British government arrests its own citezens for offending Islamists while trying to coverup 47 years of rape,sale, even murder of young girls ! Now they pull this
British government arrests its own citezens for offending Islamists while trying to coverup 47 years of rape,sale, even murder of young girls ! Now they pull this
It was strange how it tied in with the Saudi visit .. and you just know there are many interests that want the Russians out of Syria. There are so many potential causes of WW3 on the table at the moment. The middle east, India & Pakistan, Turkey seem to be building up to something plus we have Russia situation you've just highlighted, we live in troubling times my friend :(
yes we do indeed @perceptualflaws ( Erdogan is even threatening militarily Europe if they do not allow his Country entrance into the " Union " of Europe ! Can you hear the drums and the sound of guns being loaded all over Europe right now in basements of the No Go zones ?? Yes the plan for the greater Israel is in full swing with all the actors now demasked ! We see the pieces of the game that has been thousand of years in the writing ! Hidden by the sands of the desert and with the lies carried on its wind ! We are facing the full might of the Cabal of the most despicable Evil not seen since millenias !
Fair play to the Austrian government. I'm not sure who was behind the poisoning of the former Russian spy and his daughter but it is a very odd affair. I'm not sure what Russia would get out of all this backlash, it doesn't make too much sense.
As for Theresa May well I can't quite call her the globalist puppet yet but I am increasingly having my suspicions. She was not the true right conservative leader I had hoped she would be. Coupled with her approach to Brexit, where she has allowed for a 21 month transition period in which we are still members of the EU after we have 'left' I am becoming more angry with her by the day. She needs to stand down, and then you and I both know who needs to step into her role.
But of course she is a puppet, wearing headscalves when meeting the representatives of Islam ! Pushing now Brexit to 2022 from all accounts when most of the people who said no to Europe will be dead and buried and replaced with the younger sorts that still believe she is not a puppet, oh lord the millenial gen are a sad bunch really ! Taking everything at face value, instead of looking behind the mirror and seeing the true agenda nad manouevres of this international criminal cabal !!
Those damn globalists, first they turn the frogs gay and now they try to start World war III.
I see from your account name you are probably one of these new accounts recently created here to go about your normal duty of cracking inane jokes on serious posts which require introspection !But yes true @gayretard the DNA effects of BiPhenol A in water supply from plastics and pollution are a proven fact ! Nothing will be the same after their reign of insanity and plan of the destruction of the World !Yes well World War three will be a nice escape route for them from this surfacing of their need for young flesh and blood ! Well at least in this one we will not have to pull on a unifrom and go to war as this one will come to us while we sleep and in our pyjamas ( i will be intreseted to see your reply yo this )
Looks like people like us are stuck between the cabal on one side and the moronic masses on the other. Is there a way out of this madness?
Yeah even now here on steemit we are seeing this tendency of stupidity rise ! Look at the comment from the self proclaimed @gayretard to see of what i am talking about ! yes lots of devious bad people and a drove of mindless "useful" idiots ready to jump on the next political movement that comes out to protect and save the " poor impoverished minorities! The solution i dont really know, more than likely there is but one, our own death ! One thing for sure i am tired of seeing, hearing and reading these idiots war on reason , good practice and sanity in this world !
I feel like you do. I am just glad I am old and on my way out and don't have to live in the world they are creating for themselves.
Really now @herrleeb )) thats really so nice of you to to say as i do try and stand off against this growing "idiocracy" which seems to be ruling the show right now ! But wow at what coat mentally as its tiring to face each day the stuff i am reading and seeing really ! But I do try to be somehow a lighthouse in the dark ocean )) Look at this take a look at the comment i left )) Thats pure @gomeravibz, in the thick of battle and taking no prisoners )
Just read the post and your comment. I agree with you, however personally I have stopped to comment on idiotic posts. Nothing good comes out of it. People are so caught up in their reality bubble and stupidity that it is impossible to get through. You cannot convince these fools, the discussions mostly just get more heated and polarized. We live in a post fact world. Opinion matters. Sad. You cannot cure stupid.