Haha, I love the video of the JAAAAAR of Yunk!
'Yunk Yunk Yunk knuy' lmfao
The Story of the Mythical Jar of Yunk
The Himalayas is where we set our scene.
Palms sweating, head aching, @stellabelle sunk to the cold rocky floor. At least there she could find comfort; further away from the sirens of anticipation ricocheting around the bleak air, echoing over and over in her drowned mind.
'Yunky yunk yunk' she chattered. She heard a melodramatic response. 'YUNK' something bellowed in the distance. A shot of euphoria was injected into her.
She chased the sound to find a dark, eerie cave. She heard a person passing up and down inside the room. Everything was tinged with a cocktail of excitement mixed with the slightest hint of nervousness. Has she found what she was looking for? Now all she felt was pure, undiluted terror, ongoing and rampaging inside of her mind like some beast as this mysterious figure approached her.
She waited for her impending doom, doom that was already blossoming like some blackened lethal fungus inside of her. The figure loomed closer to her however she realised it was @yunkzilla. 'Yunk Yunk Yunk' they both howled melancholically.
The Jar Of Yunk was formed!In sheer contentedness @yunkzilla started to secrete this white liquid, @stellabelle swiftly took out her jar collecting every drop of yunk that was released and there...
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@arckrai Now everyone will be chasing @yunkzilla for a jar of yunk ... lol good job :)