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RE: Thank you Craig!

in #abuse7 years ago

Sorry for the ignorance but I'm trying to understand how these bots are working on this platform. What's the point on down voting someone else's post? Thought the intent of this platform was to help one another out? How does down voting one another help anyone out?


They basically are mad that I provided information showing their abuse of the reward pool. Instead of doing something about it, they are attacking me and taking away any rewards I get for my posts. Think of it when a 2-year-old gets a toy taken away, they kick, scream, and cry. The difference is, he has a big hammer to do damage to my rewards. He basically downvoted me about $1000, but that's $1000 his cult can't rape the reward pool with, so it's a good thing.

If that were the case, Haejin could just deny payouts and be done with the whole thing. Or publicly say he won't accept upvotes from rancho...and that would solve the whole thing, but Rancho is his proxy and the two of them are working together. This is evident on every post he's made in the last day or two.

I suspect that the extreme payouts being given in this case are nothing more than an orchestrated attempt to justify flagging attacks for the purpose of increasing the payout of the rich and infamous

There, fixed that for you. You really think the people who benefit minimally and indirectly have more to gain than the people who are actively making 100s of thousands with projections to make millions?

He said he is rich and doesn't care about rewards, he also said if @randowhale declined he would. I don't see that ever happening. Instead, he will take his $10-25K USD/day, and flag anyone who disagrees. No one will step in to stop him and the innocents will get punished.

I don't think i would deny the payout lol what about you ?

I might, if I was rich and my main concern was visibility, such as stated by @haejin. By denying payout, he would instantly stop pretty much all downvotes. The steemit community would have rallied around him had they continued. His image would have been far more improved vs the respect he has lost from many of his followers during this back and forth with many Steemians. It would have been a genius play.

I really like your other point as well. It would be interesting if we could find a reliably accurate means of measuring the percentage of the reward pool being downvoted every day and historically.

It's all in the blockchain.

The rules could be changed so the downvotes are burned not redistributed and measure the outcomes. If there is no change in behavior over time that would most likely prove that i was wrong.

That would create a situation with even greater power and benefit being given to those with higher stake. A downvote on anybody would mean a decrease in the supply of steem, increasing the value of their holdings. There are a lot less whales than there are of us.