PostsCommentsPayoutsniha (63)in BDCommunity • 4 years agoWrong Decisions Can Change Your Lifesometime we take some decisions that's impact our whole life .So if you want to make a decision, first consider the implicationsniha (63)in BDCommunity • 4 years agolifeSorry for deleted this article .niha (63)in Ladies of Hive • 4 years agoWE ARE NOT CONFUSED ..Everyone says girls are very confused. I don't think so. We make thoughtful decisions. We like to think deeply. It does not mean that we are confused. I think confusion means…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 4 years agoবিজয় উল্লাসের গল্পবাবা আজ সকালে টিভিতে দেখলাম সবাই স্মৃতিসৌধে গিয়ে ফুল দিচ্ছে । আজ কি কোন বিশেষ দিন?হ্যাঁ খুকি আজ মহান বিজয় দিবস । অহ এজন্য কি সকাল থেকে মাইকে আজ ভাষণ শোনাচ্ছে ? আচ্ছা বাবা বিজয়…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 4 years agoI AM BACKHallo Falk, I hope you are well. After a long time, I became active in a hive. I think it's like the story of a movie. Suddenly I lost myself. Everything was random. Every time…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoMood affects our livesOh Sam I’m not in a good mood don't bother me. I don't know why I'm in a bad mood. So I don't want to talk to anyone. What will I do now? Have you ever been emotional or have…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoI disappointed my parentsSometimes I feel I can’t do anything. Truly I am a useless girl. Every time I disappointed my parents. I have no goal in my life and I never think about what I will do in the…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoHAUNTED PALACEAt midnight I was walking on the street. Suddenly someone was calling me, but I couldn’t see him. Yet I was walking. I didn’t understand where I was going or why I was…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoআমরাই বাঙ্গালি ঈদের দিনে ঝগড়া না করে থাকতে পারি না ।যদি ঈদের দিন সকালে তোমার বাসায় ঝগড়া না লাগে সো সরি , You Are NOT Bengali . আজ ফেসবুকে লগইন করেই দেখি আমার আম্মা দুঃখের সাথে ফেসবুকে সকালবেলায় এই আবেগময় স্ট্যাটাস দিয়েছে ।অহ…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoRAINY DAYToday the sky is covered with black clouds and it seems that it will start raining soon. In this weather I like to eat khichuri. But now I can't tell my mother to cook khichuri.…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoআজও আমার আধো আধো ধ্বনি কেউ শুনতে পায় না ।বিকেলে পার্কে বসে শিশুদের খেলা দেখছিলাম । বাবা তখন আমাকে হাওয়াই মিঠাই কিনে দিলেন । হাওয়াই মিঠাই খেতে লাগলেই এক মুহূর্তেই শেষ হয়ে যায় । তাই আজ হাওাই মিঠাই না খেয়ে হাতে ধরেই…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoRESPECT TRANSGENDER PEOPLEHey Everyone, I hope you are well. But I don't know why I'm upset. Yesterday my friend sent me a video and I was stunned to see that video. Have you ever seen a transgender…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoBLACK GIRLYes, my skin color is black. That's why I don't feel bad. But when someone compares my skin color with others. At that time I can’t say anything. I don't understand why people…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoHIVE IS THE BEST PLATFORM FOR EVERYONEHey everyone .I hope you are well by the grace of Allah. I have been sick for a few days. I think I have a fever due to the change of weather. Everyone will pray for me.…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoখুকুর জামা কিনতে পারলাম নাবাবা এবার আমারে ঈদের জামা কিনে দিবা না। আগের বার রুকু আপা আমারে তার পুরোনো জামা দিয়েছিল তুমি বলছিলা এবার আমারে নতুন জামা কিনে দিবা। আর শোন এবার ঈদে আমরা পোলাও খামু । আমি…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoWhen will we understand?Source Why do we discriminate between people? Allah created us all So, Everyone has an equal right To live in this world. But many times we…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoFriends foreverFriendship means everything. And I have many friends in my life. I still can't forget them. Nafi was my best friend in school. We sit on the same bench every day. Sometimes we…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoLifeSource Life is a beautiful gift why are we frustrated with our life? Sadness will come in our life Then we have to wait for the right time After that we will…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoThe life of the sellerI couldn't sell a Singara all day. I don't think anyone will come to buy Singara today . Even then I was waiting when suddenly a little boy came up to me and said- Grandpa you…niha (63)in BDCommunity • 5 years agoসেকাল আর একালের গল্পকয়েক দশকের ব্যবধানে আমরা হারিয়ে ফেলেছি হাজারো স্মৃতিময় দিনগুলো । সেকাল আর একালে তফাৎ চোখে পড়ার মতো । আগে বাড়িতে টিভি থাকলেও ডিশের লাইন ছিল না তাই বাবা এন্টেনার ঘুরাতে…