Steem Life Post HF22(21) #NewSteem

in #busy6 years ago

Moving Forward 3 Seconds at a Time:

The Steem blockchain, our developers and the community have had a busy couple of weeks. With Hardfork 21 and 22 behind us it is time to embrace the #NewSteem Culture.

We are officially in #NewSteem Territory and let's talk about what that means.

Let's clarify some terms first.

  • STEEM - The cryptocurrency of the Steem Blockchain and Community
  • Steem - The Blockchain
  • SteemIt, Inc - A Development Company and Large Stakeholder currently led by Eli Powell
  • - A front-end Application owned by SteemIt, Inc.
  • Stakeholders: Those who hold STEEM

#OldSteem Had Issues

The Mine and its Legacy:

When Steem was launched there were issues with the original mine which left some of our large stakeholders at odds. We have a better distribution now and it is continuing to improve. Dan and Ned are no longer around and whatever decisions and promises they made are in the past. I'm not going to get into the details, because it is the past and it is pointless to continue to discuss it #NewSteem - What's done is done, how do we move forward?

The Culture:

Perhaps as a result of the Mining issues or for other reasons some members of our community have been a bit toxic from time to time. Setting a Culture is dependant on Leaders and Influencers in the Community.

Everyone that holds STEEM, wants to earn STEEM or is Building on STEEM has a shared interest in creating something sustainable and of value. Let's embrace that shared goal. We can continue to fight about the how, but we are on the same team.


NewSteem is a choice. Yes, the past was messy and had all the issues of a bunch of people who didn't know what they were doing. That's reasonable, because no one had launched a social media platform on a blockchain before. However, we are getting better at this.

The changes in the economic incentives give us an opportunity to do a better job of keeping our blockchain clean and routing new Inflation to people who are adding value.

Recently there has been a paradigm shift that we can and should do this better, and I see most people embracing it.

The distribution is better.

We are getting better at working together.

We have better tools.

MIRA makes it more scalable and affordable for Witnesses and Application Developers.

We have the start of a Community Foundation

We have the SPS (Steem DAO)

We have Steem Engine Tokens and SMTs are up next.

Communication has improved

We treat STEEM like it holds value so that it will.


We are more than Social Media Now, we are a Society Powered by Steem.

We having blogging sites, Tribes, Games, Gambling, Markets and Market places, and we are always expanding.

We are Resilient we are working together to get through an ALT coin Depression and if we keep building our rewards will come later.

#NewSteem is here... time to get onboard.

Not many people want to join a team of angry, scared people.

Thriving is an Attitude, it is a Choice, and most people want to be a part of a winning team.

Let's do this!



Oligarchical structures never attract true, free market, entrepreneurs.


Negative actions (downvoting is a negative action) will never attract those who want positive, and expansive, environments.


The inability in these parts to smell the coffee, or see the wood for trees, totally - and utterly- confounds me.

HF21/22/23/24....(56?) are merely attempts to stick makeup on pig and call it angelina Jolie Ursula Andress.

Fundamental structural flaws will never go away with a bit of makeup.

It makes me sad to reiterate it, but the reality is the reality.

And reality really sucks for the self delusional.

Calling something reality doesn't make it so. How you can speak in such absolutes (your choice of the words "never" and "ever" in specific) is beyond me. You're either infinitely wise to speak in such a way or full of shit. There really is no middle ground on this one.

That said, I agree with what I'm going to call your "assessment" that oligarchy repels free markets, as history has provided plenty of evidence to that effect. But that's certainly not the same thing as saying that it's impossible for a free-market to emerge from within an oligarchical structure. Life is generally resilient, albeit inclined towards submission to its more aggressive members. Humanity is no exception. Evolution is a constant, which means, more or less, that anything is possible when it comes to social structures in the future.


What confounds me are the people who claim it is unfair and doomed and keep coming back...

I worked on a site that I ended up hating later. It was also a free speech site. It turned into gross men chasing around teen girls, hints on teen porn and outrageous idiots.

You know what I did, when I decided I didn't like it anymore? I left. I didn't go back and try to pretend I was smarter than those who still worked on it. I didn't make self-righteous proclaimations. I worked on it until I felt like it was past the point of something I wanted to work on and then... I left. I've never been back. I certainly don't go back and made I told you so posts. :)

What is the point? Are you trying to prove you are right, are you just not as sure as you think you are? I like you I always have, but you don't make any sense.. If you are so sure it is a failure, go away and stay away...

But you can't can you? Ever wonder what that is about? Smartypants?


I know the feeling - it's like trying to work out something that has never made sense, which means we don't know something, which is like an itch that needs to be scratched - that is why I'm here commenting on your post.

