in #contest8 years ago

So, who won the WILD & STRANGE ART CONTEST (Round 2)?

After a lot of help and consideration, @papa-pepper and the guest judge @ballinconscious determined that @rigaronib won the second round, the art contest, so I will be awarding @rigaronib 50 STEEM for the winning entry.

Before I continue on to share what Round 3, the MEME CONTEST, is, we actually have some more winners this round.

The winner from Round 1, the photo contest, was @ballinconscious, and he was generous enough to pledge 15 STEEM to reward other participants, so he will be transferring some steem to the following steemians.

@meesterboom - 1st Runner up - 10 STEEM

@shady - 2nd Runner up - 5 STEEM

HERE.Encouraged by the generosity of @ballinconscious, I have decided to drop a few @papa-pepper WILDCARDS on some of the other entrants. I'll just list the names of the users here, but you can check out their artwork in the previous post






not made of STEEM, not yet anyway! Just know that everyone who entered did a great job and I sincerely appreciate your effort and entries!I'd drop some more @papa-pepper WILDCARDS on the rest, but, unfortunately, I am

So, what is this meme contest then?

The best I can tell, memes are funny little quotes on an image. You can check out tags like #meme or #steem-meme to get more ideas about what they are... but here's the catch.

You have to use the winning entry from Round 2 as the image for your meme.

Just to make sure you have to work for it, I have taken the two easiest memes to make with that image and used them as examples.

Yep, those ones will no longer count. Basically, use that image and make a funny meme out of it, but... @papa-pepper likes it clean, so any vulgar, obscene, or profane entry will be disqualified. I'd like to be able to enjoy them with my children, and even if they are "above their little heads", I still require them to be clean.

Although you can do a post about your entry, you must reply to this post with the meme you are entering.

Round 3 of the WILD & STRANGE CONTEST will run until Midnight, Sunday night, CST, and the winner will receive 50 STEEM once I make the winner's announcement early the following week.



kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)


I couldn´t resist :-)

Oh wow!!! Thank you so much @papa-pepper! That's a lovely gesture, I feel very honored <3

Very timely and original.

Thank you so much for not resisting!

Thank YOU for always encouraging us to be creative! :)


Here ya go, papa! I finally entered a contest. :)

Excellent entry!

I may have enjoyed your entry to the super-hot pepper challenge more, but still, nice entry!

Yup, the super hot pepper challenge would be hard to top! LOL

Especially with as much effort as you put into it!

In light on recent new "users"

Ah yes.... all those new "users."

Congratulations to all the winners! Everyone's contest entries were so good it was hard to choose just one so I am glad that mostly everyone got some sort of a reward!

These meme submissions are so funny and great! I am quietly laughing to myself so hard :p I might just have to make one myself!

1st and 2nd runner up prizes paid!

Thanks for the extra community generosity man, that is super.

Your welcome, You have good appreciation towards me and you weren't one of the two of got the rewards I sent ^_^

I am glad we are doing these but even more glad I am not the judge lol

Haha yeah be a judge is pretty difficult ! I enjoyed guest judging but @papa-peeper is a more natural judge than I am:p

Ok ! I justed posted my blog on my Meme Entry for round #3 ! I really hope everyone likes it ! Lol ! Alot of these are quite funny ! Thanks a bunch @papa-pepper ! Its been alot of fun ! ⤴🆙⤴ Heres a link to my story if you want to check it out !

Nice one!

I'll check out the post!

Lol ! Thanks ! Steem on ! 👍😉😂

hahaha, so many people here appreciate the dreds

Lol I do indeed have some handsome dreads ^_^

Hahaha ! Yes you do ! Im glad you like it lol , thanks ! steem on !✌👌👍

^^ Yes, I really do like it! Steem on^^

All these memes on here were so awesome that I decided to make my own, after all it is my face and dread projecting the message :p

Contest Entry Post

Excellent work!

I like it!

Thank you, I appreciate it ! lets take a selfie ^_^

Wow! - Very powerful indeed!

STEEMSQUACH - I like it!

Glad you like it, made a post going deeper too.

Cool, thanks for that link!

I wouldn't want to miss it!

That's a beaut

Awesome. Here's my meme:

Fun idea. Thanks @papa-pepper!

Great idea for this contest! Let me sleep on this one.

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Haha! I'm having's one for giggles-my Uncle is a huge fan of silly hats and glasses, so I sent him a Merry Christmas ;)

Glad to see you are enjoying yourself!

Lmao! How funny!

I think I could make a song out of that!

I like it!

You making a song would be better than winning Ha! Thanks for the inspiration and help :)

HAHA! - I'll think about it!

cuz here on steemit we're a team it sure does seem it anywayyy, lol, I think it's my bedtime.

Good night!

This one covers a few bases! Sorry I am like days late on finding this post and then computer updates shut me down lol

Nice, fits the image as well.

It really does!

Nice entry, I like it for multiple reasons.

Have a good day brother.

I thought you might!!! I am glad you commented similarly. TY very much

NP - Welcome!

All Images (s)tolen no rights observed

You are pretty fast, for a foot!

Thank you Sir, I toed it on Gimp...

Here you go @papa-pepper! I gave it a bash!


What an entry!

Pure genius my twin!

Nice work man

Not to late to enter I hope!

Not too late, fully entered!

Great job buddy. Thumbs Up.

Hahaha! I had fun with this. Here you go...

Ah, Hairy.. Henderson?

Sure, if you need to give him a last name...two things he's got in spades is hair and being an evolved mammal.
In your woodland travels have you ever crossed paths with an elusive squatch?

No, but I used to wonder when I would catch a reflection of myself in a pool back in the day.

