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RE: Lessons On The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion

in #zionism8 years ago (edited)

Convince Henry Makow, and you will convince me. Let me know how things go...

You might want to keep in mind some of his work, like

Also (citation):

Bernard: In all those studies and discoveries I found a document, that they are claiming is bullshit of course. The Protocols of Zion. And nowadays I recommend everyone to read the whole of that incredibly boring document, just work through it and read it through.

Schiffers: We are talking about Zionism.

Bernard: Yes. Of course. If you read the Protocols of Zion and really study them and understand then it is like reading the newspaper of the daily life. How from their position of ultimate power, and ultimate it has literally become, but that is only because the people do not stand up for themselves. They don't recognize what reality is. And we have all been programmed, if you dare to say you are against Zionism, then you are branded an anti-Semite. Then you are .. they try to .. The negative, you can say evil, the Luciferians, the Satanists, whatever you wish to call it, It is a real entity. I have found that what is written in the Bible and not just the Bible, you can find it in so many books. [30:31}

Find the rest here:

Etc. etc.

I'm sure that Dr Makow can handle you, Bleedpoet. He has an email on his website where you can tell him the Protocols of Zion where written by whoever...

Write the man. You'll entertain him, I'm sure.

Ciaò. I'm off to visit a Monastery this week. One of these:

Please pray for me, that I not become an atheist! I'll pray you don't become fully God!
