Best Comment Wins This Jar of Marshallow Yunk: Free Shipping

in #yunk8 years ago (edited)


Yes, it is true! Yunk now has products, it's official.

Watch the video to understand how you can win this Jar of Yunk:

And here's the Jar of Yunk, that will I will ship for free to the person who writes the best comment below:


What should you write about? Tell me why you want this Jar of Yunk. (hint: the more absurd, the better).

Yunk it Like You Mean It on Steemit

btw, I sort of look hot in this picture. Maybe I should put it on Tinder?


Getting My Yunk On,

[vote for @yunkzilla and @drakos for witnesses.]

I'll announce the winner tomorrow..


Haha, I love the video of the JAAAAAR of Yunk!
'Yunk Yunk Yunk knuy' lmfao

The Story of the Mythical Jar of Yunk
The Himalayas is where we set our scene.
Palms sweating, head aching, @stellabelle sunk to the cold rocky floor. At least there she could find comfort; further away from the sirens of anticipation ricocheting around the bleak air, echoing over and over in her drowned mind.

'Yunky yunk yunk' she chattered. She heard a melodramatic response. 'YUNK' something bellowed in the distance. A shot of euphoria was injected into her.

She chased the sound to find a dark, eerie cave. She heard a person passing up and down inside the room. Everything was tinged with a cocktail of excitement mixed with the slightest hint of nervousness. Has she found what she was looking for? Now all she felt was pure, undiluted terror, ongoing and rampaging inside of her mind like some beast as this mysterious figure approached her.

She waited for her impending doom, doom that was already blossoming like some blackened lethal fungus inside of her. The figure loomed closer to her however she realised it was @yunkzilla. 'Yunk Yunk Yunk' they both howled melancholically.

The Jar Of Yunk was formed!In sheer contentedness @yunkzilla started to secrete this white liquid, @stellabelle swiftly took out her jar collecting every drop of yunk that was released and there...

Congratulations! You have won! Are you on Steemit Chat?

@arckrai Now everyone will be chasing @yunkzilla for a jar of yunk ... lol good job :)


I'll turn that Marshallow Yunk into Miracle Whip with my dick bout dat :)

Not going to breakfast man, have to work! See you in Steemit..... lol

LOL @leotrap .. I don't blame you haha

Yunk like you mean it! You can even steem it!

Freshest comment ever. Come and give it a yunk.

The Yunk would be a perfect addition to the edible room I'm building in my house. Think Gingerbread house, but a Mass-Scale 13' x 15' Room with 10 foot high ceilings! Yunk is the precise component that I need for the Mortar to keep my room from crumbling down ... Although if it crumbles, at least it will taste delicious with some Yunk!!

Also, the Yunk will allow me to build an adult-size one of these inside the room!


very yunky comment!

Whatcha gonna do with all that yunk
All that yunk inside your trunk
I'ma get get get get you drunk
Get you love drunk off my yunk
My yunk my yunk my yunk my yunk my yunk
My yunk my yunk my yunk my lovely little yunks

Somehow, I feel this should involve @pfunk. :-)

I can hear this song in my yunk.

This Yunkadelic jar of Yunk will be roasted over a fire creating a Yunk shagadelic treat baby4c1c89f98bbcfc931fb7390b5382830aa99b0cbb367088f65d11067e824ab380.jpgupvoted and resteemed.. I support Yunk especially @stellabelle 's yunk.

Pretty fu*king yunky comment! me likes

me likes Yunk

I truly love this post and how cool is that.
A jar of Yunk 😁
This yunkjar will be shared with yunky friends eating yunkjar with yunky yunkspoons and burb Yunky words in yunk languages.. While drinking yunkbeer Lol

giphy (1).gif


Could not understand you with all the sound effects :P


this jar of yunk has me thinking fluff and also a cloud in a jar :) if I won this jar of yunk I could pretend it's my very own cloud nine of yunk :D

oh, pretty freaking good answer!


I am wondering how you are going to send it in a faraway land of mine! 😂

it says 'best comment wins'......

You are close to win @ishratamin! Is a good one!

Omg! Thank you for Sharing @stellabelle :*

I Want to be STACKIN some YUNK HAHA

This yunk will be added to my collection of pre-existing yunk. From hear I will control the majority of all yunk, starving the populations of my kingdom. leaving my subjects in fear of what will happen if yunk supplier and harvest are running low. Ever this or just eat it @stellabelle

Lol this is hilarious ! I'm not worthy of winning this... not yunk enough 😂

I thought the same! lol

That gave me a good laugh on the train, I started to repeat YUnK in different ways lol.

