PostsCommentsPayoutshelen-of-light (46)in #coronavirus • 5 years agoThe Deadly CoronaVirus Spreading within the United States and Canada, CAN'T BE STOPPEDCLICK ON THE ABOVE VIDEO WHICH HAS SINCE BEEN SHADOW BANNED FROM TWITTER TO LEARN HOW DANGEROUS THE CORONA VIRUS IS AND WHY OFFICIAL IN THE UNITED STATES REFUSE TO STOP THE…helen-of-light (46)in #coronavirus • 5 years agoChinese doctors say Wuhan CoronaVirus reinfection is even deadlierThe Laboratory Engineered Corona Virus is even more deadly if you get reinfected after recovering from it. Instead of creating immunity the virus can reportedly reinfect an…helen-of-light (46)in #coronavirus • 5 years agoCORONA VIRUS: China Government Censoring Death Toll NumbersCorona Virus is spreading fast, this very infectious and deadly virus which was released from a government laboratory in Wuhan, China may kill up to 36 MILLION ( 15% fatality…helen-of-light (46)in #coronavirus • 5 years agoCORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC COMING, how to prepareCORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK is out of control, Mainstream Media is covering up THE TRUTH Doctor in Wuhan warns that the CoronaVirus enters the body through the EYEBALLS, making N95…helen-of-light (46)in #cornonavirus • 5 years agoDoctors Shilling Vaccines for Drug CompaniesDoctors have become puppets for the Drug and Vaccine Companies Many Medical Doctors and Talk Show Hosts who have been misinformed by the CDC and AMA about the safety of…helen-of-light (46)in #coronavirus • 5 years agoCORONA VIRUS How Could a Vaccine Already be in the Process of Approval?CoronaVirus as harmless as the Common Flu? Death Toll: 26 Victims Infected: 830 People Affected: 33 Million Suspected Case: 1 in Austrlia, 5-6 in Canada, 5 in Scottland, 2…helen-of-light (46)in #cancer • 5 years agoCancer Cures from JapanWhen the Truth about Cancer crew went to Japan, a Dr. Shin Akiyama, MD who began his career in 1989 as a Specialist in Chemotherapy, around year 2009, Dr. Akiyama started…helen-of-light (46)in #vaccine • 5 years agoPARASITE IN VACCINESPARASITES IN VACCINES? Most of you now know that Vaccines have very toxic and even poisonous ingredients in them that do cause Autoimmune Diseases, Cancers and Brain Damage but…helen-of-light (46)in #measles • 5 years agoVaccines and Antibiotics linked to Parkinson's DiseaseWe now know that those that sell and promote vaccines only care about their huge profits and $100,000.00 bonuses. These criminals that injure children and adults will never…helen-of-light (46)in #measles • 5 years agoMercury in Vaccines and Amalgam Dental Fillings damages the BodyMercury toxicity and neurodegenerative effects The Mercury in Vaccines and Amalgam Dental Fillings are far more dangerous than that eaten in fish unless you eat that fish 3…helen-of-light (46)in #measles • 5 years agoMumps Virus Outbreak on US Warship caused by VaccinesA US warship has been quarantined at sea for over 2 months and has been unable to make a port call due to an outbreak of a viral infection similar to mumps. 25 sailors and…helen-of-light (46)in #meales • 5 years agoUnvaccinated kids are Healthier than Vaccinated ones said DoctorDoctor explains how the Unvaccinated kids are way healthier than the Vaccinated children. How is it that Autism is stated by the doctors to be a genetic disease but in 1978, 1…helen-of-light (46)in #autism • 6 years agoTHE MOST IMPORTANT POST YOU'LL EVER READCANCER virus was in Vaccines and GUN CONTROL, Invasion Happening If you have always believed that your own doctor was there to protect you, think again. Most people who study…helen-of-light (46)in #vaccine • 6 years agoEPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS AND GUILLAIN-BARRE SYNDROMEAbstract Five patients with Guillain-Barré (G.B.) syndrome, aged from 18 months to 27 years, had very high levels of antibodies to Epstein-Barr (E.B.) virus. All five had…helen-of-light (46)in #neuopathy • 6 years agoVaccines Linked to NeuropathyVaccines cause many Autoimmune Diseases. Most of the time, the physical symptoms of Vaccine Damage can not be seen with the eye. Testing may not reveal the entire extent of…helen-of-light (46)in #alzheimers • 6 years agoVaccines, common sense leads you to Question the Safety of VaccinesYour money hungry doctor may tell you that Vaccines are completely safe but you common sense tells you that the toxic heavy metals namely Mercury and Aluminum added to Vaccines…helen-of-light (46)in #vaccine • 6 years agoYES, toxic and deadly Mercury are still in VaccinesTo all who ask if toxic Mercury in the form of thimerasol are still in Vaccines ( Flu Vaccines included ), the answer is YES! Even though you are told by your Vaccine promoting…helen-of-light (46)in #dtube • 6 years agoShocking Truth abouth Vaccines: Disease Created by Vaccines are SkyrocketingYes, thousands upon thousands of children have developed Disease right after their Vaccination. That is why smart Parents have began video recording their baby or child before…helen-of-light (46)in #dtube • 6 years ago Married Singer ANDY HUI caught kissing Kenneth Ma's Girlfriend Jacqueline Wong 志安心穎獨家影片曝光 馬明恐哭成淚人Too sad to hear that Married Hong Kong Singer Andy Hui cheated on his wife Sammi Cheng who also is a singer, with actress Jacqueline Wong ( Jacqueline is actor Kenneth Ma's…helen-of-light (46)in #vaccine • 6 years agoSide Effects of the Influenza FLU ( inactivated ) VaccineIf you or your child has had the Influenza FLU ( inactivated ) Vaccine, you may develop the following side effects In my own experience, it seems to be safer to take…