What does that mean? Christians accept all kinds of immoral actions from political leaders and the government in general. War, injustice, violence...
If you pass laws requiring people to behave according to your standards, you are in effect saying that to refuse it to become a criminal. That leads to locking people up or killing them.
Do you accept divorce? Do you accept the existence of porn? Do you accept Las Vegas?
The problem with that idea is that what other people think about what Christians are doing is what's important. People aren't going to fight back against an injustice you perceive, but rather they will fight for injustice as they perceive it.
People and society are going to be what they are, a christian (or muslim, jew, mormon etc.) who is serious about their faith will not support or accept any behavior that is against what is found in their Holy Scriptures. What the consequences are after that is not a consideration one either chooses God's ways or man's it's as simple as that.
So you would endorse making laws declaring divorce, drunkenness, orgies, and all the other behaviors condemned in the bible illegal, and throwing people in jail who do those things?
That is what it sounds like to say you "won't accept" that behavior.
Also, what do you propose to do when there is a disagreement about "God's way?" How do you determine who is correct?
"Won't accept" means going along with anything society deems acceptable that is contrary to what Scriptures say is. Christians are not told to put in jail anyone who commits sinful acts, if case there'd be nobody outside the jailhouse, but rather that all who do need to repent or face the possibility of eternal separation from God.
There is no real disagreement among most in the christian faith about what is sin in God's eyes, as the Bible is pretty clear on what constitutes it.
My point from the beginning was that Christians have been using political power to enforce their moral standards, and non-Christians have become hostile as a result. I brought jail into it because whenever you pass a law telling someone they can't do something, you are saying that if they do they will be thrown in jail. Voting for, supporting, and cheering on these laws makes a person complicit in the incarcerations.
Incidentally, it has been my experience that Christians disagree greatly on what constitutes a sin. Some say dancing is a sin, some not. Some say drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or consuming caffeine are sins, some not. Some say homosexuality is a sin, some say just homosexual rape. Some say it's a sin not to keep the Sabbath, some not. If the Bible is so clear, why so many positions?
All I'm trying to say here is that the hostility growing towards Christians is in large part due to backlash over "evangelical politics." The "Evangelical Right" is so concerned with winning America back for God that they don't realize the end result of some of their laws is to put people into prison. That tends to aggravate people. I think Christians should be more concerned with helping the people "living in sin" than winning an argument with them.
I also think people give way too much credit, and way too much blame to the President of the US.
I think we can agree that the 2 main issues that has people "mad at christians" (and other faiths) over are homosexuality and abortion. People of faith cannot simply cannot accept either as ok on any level, and rightly will fight when they are tried to be forced upon them (bake gay marriage cakes, their money given to abortion providers). Again, it is standing up for THEIR rights rather than try to come others'. Prob is that than there us an inevitable clash, whose rights supercede.. and no nobody will be thrown in jail for a gay marriage, just won't be recognized as legal, same as previous, abortion, if it's defined as murder (which it is )than it should have legal consequences if performed, no apologies made.
The disagreements u mentioned are mainly among much smaller groups, the overwhelming christian majority doesn't classify those things as sin. Homosexuality is an unarguable sin according to the scriptures, the small number who try to say otherwise are simply twisting scripture in order to justify the lifestyle that many of them are in.