It's rare that I allow myself to eat chocolate but sometimes I can't resist. It's not good for someone like me considering my health issue however I've learned that through denying myself completely I run the risk of obsessing about it and that's not a nice feeling. So, I strategically plan out a time to eat some chocolate and ensure that the chocolate I eat is top quality and as low in sugar as possible.
This afternoon it felt appropriate to engage in a little treat by way of some Lindt chocolate. I didn't eat the 70% cacao version you see in the image, I had the 95% cacao which is far lower in sugar. It's bitter, and not sweet at all, but to me it tastes that way considering how little sugar I usually eat. I made a coffee and indulged in a couple pieces of 95% Lindt chocolate and totally enjoyed it!
A couple of pieces equated to 50 grams in total - ok so more than a couple pieces - but that 50 grams of 95% cacao Lindt chocolate only totalled 4.6 grams of carbohydrates of which only 1.4 grams was sugar. That's low. In comparison, 50 grams of raw carrot has 2.5 grams of sugar in it so that shows how low in sugar the chocolate was.
When compared to plain Cadbury chocolate the difference is vast.
50 grams of Cadbury chocolate has 29 grams of carbohydrates of which 28 grams is sugar so yeah...a massive difference...which is why I don't eat Cadbury chocolate.
I really enjoyed my chocolate today and eating it felt doubly good because it had a negligible effect on my health, a guilt free treat. Would I rather eat the 70% Lindt chocolate or Cadbury chocolate? Well yeah, it tastes so delicious, but my overall life is worth more than the instant gratification a sugar-loaded treat provides and I know I'd feel disappointed and angry with myself for caving in; I'm a disciplined guy and applying discipline is important to me.
What's your treat and why and how often do you have it? Feel free to comment below if you'd like.
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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I make my own Bounty bars with desiccated coconut, condensed coconut milk and Happy Chocolate. I make 9 of them once a week or so between 3 of us. I simply cannot articulate how delicious they are and I give no consideration whatsoever to how much sugar they contain:)
None for me...but I'd be pleased to accompany you on a Bounty bar eating session, I'll just have coffee and enjoy living vicariously through your enjoyment.
Not much enjoyment for me, fucking fuckety fuck balls.l, but I'd make it work though.
Are you certain I couldn't tempt you?
I don't have or allow sugar in my house. I'd guess my treat would be bacon which I have less than once per month.
When I can convince myself and someone else to go out for breakfast I know my order before I walk in the door. "Bacon and eggs, over medium, Hash Brown potatoes and Wheat toast." You can have what ever you like when we go to breakfast, but I know :)
Bacon is a great treat...I indulge more than i should. Lol.
Hach browns man, love them...too many carbs for me but I'd make an ex exception at breakfast with you.
I often get a "big breakfast" which here involves eggs, mushrooms, hash brown, sourdough toast (I don't eat the toast), wilted spinach, chorizo, tomato, bacon and usually avocado and sometimes baked beans. I don't eat for a week after it. Ok, not a week, a few hours at least!
Good to see you around Tom! Was just randomly thinking about you. Hope all is well with you and the bike out west there.
It’s good to stay away from sugar for sure but one can eat bacon more than once a month! Just stay away as much as possible from fake fats like margarine, crisco and other industrial chemicals.
Hi Galen, my whim is a particular cheese, apenzzell cheeses, a Swiss cheese that years ago was very difficult to find, unlike now. In fact, it is so standardized in its sale and price (it used to be very expensive) that I don't find it so whimsical anymore.
I like cheese, a nice snack and no carbohydrates which works for me. I have a gourmet supermarket close by me abd they have a massive selection from around the world so that's where I go to get the good stuff.
Good morning Galen, I hope it's a great day, I'm going to go to bed. And about the cheese, if you can try it, let me know.
Best regards
I'll see if they have that cheese there and try it if they do.
👌; I'll see you in a few hours.
Dark chocolate is fabulous, but 70% is the darkest I go. My go to is cold and creamy, so plain yoghurt it is and this is where it goes awry....dark chocolate chips, or a homemade mulberry syrup with berries, or crushed pineapple lol....oh damn, talked myself right into having some. Later!
I like yoghurt too, there's a particular vanilla one I get that is quite low in sugar and I have it most mornings for breakfast with some granola (low carb) on top. It's pretty yummy. (I don't add chocolate chips though. Lol.)
