nvh00001 rebloggedlovelingling (76)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago“电梯惊魂”当你乘坐电梯的时候,电梯突然出了问题,你会紧张吗? 额,我就碰到了这样的事情。准确的讲应该是前日傍晚,我乘电梯下楼去吃晚饭,和我一同下楼的还有一位酒店的工作人员,电梯行至五楼的时候,突然停顿了下,此时我还听到电梯有异响。 源自 pixabay…nvh00001 rebloggedkhaleelkazi (81)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoWhat Its Like Building in the Bear Market▶️ Watch on 3Speak Working on anything in crypto - or even investing in it, for that matter - means living in a world that moves at 1000x speed. The outside world moves…nvh00001 rebloggednonameslefttouse (76)in #life • 2 years agoNo Names Left To Use There is a time and place for every place and time. So, I thought I'd put that little line there and now; it's mine. Seems cool enough but I won't take a bow right now.…nvh00001 rebloggedlmac (73)in Let's Make a Collage • 2 years agoLet's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 146 - ✨138 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨LMAC Round 146 - New Challenge! Countdown terminated on Oct 31, 2022, 10:59 PMnvh00001 rebloggedleaky20 (77)in Worldmappin • 2 years agoAix-en-Provence FranceAfter visiting the town of L'Isle sur la Sorgue , we made our way to the city of Aix-en-Provence where we stayed for three nights during our second visit to the Provence…nvh00001 rebloggedarcange (78)in #hive • 2 years agoPresenting HiveAuth at Oklahoma State UniversityThe Blockchain Ideas Summit at Oklahoma State University took place today . A few high-profile people were expected to be there, people who might be able to nationally…nvh00001 rebloggedjongolson (80)in The CTP Swarm • 2 years ago#MyHiveGoals - Decisions Upcoming!#MyHiveGoals - Decisions Upcoming!nvh00001 rebloggedacactus1013 (74)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago理想型班主任老师儿子转学快半个月了,这段时间,从他每天上学放学的表现和作业情况来看,可以说转学,他适应得很好很快,这甚至超乎我的预料,当我还在担心他无法适应新环境偷偷哭鼻子时,儿子已经用自信的笑容打破了我作为一名母亲的单方面焦虑!…nvh00001 rebloggedaliento.love (68)in Aliento • 3 years agoAliento's Top 7 - Community Curation #011Queremos animarles a seguir creando contenido de calidad para Hivenvh00001 rebloggedmiketr (72)in #deutsch • 3 years agoDer Start der SPS Rewards für unsere License diese Woche und der zu erwartetende ROIDer Start der SPS Rewards für unsere License diese Woche und der zu erwartetende ROI Liebe @slicense Shareholder hier einige Infos zum Start der SPS Rewards unserer License…nvh00001 rebloggeddalz (80)in #threespeak • 3 years ago3Speak Stats September 2022 | Activities, Users, Votes The SPK network keeps evolving. The LARYNX claim chain went live back in March and in August some SPK incentives started going out to node operators. Reminder that there is an…nvh00001 rebloggedjongcl (72)in Liketu • 3 years agoTrip Throwback 002: Blissful by the Beach🧘♀️🌱How I wish this weekend I'm here - by the beach under this tree, soaking in the salty air, bringing me a sense of peace and calm. Welcome Hive friend to the second post of…nvh00001 rebloggedmatheusggr (70)HiveBR BR Defenderin HiveBR • 3 years agoConsciência por Karl JaspersFonte: Pixabay + Canvas A vida psíquica imediatamente acessível, realmente vivida, é como a espuma que boia sobre as profundezas do mar. K. Jaspers (1883 - 1969) se tornou um autor imprescindível paranvh00001 rebloggedenginewitty (76)in FungiFriday • 3 years ago🍄Is Fungi Friday Still a Thing?So, out around the spot where we are at temporarily, is some pretty fertile grounds. Some of it is shaded well and holds water to add to the leaves and sticks that the…nvh00001 rebloggedmeesterboom (80)in #life • 3 years agoZoodlesHey, have you moved the spiraliser? The Good Lady echoed weirdly from the depths of one of the kitchen cupboards in which she was so deep that only her bootie and hind legs we…nvh00001 rebloggedrivalhw (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years agoFirefox即将正式推出VPN服务上午的时候,收到FireFox发来的一封邮件:Your privacy is more important than ever . 打开后看了下,发现FireFox即将推出VPN服务,…nvh00001 rebloggedgubbahomestead (67)in Liketu • 3 years agoA First Loss On The HomesteadIt's been a bit of a wild ride here on the homestead lately. One thing I've learned is out here you get a deeper sense of connection to everything. I did a little harvesting…nvh00001 rebloggedfastchrisuk (74)Lightpainters Unitedin Lightpainters United • 3 years agoThe time we visited an abandoned WW2 bomb storeIncendiary lightpainting in a dark subterranean concrete storenvh00001 rebloggedmahdiyari (72)Testing...does it workin HiveDevs • 3 years agoHive-PHP - A real PHP library for HiveHive-PHP This one took a while despite having some demand from PHP developers. But it is finally here. The serialization and signing are done natively on PHP. Every line of…nvh00001 rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago来结婚吧:超美的婚礼殿堂你所期待或者经历过的婚礼是怎样的呢?是类似中国古代那种新郎骑着高头大马,新娘坐在八人抬的花轿?还是在大酒店里载歌载舞,宴请宾朋好友?又或者是在穿上白婚纱,在教堂里搞一把西式的浪漫婚礼? 我记得周蕙的《约定》中歌词开头这样写: 远处的钟声回荡在雨里,我们在屋簷底下牵手听 。 幻想教堂里头那场婚礼,是为祝褔我俩而举行 。…