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RE: Lifestyle challenge week #6 / Lifestyle Challenge Woche #6

in #challenge7 years ago

You must have a great genetic baggage then, if you look skinny at 85 kilos. I'm 1.83 and my nominal weight is around 75, meaning where I tend to feel best - I'm under it now, I'm at 74 because I'm experimenting with a low-carb diet for awhile, taking myself lower so I can try to build up some more muscle, though it's much harder for a 31-year old than it is for someone who hasn't passed the 25 mark :) I've always been sensitive to carb intake - which isn't helped by the fact that I love pasta and bread-related products - and this experiment has only confirmed this. I am running at 2000/day calorie, which combined with my workout programe puts me at a calorie deficit.


I'm 34, also I feel best at 85 kg. Same as I, very sensitive to carbs, especially pasta and potatoes. I cut them out. Only bread I eat is a special high proteic bread, which is made out of maximum 7%carbs.

2000/day is I think enough for a desk job, without any activity. For one active it would be a deficit.