I must admit that reading your numbers has shocked me, I have eaten too much chocolate with too much sugar, and carbohydrates and fizzy drinks, and so much poison that I almost visited the underworld.
Yet my guy keeps giving them to me, does he want me to die? 😂
Yes, I understood that too much chocolate with sugar is toxic.Maybe just one is not.
I'll be watching the numbers from now on, I'm going to watch over my old age.
To hell with the best chocolates in the world.🤦🏼♀️
It's really easy to simply eat the things we find tasty but there's often a downside and so some moderation is required, and possibly it's best to seek alternative options that might be less impactful on health.
I'm in good shape, not overweight at all, fit and generally physically healthy, something I work at. Part of that is eating the right things all the time and only having those alternate options I mention above rarely. It takes discipline, but I don't feel inclined to have a life of health issues and tondying earlier than I need to, it'll happen without me pushing it along.
It seems to me an excellent life plan, it took me a while to be aware of it... although sometimes I allow myself (and my husband seduces me), some treats I try to be quite moderate.
It's all about discipline.
Besides, this country is an excellent candidate to proclaim itself sugar free, we used to be one of the largest producers and now it does not even support the national consumption.
Without knowing it contributes to the maintenance of our diet regime.(Sarcasm)
I don't read Spanish but I know buena probably means "good" right?
The automatic Translate betrayed me again and I lost control over it 😬.
Yes, certainly Good is a word that acknowledges that something is right, and that your plan is very well focused.
I should learn a little more English to stop my dependence on translators, and at least to answer these dialogues.
Good evening to you
I understand that some folks need to use translators to communicate. I don't like them as they tend to mix things up a lot so communication can seem disjointed. Still, if you don't speak English and I don't speak Spanish (I do not) there's little choice.
I LOVE English really much,i had been studying for some time, but i didnt practiced the necesary for that i have loss some habilities.
To hispanic people the English language represents thousands opportunities.
In my own opinión,languages couldnt be a barrier among individuals.
These comment are free from translation.
It's definitely something sweet for me.. Can be cakes and ice cream! Hehe! I don't have pre-fixed frequencies, it's rather mood dependent lol!
Yeah, it's easier for people who don't have health requirements, hopefully you never have to worry about it and if you do, hopefully you have the discipline to do what's required.
I have actually cut down on treats or do I say that have been able to control my craving for anything that would impact on my health, especially considering my age. It takes a lot from me but staying around much longer is more important to me.
A little self control is a good thing and can help support one's health and wellbeing. It also makes a treat more enjoyable when one has it.
Kind regards. I am glad to know that you are attentive to the amount of chocolate you can eat. I confess that I love chocolate and here where I live because of how difficult (rather expensive chocolate is) with respect to the salary, I consume it when it appears. I have to be careful because the truth is that I am overweight but I can hardly ever buy chocolates because of the need to buy basic necessities. Chocolate ice cream is for me the taste of paradise. Keep taking care of your health.
I think having some in moderation is not at all bad, many overindulge though. I hope things improve there so you can enjoy chocolate whenever you like. 😏
I have stayed away from sweets for too long that when I ate a kitkat a few days ago I didn't like it. I used to like it when I was younger, but now it is just too sweet. My treat nowadays are just good sashimi. I had a hamachi sashimi recently and it was really good. It literally melts in the mouth and the flavor is very rich.
That tends to happen with sugar and I'm the same when I have something that is overly sugary, it doesn't taste as good as I thought it used to.
Sashimi is a good treat, yum!
Lindt, really? 😂 I’ve already eaten too much of it. This chocolate is very popular in Europe because it’s made in Switzerland. Everyone gives us this chocolate for Christmas and birthdays. Grandma always gives me some when I visit. 😂 But the best chocolate in the world is Milka!
We have Milka too and I've eaten it, years ago, and enjoyed it. I actually like it better than Cadbury. My favourite is Lindt and Haigh's chocolate though, the latter is made right here in the part of Australia I live.
i'm not familiar with Cadbury or Haigh's chocolate… I'm not sure if we have them here. But it doesn't matter, Milka is still the only chocolate I eat.😂 Kinder products are also good, but unfortunately, there’s just too much milk in them, so I can't eat them often.
I have fallen out of love with sweets; now I don’t want chocolate and candies at all. I like to eat a piece of wild red fish with salt or half a kilo of beef (yesterday I cooked 1 kg of beef heart, it was incredibly tasty with adjika).
