Fair play to the Austrian government. I'm not sure who was behind the poisoning of the former Russian spy and his daughter but it is a very odd affair. I'm not sure what Russia would get out of all this backlash, it doesn't make too much sense.
As for Theresa May well I can't quite call her the globalist puppet yet but I am increasingly having my suspicions. She was not the true right conservative leader I had hoped she would be. Coupled with her approach to Brexit, where she has allowed for a 21 month transition period in which we are still members of the EU after we have 'left' I am becoming more angry with her by the day. She needs to stand down, and then you and I both know who needs to step into her role.
But of course she is a puppet, wearing headscalves when meeting the representatives of Islam ! Pushing now Brexit to 2022 from all accounts when most of the people who said no to Europe will be dead and buried and replaced with the younger sorts that still believe she is not a puppet, oh lord the millenial gen are a sad bunch really ! Taking everything at face value, instead of looking behind the mirror and seeing the true agenda nad manouevres of this international criminal cabal !!