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RE: Steem Life Post HF22(21) #NewSteem

in #busy6 years ago

Calling something reality doesn't make it so. How you can speak in such absolutes (your choice of the words "never" and "ever" in specific) is beyond me. You're either infinitely wise to speak in such a way or full of shit. There really is no middle ground on this one.

That said, I agree with what I'm going to call your "assessment" that oligarchy repels free markets, as history has provided plenty of evidence to that effect. But that's certainly not the same thing as saying that it's impossible for a free-market to emerge from within an oligarchical structure. Life is generally resilient, albeit inclined towards submission to its more aggressive members. Humanity is no exception. Evolution is a constant, which means, more or less, that anything is possible when it comes to social structures in the future.
