YouAreHOPE is ALL ABOUT finding ways to help those in need and MAKING things happen for them. Don't just worry, fret and wish things were better. Be a part of the solution! Check out what YAH affiliates have done this week!
40 SBD for shoes:
@bigdude made a post hoping for
@sircork just sent him the money (check the comments) knowing any extra would be put to good use. That is how YAH works, each "on the ground" agent is personally vetted. They are tasked with providing pictures and an accounting for how they used the funds. It is all on the blockchain, so ANYONE can verify what is happening!
experience with and impression of YAH!YouAreHOPE is truly amazing organization, but do not take my word for it. Check out this lovely post by @hopehuggs describing her
Are you just not sure how to help out? Here is a GREAT way, just commit a portion of a post to YAH like @elizacheng did - she made a LOT of smiles with this post!
If you are in a part of the world where people are in need, YouAreHOPE will support your efforts to serve your neighbors. These fine folks are literally serving their neighbors, providing nourishing, home made food on the streets of Venezuela.
On to our AMAZING donors for the week, thank you for helping YouAreHOPE MAKE A WAY!!!

First up, our regulars:
2.000 SBD from thealliance 25% rounded up from Eyes On payout :) - Thanks Family!
An anonymous donor gave YAH 13 SBD - Thank you!
Another anonymous donor has dropped 2.0 in the coffer - always appreciated!
@sneaky-ninja and @lost-ninja continue to give a portion of their proceeds to YAH - THANKS NINJAS!! @sydesjokes has a faucet still dripping into the wallet - everything helps! 2.000 SBD from @fishyculture Donation 5.000 SBD from @isaria Monthly Donation 1.500 SBD from @katrina-ariel 21.250 STEEM from @msp-foundation Donation 1.000 STEEM from @tessaragabrielle 2.000 SBD from @ancapbarbie axey sent this to me, so i'm sending it to you(arehope). <3 5.000 SBD from @shadowspub SOS April 21 payout 2.330 SBD from @elizacheng 25% from MakeMeSmile Weekly payout 1.360 SBD from @longsilver donation / pennance for accidentally duplicating a post :)
Don't forget you can also help by delegating steem power to YouAreHOPE! Follow this link to make your delegation!

I don’t have much at the moment, but when I do, I like to send along a STEEM to y’all, knowing you’ll put it to good use. Thanks for all you do! ❤️
And this ^^^ is why I can fully endorse this charity. I see this in action. :-)
YES! I wholeheartedly agree. 💖
Totalmente deacuerdo contigo mi escritora preferida @rhondak un abrazo fraternal.
Make Steemit a better place. Upvote all You Are Hope posts. It all goes toward helping others. Everyone, even whales can spare 1 single 100% upvote for content like this. Make a difference!
Keep doing awesome things for the world.
My upvote will always find a way to you YAH! Keep being awesome.
shout out to @ancapbarbie for taking a gift from me and being nice enough to give it to YAH...... you rock Ancap! <3
You guys are amazing! Way to go @sircork!
You got my vote and my resteem! I'll be following you guys.
de verdad que me alegra mucho saber que hay gente que quiere ayudar a quien mas lo necesita. Me llena de alegria saber que ayudan a gente de mi pais por que aunque algunos tenemos almenos comida todos los dias otros no tienen nada, Espero poder ayudar en este proyecto mas adelante de verdad gracias de parte de todos lo venezolanos y de verdad mil gracias a todos los que apoyan y sobre todo a @youarehope por llevar todo esto adelante
I hope I can help you more... please help me with my grandfather's treatment, I have no money to afford it, and I want to know if steemit community is up to help me.
I sincerely wish you the best for your grandfather's needs, but unfortunately YouAreHOPE cannot get involved in cases for individuals, we work at the larger scale level, usually involving entire orphanages, whole villages or schools of children numbering into the 100s at a time. We do not have the infrastructure or funding to confirm or manage the hundreds of individual cases that are presented to us. The same 100 steem an individual needs can be used to feed or clothe or provide medicines or hygiene supplies or educational materials or other fundamental needs like shoes etc, to hundreds of people at a time in disadvantaged economic regions, so we are simply unable to address individual needs and maintain the value we provide to our recipients and the accountability to our donors that our missions mandate.
Good luck, I am hopeful for you that the community at large here will voluntarily lend a hand if they can, on a one-to-one basis.