I would be honored to win the holy jar of YUNK because it's Yunk powers I'd like to Summon

Oh, nice post

Ah yes.... you have gathered enough yunk to fill a jar! Quite an impressive feat. An accomplishment that would take an average yunkling a week to produce. Knowing your recent introduction to yunk, I am proud to know such a yunk savant as yourself.
Coincidentally in my travels gathering my first jar of yunk is when I first gazed upon the yunkback whale (my report of on him was completed 2 days ago)
Seeing as I have a plethora of yunk jars. I must withdraw my comment from the competition and hope that a worthy yunkling will win.

ah, so yunky of you. Thanks for the story!

Waking up, watching the yunk vid.
Feels creepy and satisfying. I like it. ;)

Put that on tinder and
Yunk it like it's hot...

Yunk Yy Yife. Yi Yanna Yeel Yunked Yorever yand yeel yall yhat yunk yall yover Yy Yody...Yunkkkkiliciousssss!

I need yunk to fill my yunksters with yummy yunk and to spend all my yunkcoins on promoting all the yummy yunk so everyone can be yunked and get yunky rich.
Yes promotion of yunk filling to give those yunk is great. Even better if the are trying to bring the yunk to others. Much Yunk love

btw have you seen the yunkcoin I posted? Yeah I got bored I call it the First Yunk Witness coin

Hi @stellabelle, I seriously just made marshmallow rice crispy treats for dinner. Maybe your yunk would enhance my next meal.

You do look hot @stellabelle You should put it on Tinder for sure. You look a hell of a lot better than the Catfish I have been dealing with on there. I'm waste deep in catfish over here.

Crypto punks like yunk in the trunk!

that photo of me looks nothing like me....ha ha! I was on Tinder for a day, then deleted the app. I'm on the Pon Farr schedule anyway....

Sometimes, I just want to be vapid, but I won't let myself.....except when I do.

what catfish?

Hahah, Nice! I had to look up Pon Farr. You are a bigger Treky than me!

Catfish is a term used oftentimes for gay guys who are pretending to be hot girls so they can talk to straight guys. It doesn't have to be a gay guy but a lot of times it is. Basically just deceiving the person and talking to them online with someone else's pictures.

Just the other day I was talking to a catfish who stole some girls pictures and also created an Instagram account as well. We get to exchanging phone numbers and unannounced the gay catfish sends a side shot of themselves with no pants on pretending to be a girl who is bootylicious.

Needless to say I was like WTF!!???!!!!

You should maybe try Bumble and Coffee Meets Bagel if you felt that Tinder was too wolf packy.
With Bumble the women contact the matches first and with Coffee Meets Bagel you only get served up a few potential matches each day. It seems to be a more sophisticated bunch. Like here it will be a lot of successful women and there is a general notion that it is more for serious relationships.

I would like to first apologize please forgive me oh the great yunk of the universe. For I do not know what I have just yunk.


Image credit: stellabelle edit with Lunapic

pretty good! yunk yunk

Nice post dear

I'm still learning about yunk. Interesting concept. :)

For old times sake (think a year ago), come visit my latest post and see if you like it. If not, I get it. I'm here right now (for old times sake).. return the favor? :)

This YUNK of yours, will it make me bigger, stronger, faster, better....or just make my hair fall out and my muscles fall off, and then 3 days I go deaf and blind as well?
Hmmm, not sure if I want to win now.

You got an upvote & resteem from me.
Steem on beyond the moon, we will watch as it goes way past it, are you in for the ride? Good luck to us all.


Marshmallows are wowie
Thanks for the gift mate @Stellabelle hi

Let's talk about Yunk, baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about Yunk!

I do not want this jar of Yunk so please do not send it to me at my present location- Central Mental Hospital, padded cell. 35 block B, Haymarket, Dublin, D7. Ireland,

sO mUcH yUnK sO lItTlE tImE

I just want to yank it out of your hands and don't tell you why I want it. :-)
OK, even in most remote chance that I win, send it to someone in US. May @sykochia in STL. The footprint to ship to me is too big.

I just came to see what this was about and.. wait what.. what is this?

This is #yunk <3

What a fun post to read :D

Since it's gluten free fat free and cholesterol free yunk, I think it turns into steem dollars when you spread it on your toast!

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