Because your account perplexes me more than any other account on Steemit has in three years. The platform is clearly being deliberately trashed - my main question for the past six months has been "how will the CIA be gaining from that?"

I've been told before that I don't know when to quit.

I've also had friends tell me if I do something I do it all the way...

The group of goons in slack hardly seem like the CIA... but who knows.

I don't need this to work. I want it to though. Not sure how or if the CIA is benefiting from my account .

They haven't told me.

Or are you saying I am a bot too?

A bot? no - but I have long wondered if you are a contractor - a key thing being that whatever the subject you swing both ways and hold no strong opinion.

Almost everyone has quit, most of the remaining accounts are fake, and you are doing posts about how great this hardfork is. Nobody voicing a genuine personal opinion would think that - they all think like this:

(PS. Note that since the hardforks I'm mainly upvoting my own comments rather than other people's, to prevent flagging - but that is not how a platform works)

Not once will you find a place where I have said I am excited about the hardfork.

What I did say, is that I will make the best of it and give it a chance to work.

I am excited about NewSteem. It might turn out like New Coke. Not much better, but if we sit around here fighting with ourselves..

Where does that get us.

I have plenty of strong opinions, I just don't have the annoying need to press my personal views on everyone else.

I'm comfortable in my own skin. I am fine with people agreeing and disagreeing with me.

I'll explain my point of view and you can take it or leave it.

Insisting that I think like am immature angry person who is losing, is odd. When I don't know how to make something work... I keep trying.

We have a long history on Steemit, and I have never said anything like this to any other person here - if I'm being up front with you now it's because I am sure that in any kind of mind games you can take me to pieces.

I suspect you are not what have previously told me you are (a mother in your mid 50's who lives in a caravan and only does Steemit as a hobby) - rather I think you are using this platform in some professional capacity - if nothing else the time and attention you spend on technical blockchain geek stuff just doesn't match well with your life story.

After hardfork 20 I tried a positive approach, but nearly all my friends quit - this time round I've basically accepted that it's all some kind of psyop, and I can't win this, but I'd still like to work out a few more things, hence the itch I need to scratch.

Team leader or hobbyist?

Nobody voicing a genuine personal opinion would think that -

You grilled that spot on.


cia contractor?
Have you considered investing in aluminum for all those hats you need?

Funny he brought that weird as it sounds. Years ago I made a similar statement on another blog site. It just seemed so totally unreal that extremely highly intelligent people were engaging with such idiots....which made the thought enter my head that maybe some blog sites are set up by intelligence agencies to draw out radicals....I admit at the time I was a moderator on a site that did a lot of middle eastern stuff but I don't think it's totally impossible of a probability.

I guess aluminium isn't a bad prospect - it's used in all the vaccinations that are used to make kids autistic...

Ah the name calling twat that everyone hates, anymore cliche bollox you want to add Mr normal? Boring asshole?

I didn't go back and try to pretend I was smarter than those who still worked on it.

Problem is they aren't pretending.

Sometimes it's better to stand aside a conversation than to try and engage on that kind of intellectual level. (Just some words of minor wisdom)

Very minor. :) have a good day sunlit.

Not really but some people like to be ever subtle about things.

Not really but some
People like to be ever
Subtle about things.

                 - sunlit7

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

$trdo@whatsup, I do believe @ned is still around but step down from his position, anyway he is around all those things isn't it?


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rising from the ashes perhaps? We can keep bitching in our echo chamber about all the shit in the past or we can embrace a fresh start and work together to improve all of our investments.I sort of think of #newsteem as a community starting over, fresh start,

We (as a community), have the opportunity to set the tone on a new beginning. It’s clear many are onboard, both small and large stakeholders, it’s now or never.

#newsteem is an opportunity to be what we always knew this place could be, and then go show it to the world.

Thanks for getting it started ❤️

We have to create momentum. It's time to let the past go and see what we can build as a team! Thanks for helping promote it.

NewSteem belongs to the community now.

Ministry Of Truth 1984 #newsteem #oldcirclejerk

“Oldcirclejerk” - have you seen you comment upvotes? Lol

Yes. New record for me 😊. There is nothing old in those upvotes. Thank you for your comment.

Posted using Partiko Android

To be honest I don't see why you guys are so excited. You hurt many good people on here to get at a few bad apples. I suppose you can't even imagine what it felt like for some half way to dolphin to find themselves back near the beginning. Most these people actually took the time to engage with people. In the meantime if you go over on trending there's a guy making fifty bucks to show you a four minute video off a rooftop of a resort, another videos taken off the web with a couple sentences underneath, essentially a copy and paste working it's way upwards in rewards, and acidyo writing new directions/rules down then bidding it up 63% with bots to over a hundred the meantime you guys shot people in the foot who'd been the up and coming around here to support the platform. How really pathetic and sad is that? I was just telling someone I was so glad that I didn't cave the many times I was finally going to give my license to an exchange so I could buy'd all been worthless starting two days ago. You really, honestly think that investors are going to come after looking at what you did to some people here? I am so, so thankful I didn't make that mistake, so thankful.

