Tell us YOUR personal story about a beer.
The #BeerSaturday is calling all Steemians to join and to win some prizes.
Just create a post around #Beer and enjoy the fun with a worldwide #beer community.
The weekly challenge
with a good story and a beer
about THAT beer
and ...
(C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday
Do you know any more supporter?
within the last 8 weeks we paid more to the steeminans with this challenge than we earn and the Pot is shrinking.
So, if you know any potential supporter for the challenge who might spend every week an upvote, please connect them with @detlev#4277 on Discord or comment here.

(C) by pixabay and modified by @detlev for #beersaturday - FREE TO USE!
like to motivate YOU
to create valuable content
around the topic of beer & ...The #BeerSaturday challenge
All the SBD from this post goes to the prizes and leftovers to the pot. All SP is for my work.
This is YOUR chance to blog about beer and get paid for this to buy a beer for the next week challenge
Have a short look to the simple rules of the steemit #BeerSaturday challenge and join this weekly Challenge where you may win some of our prizes.
The Prizes
Every week we give away some SBD and some BCBC.
We had to lower the prizes as the steem price is so low and as we don't got so much from the upvoting. So, please help to finde some more sponsors to higher the prizes again.#
This week SBD Prizes Value SBD Prize 2,5 SBD
2.nd SBD Prize 2 SBD
3.rd SBD Prize 1,5 SBD SBD Prize 1 SBD SBD Prize 0,5 SBD
This week SBD Prizes | Value |
---|---| SBD Prize | 2,5 SBD |
2.nd SBD Prize | 2 SBD |
3.rd SBD Prize | 1,5 SBD | SBD Prize | 1 SBD | SBD Prize | 0,5 SBD |
The beercoin prizes
We have every week 4500 BCBC coins (around 45€) from @Beerchaintech.
Means we have 5 more prizes
This week BCBC Prizes Value BCBC Prize 1500 BCBC
2.nd BCBC Prize 1200 BCBC
3.rd BCBC Prize 900 BCBC BCBC Prize 600 BCBC BCBC Prize 300 BCBC
This week BCBC Prizes | Value |
---|---| BCBC Prize | 1500 BCBC |
2.nd BCBC Prize | 1200 BCBC |
3.rd BCBC Prize | 900 BCBC | BCBC Prize | 600 BCBC | BCBC Prize | 300 BCBC |
To get Beercoins from us you need to have a ERC20 wallet like MyEtherWallet
The Steemit #BeerSaturday rules
Please have a look to be able to win.
1. Post with the challenge
Create quality content and not just one picture. Add some text! Have Fun
a. Picture a beer with 3+ pictures
b. Add a story about beer
c. use the Hashtag #BeerSaturday in your post
2. Win cool prizes at the challenge
As all is about quality content and boosting this main Steemit #BeerSaturday challenge post
d. Upvote this main Steemit #BeerSaturday challenge post
--> we count the percentage from your upvote as factor X
e. Copy the "link of your new post" into a comment to this main "Steemit #BeerSaturday challenge post" as your entry
f. Have people upvote on your entry at this post
--> we multiply this as well with factor X
g. The judges of #BeerSaturday may give a BONUS for great content, Resteems or other reasons
---> we multiply this as well with X
The BeerTicketLottery
engagement and a random number.The math of #BeerSaturday is a mixture of
From all that numbers everybody gets an specific amount of Steemit #BeerSaturday lottery tickets and we do the math and choose the winner by a random number - That ticket will win.
Means, a higher upvote to this main post - get's a higher chance to win the challenge.
This steemit challenge offers a fair chance - even to a tiny minnow - to win a prize. We calculate the winner by the engagement, amount of upvotes and by a random number prozess.
- You may post on any weekday but add our hashtag #BeerSaturday
- You might post more than one of your articles, bu only the one with most votes goes to the lottery
- I will check the results on Saturday midnight (California Time Zone) after I wake up on my sunday
The Pot
(C) by pixabay and by @detlev
The SBD generated by the weekly challenge posts and the weekly payout post is used for the Prizes. Any leftover goes to the pot.
