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RE: 우리는 지속가능한 삶을 살고 있는가

in #zzan5 years ago

(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons)

[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.

( ) ( ) 2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase

Sequel of

[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (1/n) - Street Artist Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 거리 화가 사례.

( ) ( ) 2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase


I went to Steem bank where I have savings.

I withdraw my inflation, my bank account interest.

The bank teller gave me Steem coins.

Bullies and robbers took and throw away my interest coins.

I called police and people, and they say that

it is justified in Steem to rob and throw away the interest coins in a week,

if the robbers and bullies think that I don't deserve it, no evidence needed.

That's how Steem DownVote works.

Do you think Steem with Down-Vote is money or Currency ?

Absolutely, NO.

Steem with DownVote is just bully or robber witnesses's killing/robbing field, and Bullets, not Coins.


I think some victims can sue the robber or bully witnesses/downvoters for the robbery to real world police or court.


[Related Writings]


[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (1/n) - Street Artist Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 거리 화가 사례.

( ) ( ) 2019.09.16.Mon, 17:53 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase

[Steem: deMerit] Steem with DownVote is not Money or Currency (2/n) - Bank Analogy. [스팀蟲: 단점] 다운보팅 있는 스팀은 화폐가 아니다. 은행 사례.

( ) ( ) 2019.09.23.Mon, 13:19 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase


(Revived and Will be Revived, Sometimes To DownVoters' Readers, Voted and Related Accounts, For Freedom of Speech, Right for Writings to Survive, Right to Show both Pros and Cons)

[Steem : For Freedom] Code Of Conduct : DownVote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers. List Update v.2.1 행동수칙 : 다운보팅 학살자를 다운보팅 하자.

( ) ( ) 2019.09.23.Mon.11:10 (utc+9), by @BewareCenterBase,


For Freedom Of Speech,

_1. Let's Down-Vote DownVoting-ManSlaughterers.

The followings are known Content-Nazi
and Commie People's Court Bamboo Spear Red Guard Man-Slaughters

If you like, select anyone below and

downvote Now and Anytime.


@oldstone =@slowwalker =@wisdomandjustice (=@veronicalee ) : kr worst man-slaughterer.

@howo = @steempress : Content-Nazi by day, Commie Bamboo-Spear by night, All time Man-Slaughterer.

@patrice=@spaminator=@prowler=@mack-bot=@mack-botjr =@mack-fund : worst man-slaughterer, biggest enemy of Steem

@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.

@ibc, @condeas : German Content-Nazi,

@smartsteem, @smooth = @smooth.witness,

@corn113, @steemitlsh, @westport, @himapan, @photoholic : kr Commie Bamboo-spear.

_2. Remove From Witness Support and Down-Vote

@patrice, @themarkymark, are the worst witness to drop

@steempress, @smooth.witness,

@clayop : kr top witness, Commie Bamboo-Spear to the bones, disguised good writing advocate for his own hidden interests.

@clayop, @asbear, @ocd-witness, @ats-witness , @noblewitness=@sircork


Top Witnesses who are for Down-Vote-Pool HardForks.

@roelandp, @yabapmatt, @good-karma, @gtg, @blocktrades,

@themarkymark, @someguy123, @cervantes, @aggroed, @smooth.witness,

@therealwolf, @anyx, @ocd-witness, @timcliff, @ausbitbank,

@curie, @thecryptodrive, @followbtcnews, @clayop, @drakos,

@xeldal@lukestokes.mhth, @jesta, @steempress, , @emrebeyler,

@liondani, @riverhead, @actifit, @busy.witness, @bhuz,


_3. DownVote-Hide their comments,

which can make them self-voters and then downvoted by themselves among man-slaughterers.

_4. Write Much More, Even Copy and Paste, to Dry-Up DownVoting-ManSlaughterers' Power,

_5. Be Proud of Negative Reputation.

If your writing is automatically hidden, Show your writings to Man-Slaughterers' Readers or UpVoted Individually.

It's the Auto-Hidden Writers' Right, To show Writings individually.

Copy and Paste your Hidden Writings to Man-Sluaghterers' Every Posts, Comment, and Every Readers' or UpVoted's Writings, individually.

_6. Make Much More Accounts to Fight For Freedom.

_7. Automate Resistance Process.

Or At least Make it Easy, Just Spread Your Writings, Copy and Paste
until DownVote Function is Removed From Steem.

_8. Make Situations Complex, To Kill Man-Slaughtering Bots and Programmers.

Vary Self-Vote or Not, Voting %, Voting Time etc.


_9. Repeat Persistently As Above, if you love Steem


Or If you dislike battle field,

_10. Leave Steem and Never Look Back,

until you hear No-DownVote HardFork and Steem becomes peaceful place.


(This Writing is Copy-Left by @BewareCenterBase.

You can Copy-And-Paste anywhere in Steem
For Freedom of Speech and To Remove DownVote Function From Steem.
and to Make Steem Peaceful Place. )


If you want to see more list to Down-Vote, please see below.

[steem蟲:HF21] 남아썩는 다운보팅 파워로, 무엇을 다운보팅 할 것인가? [steem:HF21] What to Down-Vote with HF21 Down-Vote Power ?

( ) ( ) 2019.08.28.수.08:45, by @BewareCenterBase,

Steem Hard Fork 21 ( 이하 HF21)
다운보팅 파워가 도입되어,

기존 HF20 이전에서
업보팅 파워를 소모하여 다운보팅 할 수 있도록 한 것에서,
다운보팅을 업보팅과 별도의 파워를 사용하여 할 수 있도록 하였다.

관련 글들은
이 글의 아래 목록에서 찾아 볼 수 있다.

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