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RE: Steem Life Post HF22(21) #NewSteem

in #busy6 years ago

Oligarchical structures never attract true, free market, entrepreneurs.


Negative actions (downvoting is a negative action) will never attract those who want positive, and expansive, environments.


The inability in these parts to smell the coffee, or see the wood for trees, totally - and utterly- confounds me.

HF21/22/23/24....(56?) are merely attempts to stick makeup on pig and call it angelina Jolie Ursula Andress.

Fundamental structural flaws will never go away with a bit of makeup.

It makes me sad to reiterate it, but the reality is the reality.

And reality really sucks for the self delusional.


Calling something reality doesn't make it so. How you can speak in such absolutes (your choice of the words "never" and "ever" in specific) is beyond me. You're either infinitely wise to speak in such a way or full of shit. There really is no middle ground on this one.

That said, I agree with what I'm going to call your "assessment" that oligarchy repels free markets, as history has provided plenty of evidence to that effect. But that's certainly not the same thing as saying that it's impossible for a free-market to emerge from within an oligarchical structure. Life is generally resilient, albeit inclined towards submission to its more aggressive members. Humanity is no exception. Evolution is a constant, which means, more or less, that anything is possible when it comes to social structures in the future.


What confounds me are the people who claim it is unfair and doomed and keep coming back...

I worked on a site that I ended up hating later. It was also a free speech site. It turned into gross men chasing around teen girls, hints on teen porn and outrageous idiots.

You know what I did, when I decided I didn't like it anymore? I left. I didn't go back and try to pretend I was smarter than those who still worked on it. I didn't make self-righteous proclaimations. I worked on it until I felt like it was past the point of something I wanted to work on and then... I left. I've never been back. I certainly don't go back and made I told you so posts. :)

What is the point? Are you trying to prove you are right, are you just not as sure as you think you are? I like you I always have, but you don't make any sense.. If you are so sure it is a failure, go away and stay away...

But you can't can you? Ever wonder what that is about? Smartypants?


I know the feeling - it's like trying to work out something that has never made sense, which means we don't know something, which is like an itch that needs to be scratched - that is why I'm here commenting on your post.

Because your account perplexes me more than any other account on Steemit has in three years. The platform is clearly being deliberately trashed - my main question for the past six months has been "how will the CIA be gaining from that?"

I've been told before that I don't know when to quit.

I've also had friends tell me if I do something I do it all the way...

The group of goons in slack hardly seem like the CIA... but who knows.

I don't need this to work. I want it to though. Not sure how or if the CIA is benefiting from my account .

They haven't told me.

Or are you saying I am a bot too?

A bot? no - but I have long wondered if you are a contractor - a key thing being that whatever the subject you swing both ways and hold no strong opinion.

Almost everyone has quit, most of the remaining accounts are fake, and you are doing posts about how great this hardfork is. Nobody voicing a genuine personal opinion would think that - they all think like this:

(PS. Note that since the hardforks I'm mainly upvoting my own comments rather than other people's, to prevent flagging - but that is not how a platform works)

Not once will you find a place where I have said I am excited about the hardfork.

What I did say, is that I will make the best of it and give it a chance to work.

I am excited about NewSteem. It might turn out like New Coke. Not much better, but if we sit around here fighting with ourselves..

Where does that get us.

I have plenty of strong opinions, I just don't have the annoying need to press my personal views on everyone else.

I'm comfortable in my own skin. I am fine with people agreeing and disagreeing with me.

I'll explain my point of view and you can take it or leave it.

Insisting that I think like am immature angry person who is losing, is odd. When I don't know how to make something work... I keep trying.

We have a long history on Steemit, and I have never said anything like this to any other person here - if I'm being up front with you now it's because I am sure that in any kind of mind games you can take me to pieces.

I suspect you are not what have previously told me you are (a mother in your mid 50's who lives in a caravan and only does Steemit as a hobby) - rather I think you are using this platform in some professional capacity - if nothing else the time and attention you spend on technical blockchain geek stuff just doesn't match well with your life story.

After hardfork 20 I tried a positive approach, but nearly all my friends quit - this time round I've basically accepted that it's all some kind of psyop, and I can't win this, but I'd still like to work out a few more things, hence the itch I need to scratch.

Team leader or hobbyist?

You realize I spent my career in management right?

Things broke, people scrambled to pick them up.

lol, about living in the caravan.

We sold our house suddenly and moved into the RV while we decided where to live. :) haha The husband is a couple of years away from retirement. Seemed like a reasonable option, until we settle. It wasn't out of poverty or anything.

I'm an ex start-up exec from the .com tech era. I love this stuff.

I was/am semi-retired, the kids are grown... I have the time I have the interest. I don't need the income.

This project has the potential or had the potential to be the biggest opportunity most here have ever seen. We've squandered much of that.

Now I'm emotionally invested.

I love crypto, I love tech, I don't understand all the details, but I like to know how things work.

:) Haven't you ever worked on something because you love it?

This place has no real characters left - with the odd exceptions of course.

It's getting blander by the week, from what I see..

Nobody voicing a genuine personal opinion would think that -

You grilled that spot on.


cia contractor?
Have you considered investing in aluminum for all those hats you need?

Funny he brought that weird as it sounds. Years ago I made a similar statement on another blog site. It just seemed so totally unreal that extremely highly intelligent people were engaging with such idiots....which made the thought enter my head that maybe some blog sites are set up by intelligence agencies to draw out radicals....I admit at the time I was a moderator on a site that did a lot of middle eastern stuff but I don't think it's totally impossible of a probability.

I guess aluminium isn't a bad prospect - it's used in all the vaccinations that are used to make kids autistic...

i hear it is also in deodorant... the investor case grows.

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Ah the name calling twat that everyone hates, anymore cliche bollox you want to add Mr normal? Boring asshole?

oh look, ms congeniality found a way out from under the rock.
did you get a boo boo or did someone piss in your wheaties to make you so humourless.

I didn't go back and try to pretend I was smarter than those who still worked on it.

Problem is they aren't pretending.

Sometimes it's better to stand aside a conversation than to try and engage on that kind of intellectual level. (Just some words of minor wisdom)

Very minor. :) have a good day sunlit.

Not really but some people like to be ever subtle about things.

Not really but some
People like to be ever
Subtle about things.

                 - sunlit7

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.