samiasimo rebloggedsilversaver888 (80)FOUNDERin Ladies of Hive • 3 years agoSublime Sunday in MyCaliforniaI went the nursery the other day. The primroses were all in bloom! Primroses are so easy to care for. They are just hardy plants and appropriate for use in borders, garden beds…samiasimo rebloggedmirooo92 (40)in Education & Training • 3 years agoFiche conceptuel sur "Le plastique"🧐🧐🤓👌Challenge :Fiche conceptuelle didactique Ma fiche conceptuelle sur le plastique . • Cette fiche a été crée via l'interface wiki de "Didaquest" 🎯Source d'image Une…samiasimo rebloggedjesusbordones (44)in OCD • 3 years agoMy presentation on Hive [ENG/ESP]Getting started, anywhere, no matter where, is not easy. But it is certainly necessary. This is how I make myself known. My name is Jesús Bordones, I am from a country that once…samiasimo rebloggedwiem1997 (11)in Regional Press • 3 years agoStress Why are our children stressed? The main causes Why are children more and more stressed? Of course, there are major sources of stress, experienced in early childhood. But…samiasimo rebloggeddidactics (25)in Education & Training • 3 years agoAlphabetical-index-aAA to AZ: Didactics Alphabetical Index ◀️ Go to Principal Index 👈 ◀️ Go to Principal Index 👈 This hive didactics index will be updated…samiasimo rebloggedzouhoursouli (6)in Regional Press • 3 years agoQu’est-ce que la kératine du cheveu? et comment nos cheveux deviennent souple?🔊🔎historique : Ce n’est qu’au début du XXème siècle que l’américain J.Hoffmeir a réussi à extraire la kératine à partir de cornes d’animaux en utilisant de la chaux. origine…samiasimo rebloggedmirooo92 (40)in Education & Training • 3 years agoTout savoir sur le pétrole « L’or noir »🧐🤓🤓🚔🚎✈️🚀⏰⏳📈📊All about oil (FR/EN)Salut tout le monde des communautés Ecency , aujourd'hui je parle sur un sujet très important dans les domaines scientifiques, industrie économique environnementale et savoir…samiasimo rebloggedfatmamay (14)in Education & Training • 3 years agoIntroducing post😎😍😍😍😍👋💝💝🌷🌻(FR/EN)Hello everyone 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 I am a new member in the Hive ommunities. salut tout le monde je suis une nouvelle membre dans la…samiasimo rebloggedferdawsoes (30)in Education & Training • 3 years agoHello 😎🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺a new member with you😍😎(FR/EN)Hello, 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 I'm a new member here in Hive communities . I like so much to discover this world of web 3 full of experiences, information and…samiasimo rebloggedtonysamo (34)in Education & Training • 3 years agoL'histoire du l'or noir🎯🎯📈📈📈📈👌👌oil history (FR/EN)[Image source] Bonjour à tous les Hive membres, Aujourd'hui j'écris pour vous un nouveau sujet scientifique intéressant qui est l'histoire de l'énergie pétrolière. Hello…samiasimo rebloggedsarrasi3 (29)in Education & Training • 3 years agoNever give up 🙏👍👍👍💪It’s when I think it’s the end of everything that it may be the beginning of something else...🤓😊😊😍 C'est quand je pense que c'est la fin de tout que c'est peut etre le début d'autre chose...samiasimo rebloggedanitahorvatirl (69)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoSpiders as petsAre spiders good pets? Of course they are. In my opinion, they are the most easily maintained. Everything you need enclosure few sticks and spray pump for water.. Phippidus…samiasimo rebloggedmirooo92 (40)in Regional Press • 3 years agoHave you experimented with the rounds🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍁🍁🐨🕊️🐆🐺🧡🧡🧡The pleasure of a beautiful landscape which we appreciate only when we can move around it safely runs deep within us. The environment in which we grew up is particularly…samiasimo rebloggednabilhumanist (15)in Regional Press • 3 years agoWHY TRAVEL MAKES YOU AWESOMEFriends always ask how travel has changed me. If I look back at who I was before I began traveling and compare that to who I am now, I would have to say that travel has made me a…samiasimo rebloggedrafik75 (7)in Regional Press • 3 years agoArabic calligraphy Arabic calligraphy refers to the artistic practice of transcribing handwritten Arabic writing fluidly, in order to express harmony, grace and beauty. Source: This…samiasimo rebloggedmagra (9)in Regional Press • 3 years agoVidéo sélectionnée pour la nouvelle année 2022🌈 Challenge de la communauté Regional Press Ma participation au "Challenge: Video de nouvel an 2022" Challenge guideline en français Challenge guideline en…samiasimo rebloggedasiyato (25)in Regional Press • 3 years agoBeauty of life 🍬🍬😍😍🤩🤩🦄💐🌸🌸🍫🎇🎆🎉🎯🤾♂️🃏(En/Fr)Sometimes the beauty of life is in front of you and you don't see it, you just have to look well and think well.🧐🧐🧐🧐🤓🤓🤓🎯 Parfois la beauté de la vie est devant toi…samiasimo rebloggedsilversaver888 (80)FOUNDERin Ladies of Hive • 3 years agoWednesday Walk: New Development In My NeighborhoodHello, #WednesdayWalk -ers! The clouds have covered our California sun and it is rather "gloomy" when I took these photos. I am approaching my house ... the one in the…samiasimo rebloggedmiladmidou (14)in Education & Training • 3 years agoLa cellule animal et végétalLes cellules de notre corps n’ont pas toutes les mêmes fonctions. ** Elles n’ont donc pas tous les mêmes organites. Membrane cellulaire : La membrane cellulaire enveloppe la…samiasimo rebloggedmttok (68)in CCH • 3 years agoHappy birthday postcard / Karpostal ile mutlu yıllarHappy Birthday, I hope the new year brings us peace, happiness and health. At the end of the year, we have realized our dream of entering the new year with snow. // Mutlu…