Take my worthless vote for speaking the truth.

I'll take that and raise you one....just don't raise me back it might cause me to

I was outspokenly opposed to the changes. I don't own enough stake to change the world. I don't think the math is the problem.

I think the culture is the problem.

Have to agree with you on the culture issue.
People can earn on here by learning the craft of content creation and applying it. Will take time but the site is a marathon not a sprint.

I was outspokenly opposed to the changes

The Steem blockchain, our developers and the community have had a busy couple of weeks.

One doesn't participate in something they don't like, they certainly don't celebrate it nor rub salt into the wounds of those who suffered from it. The problem this site suffers from is to much self interest, greed. Yes you can move forward without sticking the knife further into people's hearts, just find something else to write's just that simple. No amount of pushing this is going to make steemit's value rise, it was just the wrong answer. It caught to many good people along with the bad. Doesn't matter if it was small bad accounts or large bad accounts those who weren't bad were impacted in a negative way.

Like @whatsup I was not pleased about the EIP .. but it is what it is.

We were around for the super linear curve which really tilted everything in favour of the whales without any chance of it coming back to linear at some point.

I am curious though, how exactly has it hurt you? I just took a look at your blog and I'm not seeing much in the way of change, good or bad, on your posts.

If you can find where I said it was personally hurting me please do highlight that in a quote. I've never had high expectations on here, that doesn't mean I can't feel for the real people who have been hurt. I am not changing who I am, good, bad or indifferent, I'll forge ahead being who I've always been. It's a hobby, I don't consider it an investment unless I would have actually invested money into it. What I earn on here more than likely will be exactly where it currently resides the day I leave this earth.

No, you are wrong. Many people do participate in what they don't like...

Ever had a job, a marriage, played a sport, raised children. Good times come and go and you don't get to make all the decisions. I own 3k worth of Stake. I get to participate, not rule. That's your problem, you don't know how to compromise I guess.

I'm sure you going to tell me that's because you have such a strong character. That's what all my way or the highway people say.

It's this simple sunshine. Sometimes you don't get your way and you stay and work and hope for the best.

You make the craziest statements. I wonder if you have been successful before or if you shop at stores you hate and complain to the manager every time, instead of finding a new store.

I don't get you at all. I've been polite to you all along, I don't care that you disagree, but you don't even make sense. That gets annoying.

Ever had a job, a marriage, played a sport, raised children.

This isn't a job, a marriage, sport or raising children, some of those things are necessity and you do regardless. Participating in decision making on a blogging platform has a alternate choice available. If you decide not to participate your are not going to lose your job, marriage or children.

That's okay you don't get me, lots of people don't, that's why I stay on the outer fringes, it just works best for me. Yes you are polite but a bit to wishy washy for me. That gets annoying.

I don’t see what “we” did to anyone. The witnesses decided to change some things on the blockchain level, which has been done many times. We, those you are responding to here, are trying to make the best of it and help steer the community the right direction.

Your comment about “how does it feel” is short sighted, as how do you think it feels to buy and hold STEEM and watch it tank in value? It’s hard for everyone and some of us are trying to do is make the STEEM everyone holds worth more.

The shit on trending is being flagged, for the first time ever, and that means the rewards go back into the pool for those good authors. Now we need to work on content discovery and making sure that amazing content that is out there stops being ignored. That takes time, but for the first time (since I have been here), I see people actually working together to make it better... and that’s something I am going to get behind.

I don’t and didn’t support all these changes, but I very much can agree that something needed to be done or we would keep sinking. Sometimes change is hard and it takes time for these changes to balance out. No idea if they will work, but I’m going to work my hardest to help them work... because that benefits everyone here.

#newsteem is a new beginning, it’s up to us to decide where it goes next.

"I don’t see what “we” did to anyone. The witnesses decided to change some things"
Bullshit, steemit inc decided, steemit inc wrote the code, the witnesses follow like sheep, end of story!

Sounds about true to form for this place.

Look at this silly twat making manual comments. Someone has too much time on their hands!!

Your going to get behind it then I suggest you go removed your vote from one of the articles on trending I mentioned.

I manually vote everything, if my vote is on a post it’s because I intended it to be. Feel free to use yours how you wish too.. my actions are on the chain and I stand behind them. 🙂

It's that kind of attitude sinking the ship, votes in all the wrong places. If I remember right, (if) it was the guy doing the rooftop video....if if is correct that's pretty horrendous.

