, @jjjjosue!
:) it calls you
I think it's incredible that you can do this Sara! Wow!
Your Yoga, Much Wow! :D
Thanks, @firepower!
So Health, Much Bend!
Make Happy! 😄
You just became my go to girl for yoga on steemit 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Let's get bendy!!! @stackin
It's so great to see the positive impact yoga has had on your life! I've never tried it myself but you may have peaked my interest. Seeing the smiles on everyone's face was awesome. Thanks for sharing more positive news to the Steemit community :)
You're welcome, @cryptodata! I really hope you're inspired to give it a go. I actually started practicing with a DVD at home, so it's not like you need some fancy gym membership or anything. I'm happy to spread the gospel of the yoga!!
I like to do it this one
Me too! Super fun, yeah?!?!
You are flexible Lady. Wow!
Yes I've always been relatively flexible, even had a tendency to hyperextend in some poses when I started. Yoga has helped me build up my strength to balance that out.
Omg, amazing post! Yoga is something I plan to get into soon.
Nice! I really love it. I started by setting a timer for 5 minutes of meditation once a day, and things took off pretty quickly from there.
A beautiful sport I love this Sara
Yes, I love it too @tohamy7!
I also
Would love to extend an invite your way,
this sunday, guided meditation, 9am eastern time :)
Cool, thanks for the invite @jjjjosue! I'm usually asleep at this time, but I do love meditation...
:) ah, all is well dear! enjoy your rest! and enjoy meditation :)
that is too many movements for me lol
There are some still ways to practice yoga as well, @deserttree. Like meditation, or breathwork.
Enjoyed this post. I'm a senior (73), a trained yoga instructor (though I don't at this time teach), and love my practice every day. It's brought so much to my life! Looking forward to following you.
Awesome, I look forward to hearing more of your experienced perspective @seattlesal!
We are all on the path together. :-)
And thank heavens for that, I say! It's great to be able to learn from one another and inspire one another and lift each other up.
Yes, I believe that's what we're here to do. Namaste. :-)
Wow, I have not a lot of experience in Yoga, but when I do the course in the gym after a more intensive Fatburn course, I find the breath-work very calming and relaxing.
Not saying that yoga can't be a good workout for the body. Look at all the fit yoga instructors out there with great bods! They're evidence for all the doubters out there ;) Personally, I've got really weak arms and not the best balance, so I find some of the poses (like the crane one) very precarious and tiring. hehe
Your photos? I love 'em..Yoga poses make pictures a lot more flavourful! :)
You gained an upvote and a new follower. Keep your posts coming, Sara! :<3
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, @foodie.warrior! One of the aspects I really enjoy about yoga is observing how quickly my weak areas improve with practice. I always notice improvement even within a single session! A physical practice also teaches me how to let go of expectation and judgment, which is hugely beneficial off the mat as well.
I really appreciate your support and look forward to joining you on your journey! 💛
Thanks @saramiller! That's encouraging that you notice improvement within a single session! Yes, I should try to let go of my pre-set expectation that my arms and balance will end up failing me. ;)
Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge so passionately :)
My pleasure~*~
Yoga has become the modern trend, mostly in urban cities people join so called "fancy" yoga centre , however, the same thing can be done at home.
Agreed!! I prefer a personal practice myself and don't care too much for classes at all. However, there are many who derive benefit from them, and I also feel it's better to go to a class than to do no yoga whatsoever. Thanks for your comment, @shanks25!
Nice way to celebrate the World day of Yoga. Nice pictures.
Thank you @drsupriya18!
Yoga isn't really my thing, I don't have the patience to do it right.....BUT I will say that yoga is absolutely killer on the core. I did a couple of yoga sessions last year and I could barely bend my abs for a week.
Yes, it can definitely do amazing things for the body, but I especially love yoga for its ability to address things like patience and letting go and focus. I've gotten a LOT more patient through my yoga practice, but I've put in the hours and the effort for it.
The first time I tried a class, I actually thought it sucked. It was hard, and I didn't have patience for it either. I'm glad that I eventually gave it another shot. It's been great for my body,but I learned there was a lot more in it for the self improvement I really needed.
Thanks for your comment, @jimithyashford!
Great post @saramiller I love yoga, I do a lot of high impact sport check out my blog.
Sweet, welcome to Steemit! I followed you. High impact is usually not my jam, but I'm all about that health!!!
Love it myself. We have bodyart here in Budapest which is yoga based...5 x week for myself and I feel great.
I'm glad to hear that it's improving your life, @randysimor! Life is so much better when you feel great!!!
Hi @saramiller.. love your post and I love yoga. My problem though.. i can do yoga If i am in class or in a group but I am unable to do yoga on my own... as i will try to make it as fast as possible. Anyway, i will start joining yoga class again soon.. really need yoga.
A class can be helpful to keep you motivated and honest in your practice. Whatever gets you on your mat! Blessings~*~
thanks sara
Hey @saramiller!
I teach yoga too! so fun to see other yogis on steemit! Awesome picture of Astavakrasana.
Sweet, welcome to Steemit @yogimeg! I'm following you now ૐ
Thanks for the follow! I am looking forward to reading your content!! Namaste
is it possible you know the 7 thibetians exersize and want to share with us?
thankshello @saramiller
Hello @tilemahos, and thank you for asking! I am aware of the 5 Tibetan Rites, and I wonder if that is the same thing you are referring to? I can make a post about that, it's a little heavy for a reply right now.
anytime you can ☺thanks you @saramiller i aprecciate that.
Hi..can i do yoga if i have a problem of sciatica in my Right lower back plus impingement syndrome in my Left shoulder? Is it possible rather pilates? Cheers!
Hi @immarojas! Yoga is the best option I have found for fixing sciatica, which is often caused by a tight or inflamed piriformis muscle. Here's one good stretch for that:
With shoulder impingement, I suggest avoiding sweeping the arms overhead in yoga or pilates poses until your healing progresses. Instead, you can keep the arms in the forward plane without reaching overhead.
In both cases, your discomfort may be due to inflammation, so I would definitely suggest adopting an anti-inflammatory diet--lots of greens, turmeric, ginger, and other plants.
Pilates offers lots of benefits to the body, but I personally do not have extensive experience with it.
I will make some future posts to address your questions a little deeper. Thanks for asking!
Looks easy enough..thanks a lot @saramiller!!