PostsCommentsPayoutselyuris (47)in Weekend Experiences • last yearIn the virgin forest of the "Henri Pittier" National Park hides "El Chorrerón", a waterfall of more than 70 meters that will leave you breathless, its route will not be forgotten for tourism lovers. In the virgin forest of the "Henri Pittier" National Park hides "El Chorrerón", a waterfall of more than 70 meters that will leave you breathless, its route will not be forgotten…elyuris (47)in Outdoors and more • last yearThe route starts in the town of Los Teques where a group of cyclists meets at the Los encantos railroad station, from there we take the old Venezuelan railroad that leads to the beautiful port.La ruta inicia en el pueblo de Los Teques donde se reúne un grupo de ciclistas en la estación del ferrocarril de Losencanto, desde allí tomamos el antiguo ferrocarril venezolano…elyuris (47)in Outdoors and more • last yearThe entrance to the park from Chacaíto is about 100 meters east of the Boyacá monument, on the road of the same name. He is one of the most famous and most active people.The entrance to the park from Chacaíto is about 100 meters east of the Boyacá monument, on the road of the same name. He is one of the most famous and most active people. To get…elyuris (47)in Mayvileros • last yearYa cayendo la noche en un fin de semana tranquilo y alegre disfrutando de tantas emociones de un juego de Béisbol -Already falling the night in a quiet and joyful weekend enjoying so many emotions of a baseball game.Como en todo estadio o juego se debe de iniciar el juego de pelota con el himno nacional de Venezuela o de cualquier país en que se juegue , en el Fútbol es de los dos que están…elyuris (47)in Weekend Experiences • last yearBegging for a tail we left Todosana with the wind in our faces and arrived at Urama. Urama is one of my favorite places in La Costa, it is a must stop, it is my happy place.Begging for a tail we left Todosana with the wind in our faces and arrived at Urama. Urama is one of my favorite places in La Costa, it is a must stop, it is my happy…elyuris (47)in Outdoors and more • last yearSo enjoy these views that my beautiful country Venezuela presents to you. one of the most beautiful landscapes of our mountain and for your delight.Pico NaiguataWell today we go deep into the depths of our great mountain or hill as many caraqueños call the Avila many put improper or unwanted names to this majestic mountain, full of…elyuris (47)in #introducemyself • last year¿Quién soy?Mi nombre es Elyuris Marrero, tengo 34 años, nací en Caracas,Venezuela Tengo muchas ganas de saber. Soy una persona que hace muchas preguntas y cuestiona todo. La curiosidad se apodera de mí y muchas veces me lleva a discutir fuertemente ¿Quién soy? Mi nombre es Elyuris Marrero, tengo 34 años, nací en Caracas,Venezuela Tengo muchas ganas de saber. Soy una persona que hace muchas preguntas y cuestiona todo. La…