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RE: Punday Monday 72, Comedy Open Mic 37, SBI PRIZES FOR EVERYONE, yet again! (this is getting expensive!) :D

in #contest6 years ago

I didn't see any line related to politics there. But I think I have one here.
Why do politicians always succeed in lying,
Because they don't want to fail the MATHS


...I don't get it. Can you explain it?

Posted using Partiko Android

Ya scratching my head here as well...

I know I am actually bad at punning.
I was just trying to say that the reason politicians like to lie a lot is because they don't like to fail the mass or maths.
I am not sure if it is even related

Ah! Maths like masses! A slant pun, very pleasurable.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks. I thought I got it all wrong

You just missed the bada bing!

Posted using Partiko Android

How? I don't understand yet

Did you read the how-to?

Posted using Partiko Android