Charles left bitshares before we even launched protoshares mining and before any of the innovation in bitshares was conceived. At the time we were still thinking bitshares would be proof of work. The final pegging solution wasn’t locked down until a year after he left. He does get credit for getting me initial funding and attention at the Atlanta conference.
Charles is great at raising money. He rides on coat tails of others tech innovation.
Keep up your efforts, you will always have people like me behind you.
Infinite love my brother 👽@dan I love your brutal honesty. I am a seeker of truth, so I resonate with your actions wholeheartedly. Earth is beyond blessed to have you showcasing what a harmonic human being is capable of.
Soooooo true! +1
Thank you for this clarification.
Great to know, I kinda figured Charles was riding on coat trails of other tech innovation especially now after him talking about all the "scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach" and "peer review" happening with Cardano. He imo is appealing to authority instead of proving the math/code/work like Bitcoin is all about and what you have done with Steemit and BitShares.
But I agree Charles is great at raising money considering Cardano is worth over $25 billion atm.
Anyways, I am greatly interested in the next gen blockchain. This post certainly helped in clearing a lot of questions I had. How often do you review other projects? I know you're extremely busy but I would be curious on what you think of raiblocks which is supposedly an "instant, fee-less, scalable transactions" cryptocurrency. I knew BitShares and steemit already have those features but considering raiblocks marketcap is now bigger than both I am not sure if I am missing something about the appeal of raiblocks.