I sincerely wish you the best for your grandfather's needs, but unfortunately YouAreHOPE cannot get involved in cases for individuals, we work at the larger scale level, usually involving entire orphanages, whole villages or schools of children numbering into the 100s at a time. We do not have the infrastructure or funding to confirm or manage the hundreds of individual cases that are presented to us. The same 100 steem an individual needs can be used to feed or clothe or provide medicines or hygiene supplies or educational materials or other fundamental needs like shoes etc, to hundreds of people at a time in disadvantaged economic regions, so we are simply unable to address individual needs and maintain the value we provide to our recipients and the accountability to our donors that our missions mandate.
Good luck, I am hopeful for you that the community at large here will voluntarily lend a hand if they can, on a one-to-one basis.