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RE: Peer Review of Cardano's Ouroboros

in #cardamon7 years ago

Great to know, I kinda figured Charles was riding on coat trails of other tech innovation especially now after him talking about all the "scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach" and "peer review" happening with Cardano. He imo is appealing to authority instead of proving the math/code/work like Bitcoin is all about and what you have done with Steemit and BitShares.

But I agree Charles is great at raising money considering Cardano is worth over $25 billion atm.

Anyways, I am greatly interested in the next gen blockchain. This post certainly helped in clearing a lot of questions I had. How often do you review other projects? I know you're extremely busy but I would be curious on what you think of raiblocks which is supposedly an "instant, fee-less, scalable transactions" cryptocurrency. I knew BitShares and steemit already have those features but considering raiblocks marketcap is now bigger than both I am not sure if I am missing something about the appeal of raiblocks.
