(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons)
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
( https://steemit.com/kr/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency-2-n-bank-analogy )
( https://staging.busy.org/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency-2-n-bank-analogy )
2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
Sequel of
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (1/n) - Street Artist Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 거리 화가 사례.
( https://steemit.com/kr/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency )
( https://staging.busy.org/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency )
2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
I went to Steem bank where I have savings.
I withdraw my inflation, my bank account interest.
The bank teller gave me Steem coins.
Bullies and robbers took and throw away my interest coins.
I called police and people, and they say that
it is justified in Steem to rob and throw away the interest coins in a week,
if the robbers and bullies think that I don't deserve it, no evidence needed.
That's how Steem DownVote works.
Do you think Steem with Down-Vote is money or Currency ?
Absolutely, NO.
Steem with DownVote is just bully or robber witnesses's killing/robbing field, and Bullets, not Coins.
I think some victims can sue the robber or bully witnesses/downvoters for the robbery to real world police or court.
[Related Writings]
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (1/n) - Street Artist Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 거리 화가 사례.
( https://steemit.com/kr/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency )
( https://staging.busy.org/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency )
2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.
( https://steemit.com/kr/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency-2-n-bank-analogy )
( https://staging.busy.org/@bewarecenterbase/steem-demerit-steem-with-downvote-is-not-money-or-currency-2-n-bank-analogy )
2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase
(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons)
[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.2.1 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.
( https://steemit.com/kr/@bewarecenterbase/steem-for-freedom-code-of-conduct-downvote-downvoting-manslaughterers-list-update-v-2-1 )
( https://staging.busy.org/@bewarecenterbase/steem-for-freedom-code-of-conduct-downvote-downvoting-manslaughterers-list-update-v-2-1 )
2019.09.23.Mon.11:10 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,
For Freedom Of Speech,
_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.
The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters
If you like, select anyone below and
downvote Now and Anytime.
@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.
@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.
@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@ibc, @condeas : German Content-Nazi,
@smooth = @smooth.witness,
@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @photoholic : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.
_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote
@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop
@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.
@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork
Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.
@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,
@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,
@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,
@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,
@xeldal@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress, , @emrebeyler,
@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,
_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,
which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.
_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,
_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.
If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.
It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.
Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.
_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.
_7. Automate Resistance Process.
Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.
_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.
Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.
_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem
Or If you dislike battle field,
_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,
until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.
(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.
You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )
If you want to see more list to Down-Vote, please see below.
[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?
( https://steemit.com/kr/@bewarecenterbase/2cbcn-steem-hf21-steem-hf21-what-to-down-vote-with-hf21-down-vote-power )
( https://staging.busy.org/@bewarecenterbase/2cbcn-steem-hf21-steem-hf21-what-to-down-vote-with-hf21-down-vote-power )
2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,
Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,
기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.
관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.