One day, a woman named Patty was going home from work.
It was a boring Thursday and she had nothing to do.
On the way, she saw an advertisement of a circus.
Patty had a secret, she loved circuses, so she decided to go.
Meanwhile, in the backstage of the circus was six little, naughty monkeys playing and chattering away.
They heard a loud rumble and a snap.
That caught their attention.
They broke the door and ran towards the mysterious sound.
There stood a gigantic metal box(car) and light was shining through it.
All of the monkeys loved this mysterious object and wanted to go in it.
That was a huge mistake the monkeys made.
One of the monkeys broke the window by throwing a banana at it.
All of the monkeys somehow started the car and drove off.
Patty didn't know what was going on.
She was having a great time until the end.
When she came out of the circus, she couldn't find her car.
Her house wasn't very far so she could walk home.
When she started walking, a white familiar car ran past her.
"Could it be ?" She wondered.
"No it can't be, right ?"
Racing to every street was the monkeys.
They were destroying everyone's garden by running over it.
All of a sudden the car stopped and the monkeys started jumping of the car and pushing it forward.
The car was moving towards a garden and then they heard a splash.
The car had fallen into a pool!
The owner came out and saw the six monkeys and a car.
That is how Patty's new neighbor has 6 new pet monkeys and a car with a broken window.
This has been created by Amy during class based on the last photo(car in the pool).
[Photos from pixabay]
Thanks for visiting... ^^
Hahaha great story:)
Thank you! :)
Very nice.
Resteemed :-)
At all from these small, but very nimble significant
animals you can expect only the most incredible!Amazing story, @abdullar
They're so unpredictable and twirly.
That you will not notice how they steal something they liked.
I met such friends in our Safari Park )
Everyone had fun then.
매우 창의적인 사진
특별 게시물. 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다.
Haha!! Great story amy! Thanks for posting @abdullar:)
Amazing Amy ! :)
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@abdullar, Very good photography, I really like cars that are half submerged in a pond like the real ones. extraordinary
슬픈동화네요.ㅎㅎ 이제 이 원숭이는 이렇게 됩니다...

써커스를 보는동안 원숭이가
차를 끌고 가다니...
진화한 원숭인가바요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
ㅎㅎ.원숭이를 가장한 사람이었던 듯.....^^
Hi @abdullar
원승이들이 참 영악한 것 같아요
운전을 하고 가다니 ㅎㅎㅎ
창작물어어서 다행이예요. ㅎ
바나나에 차창이 깨집니까 ㅎㅎ
차창이 약하군요 ㅎㅎ
암튼 이야기 재밋게 보았아용 ㅎ
저도 창문이 바나나에 쉽게 깨질수 없다는건 아는데,
원숭이들이 차안에 들어가려면 창문이 깨져야 해서
그리고 좀 재미있게 할려고 그렇게 했습니다...ㅎㅎ(Amy)
무면허 운전이군요 ㅎㅎ
압둘라님 좋은 하루 되세요
혹성탈출 새 버전인가요?ㅎㅎ
ㅎㅎ 혹탈의 유인원이 생각나네요!!!
smart monkeys, fun travel stories
Wild story. Great imagination. 😎
:D Thank you!!
You're welcome
So creative and lovely. 에이미의 스토리텔링 재능이 돋보이는데요 ^^
Nice story Amy! Using the skills I taught you
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재미있는 이야기를 Amy를 창작하였네요.
어디선가 원숭이 놈들이 노는 장면을 재미있게 봤던 모양입니다.
이야기를 상상하는 사실은 나를 웃게 만들었습니다. 자동차를 운전하는 일부 원숭이는 바나나 (좋은 롤)로 유리를 부러 뜨 렸습니다. 당신의 출판 친구와 함께 우리를 다시 행복하게 해주셔서 감사합니다! 진심으로 귀하의 협조에 감사드립니다. 나는 당신의 다음 발행을 바랍니다! 인사말 : D
헉 ㅎㅎ원숭이가 차를 ㅜㅜ
Wow amazing story .monkeys were very naughty & the photography is wonderful hunt.
Haha loved it! Needed this story to start my day 😁
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Hi @abdullar amaizing
폭... 폭군 원숭이인가요!? 자동차를 ㅎㅎ
I once kept a monkey at home, but unfortunately in 2004 the monkey was carried away by the tsunami. I cried for 3 days feeling lost. I want to have it again.
Thanks for thisGreat story @abdullar
Monkey is not a monk^^ 사람들이 볼 때는 개구지고 장난끼가 많은 동물이죠 ㅎ
흥미로운 글이네요 ㅋ
Why do monkeys like to play with humans?
Monkey's are always love to play,they always want to have what we had. monkey's are genius too! great story sir i realy enjoy reading it..
Really they are unique animals, they are very funny and I really like monkeys 😃😍
Wow, this monkey is acting funny, my friend @abdullar
A very creative story haha.

My 11-year-old son read this story and said that Amy has good imagination.
Cute story. That’s a very nice car those monkeys broke into. They have good taste😂🤣
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