Actual Pot
Value of Pot at end of
week 54 = 162,874 SBD
week 63 estimated 65 SBD
The earned SBD from the payout post from week 59 and the following weeks are not yet in the Pot. All this due Detlev travels.
Some very special beer lovers
As supporter and beer expert @buzzbeergeek
and @detlev (me) can't win prizes at this challenge!
We just make this thing possible every week.
Many thanks again to
for YOUR STRONG support
for YOUR STRONG support @ats-david @pfunk @twinner @reggaemuffin @beerchaintech @steemit-jp
Please vote our Sponsors for Witness
This week we love to have vote for ats-david and for reggaemuffin with just a few clicks
More Sponsors?
You like to be named as a sponsor of this contest, please do let me know!
If you enjoy beer - and I know that most whales enjoy beer - feel free to JOIN this challenge as supporting beer-loving whale.
Get / shop my book by steem
Enjoy & Engage Follow & Resteem
More from @Detlev
Alpaca Blanca - Shebeen Brewing Company
Gotta agree with @cryptictruth!! That picture on the front is class!! The beer looks tasty as too..
That can is cracking me up. Not to mention that beer looks and sounds good.
That can is cracking
Me up. Not to mention that
Beer looks and sounds gold.
- cryptictruth
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
That can looks amazing!!
Japan, Japan, Japan... I looove Japan!
Will the commercial beers be as good as the craft ones? Let’s find out!
Nice post with great photos!!
Is it time for a Beer Saturday post again already!! Time is flying! Hope ye are all doing good
Interesting bottle!!
Ya that's what drew me to this one, and it turned out to be the best thing about it... Nothing to write home about at all..
That’s one wicked label. That is a lot of foam! You are correct some time freezing the beer can contribute to excess release of co2 in my experience.
That's good to know about the freezing, I thought it might be the case, but good to have it confirmed..
Same with stouts if they are too cold you loose a lot of flavor.
Noted... Cheers..
Awesome label, it would have attracted me as well - and as you say it would be rude not to buy it,
I'm often drawn in by the can/bottle art... Sometimes the beer is shite, but sometimes you get a gem.. This was somewhere in between..
Cheers to week 64! It’s been kinda a stressful week so I decided to relax with this imperial oatmeal stout. Triangulation by Perrin
Nice to chill out with a beer after a stressful day and your deck looks sweet.. look at all that space!
I agree stout is great, and an oatmeal stout is even better.
Make it a BBA and you have the perfect combo.
Excellent photography as always
Thanks I appreciate it because I’m trying to up my photography skills.
Please include my first entry to the #BeerSaturday contest:
Welcome to the #beersaturday community. This is a great group of steemians. Cheers mate!
I also love the rusty trigger lager, great beer!
I also love the rusty trigger lager, great beer!
Hi beer lovers!

Here's my entry, enjoy!
looks like a very nice brew
Yes, good beers and friendly.
Welcome to #beersaturday!
Thanks, I'm happy to beer, sorry, to be here...
I love the color of the beer in the glass, it looks amazing!!
It's the best named beer event ever..
Shut the puck up!! Genius 😅
Yeah I love a pun, and pun that hints at swear words, well that is genius.
Yeah I love a pun,
And pun that hints at swear words,
Well that is genius.
- harveyword
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
Tomato in beer, I think I will skip that one!!
Hell yeah I was back again with a celebration beer. Because lets be honest, we deserve a beer every now and then!
True statement my friend. Cheers mate!
I love the label!!
RY!! That is good seeing you! Yeah was a bit of a flavorless beer actually, so it looked as how it tasted, but the label..yeah cool right!
I shall once again throw my froth-covered gauntlet into the ring with this adventure to be.....
Cheers, to a busy weekend!!
Having friends deliver their company on a long weekend so you can have a change of scenery and not have to travel is a gift. Having too many beers with an old friend is a blessing.
wow here we are in week 64. Goodluck stone strong lager from Ghana
Looks like a great lager!! Cheers!!
yaaaaaah week 64
Nice looking beer.
My entry this week:
I am not the greatest fan of fruit beers, I like the traditional beers more.
Scoop Dogg Cream Ale from North Carolina
Cool dog on the can!!
The can is worth the price of the beer!