Lovely photos and thoughts. A thing that my wife and I have found fascinating is how people on the other side of the Atlantic are fascinated by American Indians (re: that box). If you are, I recommend the short stories and novels of Sherman Alexei. Even if you aren't, I recommend him. He's a really good writer. Looking him up, I found this article in the L.A. Times by him!
PundayThanks a lot @improv Really appreciate the comments and tip for Punday. Anyone reading this, go check out Every week we have a new pun comp, and every week regardless of whether your pun is genius, silly or terrible, my friend @improv gives a really generous upvote, and so do us other punsters, so swing on by for a look, it's a great comp..
Thanks for the recommendation on Sherman Alexei - I'll check out one of his novels, he seems like an interesting guy after reading his writeup in the LA times.. Indian culture is very interesting, quite similar to the aborigine people in Australia..