I know a few like you, my dad didn't like sweets for instance; it's not uncommon.
My dad has always been a fan of dark chocolate, but even more so now that he needs to deal with diabetes and keeping track of his blood sugar. Luckily it is a pretty mild case for him, so he can still indulge a bit. I used to hate dark chocolate, but I almost prefer it these days. I don't think I could do 95%, 70% might even be pushing it, but the blue ones are pretty good. It's possible I have had the 70% before, I can't remember now.
I find 70% far too sweet these days so don't have it, but it's amazing the difference is sugar levels between Lindt and Cadbury's right? Sugar really isn't very good for anyone in any great quantity, but people down it with seeming impunity. Strange huh?
I'm a sugar fiend, so I can't really speak to that. Knowing processed sugars aren't the best for you, I have been trying to cut down though. Being from the US I am more of a Hershey's guy than a Cadbury guy, but I was just telling someone else the other day that I think most all chocolate in the US is far sweeter than other places in the world. We are proud of our sugar here and put it in pretty much everything! Probably why I enjoy it so much, I grew up with it...
We have Hershey's here too, it's not bad, although sweet as you say. I think America has the monopoly on sugary foods; not bad if one can tolerate it. Ok, not really good at all if I'm honest. 😂
Yeah, it's not good. I used to live in town where they process sugar from beets and you would think the terrible smell would turn you off from sugar, but it apparently doesn't. Madonna grew up there and is famous for calling it a smelly town. Everyone got offended, but she wasn't wrong...
Madonna grew up in beetroot town? Who would've thought?
I lived for a while in a cane town and when they burn off one smells the sugar...it's not a bad smell though; what's bad is all the fucken tiger snakes that come slithering out of the cane fields during the burn off's.
I'm not a fan of snakes, so that would be a definite no for me. I think Madonna moved around a bit when she was younger, but some of her time was spent in that Michigan town. Sometimes it smells like fresh baked peanut butter cookies to me, but other times it just smells like raw sewage!
During summer my favorite treat is probably ice cream. I eat them few times a week. I like a few different ones. These ones a lemon flavored. I also like ben and jerry's half baked. But they are expensive so I buy them rarely.
I like ice cream too, but I can't have it so I end up with a very low sugar one that, whilst ok, isn't anywhere near as good as the other sugary version. Oh well, I do what I must.
I adore chocolate but due to dietary restrictions can't eat sugar, salt and alcohol.. :-(
I try to find substitutes, like some ice creams with stevia or dried fruits.. But the chocolate with sugar - mainly dark - is amazing.. I' ll try the one you suggest although I had eaten one with 95% cocoa and was rather bitter..! Take care!
There's always an alternative to discover I guess, but I think what's the most important thing is to do the right thing by one's health. Well done and keep it up.
Well, I didn't know there was such a big difference between the two chocolates! It's impressive, but if it's bitter and of good quality it's always much better for your health.
It's great that you can give yourself that little treat but with discipline.
Before, many years ago... I always had a craving for chocolate, it was caused by the lack of magnesium in my body. 8 years ago I took magnesium and the craving for chocolate went away, now I eat it very occasionally.
My treat could be ice cream, I don't eat a lot of it, but a small one twice a week. It's not bad for me but I control what I eat all the time.
Fuck magnesium, I'd rather eat chocolate!
But you would have to eat 200 grams per day!!!! hahaha to get the equivalent of the 400 mg of magnesium you need! 🤣
I also eat chocolate but not much, I'm not that keen on eating it. I don't know why I don't eat but I like to eat
You like to eat it but don't know why you don't eat it. Seems like some soul-searching is required and maybe you'll work out that conundrum.
You said right whenever you totally denied yourself to eat something...the obsession to eat that item increases....
Nowadays i also try to eat healthy but to be honest I can't resist myself to have Cadbury...even just before 5 minutes I had it 😅😅
But I tried to have a small piece 😊
It is good to read how you treat yourself 😀
I have a level of discipline that some others do not I guess; but if people don't have medical conditions that don't respond well to sugar then eating chocolate is ok. So eat away if it's not causing you harm.
There are times we deny ourselves of some things to stay healthy. But moderation is the mother of all.
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Seeing this picture remind me of my childhood memories. Enjoyed this chocolates so much.
Nice to know.
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