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RE: Yeaaah week 64 of the Steemit Beersaturday Challenge is ON - Show us your beer story

in #beersaturday7 years ago

Is it time for a Beer Saturday post again already!! Time is flying! Hope ye are all doing good



Interesting bottle!!

Ya that's what drew me to this one, and it turned out to be the best thing about it... Nothing to write home about at all..

That’s one wicked label. That is a lot of foam! You are correct some time freezing the beer can contribute to excess release of co2 in my experience.

That's good to know about the freezing, I thought it might be the case, but good to have it confirmed..

Same with stouts if they are too cold you loose a lot of flavor.

Awesome label, it would have attracted me as well - and as you say it would be rude not to buy it,

I'm often drawn in by the can/bottle art... Sometimes the beer is shite, but sometimes you get a gem.. This was somewhere in between..