Not everyone is going to make the change. Most will. The rest will get left behind.

My goal is to make your investment pay... it may take a bit longer.. but it will last longer too. Get on board.

We have Steem Engine Tokens and SMTs are up next.

I haven't done enough research but, what is the difference between both of these? Do Steem-engine tokens run on a centralized server where SMTs are supposedly going to run on the blockchain itself?

Let's see if with this new mentality we can improve the quality aspect, social aspect and, in the long run, bring big value to STEEM.

Yes, you have that just right. The Steem Engine tokens are a privately owned business. the SMTs will be included in the blockchain and possibly eventually have their own internal market.

Yes, we have to give things some time to re-adjust.

idk know what it means yet, but i need to introduce #wusteem as a tag

:) ohhh.. I do sort of want a tag.

One of those references reminds me of the news story on pornstars with and without makeup lol. Hopefully it doesn’t turn out to be the rough one sans makeup and become something naturally radiant.

lol, this made me chuckle!

I wasn’t around for the old Steem so have no idea what that was like. And I have no idea what the new Steem is about since I am new here. :P

Hopefully I’ll get a clue soon.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Another Sybil account I see....who resurrected you out of the trash heap of dead one gets a 45 reputation score unless they were around for the old Steem. Nice try.

Welcome! Glad you are here.

i hadn't been aware that ned was fully gone from the show now? 🙈 he is still listed as director isn't he? but i guess that's not day to day involvement? 🤷
here's to newsteem🍻

The new steem is only a false perception and I believe the bleeding is not yet over.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm in the opinion that #newsteem rocks. And as @theycallmedan says we are a sleeping giant not a dead one :)

We have to stand our ground. We will see the rise of Steem again. 💪⚡

She may or may not be a tranny, I found looking at that pretty interesting. I also was curious for a bit if Michelle is Michael and has a penis.

At the end of the day, I'm not sure. There is a lot of propaganda on bothsides.

You know what... Either way, I'm going to sleep just fine tonight and have a nice breakfast in the morning.

I will not be overly concerned with things that have zero impact on me. :)

Like most American celebs "Lady" Gaga (clone of Amy Winehouse?) is certainly some sort of gender mix up and Michael Robinson wouldn't be of much interest to gay Barry if he didn't have a penis!

Interesting... I kind of fell in love with the mess Amy was watching some documentaries about her struggles, almost no question with her, especially after she was sickly looking. That was a skinny ass man if I've ever seen one. :)

Whatever she was or wasn't she had an amazing talent and pain that boiled through everything she did.

I don't care for gaga, she's a puppet, I'm not a fan. No matter what gender she might be. Just a plastic Celeb for the bored. The pictures are amazing though, I've never really looked at her much.

Amy was a tranny man, her dad is a friend of a friend. Most transsexuals it seems, from my 6 years in Thailand where there are many, tend to end their lives around 30 years old, looks fading and all that.
I am surprised you are open minded, as you generally only come across as a full on steemit nerd, full of positivity about this shit show that only enriches ned and his merry band of wankers and wankerettes!.

Ironically, this post is sort of like the old days - actual interactions from real users - just like 2017!

This site really could have changed things, like a model T ford, but now it's prospects are about as solid as a 29 year old tranny.

lol. it was, till she threw in her usual insults.

I am a full steemit nerd. I just think crypto including Steem has all the same problems as the rest of the world, because: Humans.

I think it was funny and niave to think Crypto was a special snowflake.

I've worked around people I do like and people I don't like my whole life.

I'm pretty open-minded about what other people think, wear, live, dress, do, ..

I didn't get off the world because it wasn't perfect, I didn't get divorced because it took some time to iron things out, I kept my imperfect children and enjoyed my jobs, even if I didn't always like or agree with my bosses. I don't own your butt hurt and your anger as my responsibility, but often I can relate or see the point of view and even agree.

I'm a realist. The angry ones are idealists, rebels or losers. I've always enjoyed rebels. :) Losers are losers no matter where they go. When I say loser I mean that poor misunderstood soul who is always fighting the system, can never get a break and is angry at everyone else for it.

If that's your game play it, but don't expect me to get caught up in it.

I feel bad for so many young people thinking they have to hate and fight with anyone who disagrees.

I like to talk about topics and try to understand other viewpoints. People are my favorite thing in the world.

sorry you lost me at the insinuations and insults stage, good bye.

I live for the #newsteem. Happy new year 🌞

Posted using Partiko Android

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Look at this silly twat making manual comments. Someone has too much time on their hands!!

Look at this silly twat making manual comments. Someone has too much time on their hands!!