LoL! I am convinced that these creatures exist and that they are exceptionally skilled and intelligent.

haha, you are so witty. I love reading your posts, no matter where they are lol.

If I ever seen one, I definitely won't try to capture it on camera.

I'll try to actually capture it!

I'll let you know if I succeed!

HIGHly evolved post sister, that is a beaut. See what I did there? I was so late finding this contest, mine just went up

I completely totally never saw this post til now. Bummer.

I am so happy for @rigaronib - he is very talented - so many great entries again!!!

Still time to enter!

I just posted my meme entry for your latest PP contest into a sep. blog post I was thinking about. You are VERY smart, we talk about word play....I would love to see if you can guess some of the many angles of my post I am getting at!

We discussed it so I am sure you will get them all!!!! It can be a witnes opportunity.... and not the steemit witness part either LOL.

Yes, that is partly why I made that! But let the words sink in and attract people without tying it RIGHT to the scripture. Some on here would reject that as you know.

Subtle, but true! I like that!

Congratulations, @rigaronib! I think your entry was the first one posted of all for round 2, too. You were inspired, for sure! And congratulations to @meesterboom and @shady, too. Both creative -- clay and coffee grounds! Here's to Round 3!

On to round 3!

I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'....... ; )

Keep it up.... sometimes that pays off!

I'll have to remember that -- Sometimes, thinking pays off. ; )

Yeah, that whole remembering things can come in handy too, I think.

Wow, congratulations @rigaronib!!!! And thank you to @ballinconscious for the steem runners up prizes! And of course hats off to @papa-pepper for his amazing generosity with the wild carding!!

Thanks @meesterboom for your incredible entry.

I'm sure that you would have won the Grand Prize if you hadn't had competition.

Always a pleasure! Thank you for the competition to enter!

You're welcome, do you have any great meme ideas?

This is still my all-time favorite, but I'm looking forward to see what people come up with using our amazing winning image from Round 2!

I am having a think! Memes are a tough one, and it would have to be an almighty meme to beat that one there, it just sums up steemit!

If the thunderclouds roll in, you may have a great brainstorm heading your way!

Your welcome! Thanks for your awesome creation!

Congratulations to @rigaronib and thx for the Wildcard!! Otherwise, I might have had to estimate that my entry was undervalued. ;-)

HAHAHA! - Excellent humor my friend!

I appreciate that!

I laughed at that one! Very nice!


Right, more of a rhetorical question.

Great entry!

I've always liked steemer!

Awesome job @rigaronib ! Congratulations! I dont know how to make a meme ? Can i do it in my tablet?! Thanks steem on ! 👍😉

Just use the image and add some text... not sure how to do that on a tablet.

Ok i will use tool whiz like last time ! Thanks will be posting soon ! 👍

We have to find a way in a meme to work some of Karen's brownies into the posts...mmmmm....browwnnniieeessssss

A lot of success in the coming yearsCongratulations to the new winner @rigaronib. Congratulations to you My friend @papa-pepper for the incitement of these wonderful events

I am having some fun with these events... there are still a few more rounds to come!

Thank y'all. I am so happy.

Excellent Coffee and Pepper indeed!

Congratulations @rigaronib, @meesterboom, and @shady!! These are awesome! So is papa-pepper ;) I downloaded my first ever photo editor, inspired by posts on this page, looking forward to trying my hand at it, haha!!

That is excellent news. Why not try making a meme?

Okay this is how clueless I am, how do you download/upload the original meme for this contest?

You be able to just right click the image, select "copy image" and then paste it into your photo editor... at least I can.

Awesome, okay, I'm trying that now. Thanks!

Hope it works for you!

It worked, thanks again! Now to see what I can come up with...

Great - Glad to help, and way to get out there and learn some new skills!

I've been doing that my whole time on steemit!

I just right click the image and either copy the image or copy the image address.


Wow! I am super honored!

Thanks so much @papa-pepper and @ballinconscious!

I can't wait to see the memes that come out of this. With all of the incredibly talented people here on Steemit, I know they will be crazy cool!Congrats to @meesterboom, @shady and all of the 'Papa's Wild Card' winners, too - You guys did

Your welcome, Thanks for your awesome creations!

Any chance you want to help by being a guest judge?

Also, congratulations!

Sure thing! I will definitely help, just let me know what I need to do!

Sounds great!


I missed the first couple rounds, had to get in on this one, hope you like it:)

Cool, thanks for entering and glad to see you around!

Oops :0 lol

It's funny in a very sad way.... hope it's not true.

Great and creative idea!

Also, "THAN" not "THEN". Better chance of winning if you fix that.


Fixed it, so sleepy... I'll blame being sleepy

No problem, I was well rested when I saw it!

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Man, I sure get around!

Loving the collaborative effort here!

Thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying it!

Care to join in?

Congratulations winners, runners up and wild card recipients!

I can definitely do the meme challenge. I just have to duct tape the hubby, and take away the laptop he's using because it's got photoshop on it. LOL

Yeah, give it a go!

Looking forward to seeing it!

It will be a beaut!

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Thanks for the Wild Card prize!!!! So exciting. :)

You're welcome!

Great job in the Culinary Challenge too!

Thank you. Every little bit of encouragement helps.
I'm working hard to establish relationships with other people, build my credibility on the platform by sharing the valuable information that I have acquired,... and power up while I'm at it.
I really appreciate that you take the time to read and respond to your comments.
You are doing a great job @papa-pepper!

I missed this complete post entirely until right - now. Congrats for your mention and some steem too RR.

Thanks very much for that.. there is only so much @papa-pepper to go around, but I try to do what I can.

It's tricky to wear the "big" cape and lead by example. You, with @mama-pepper at your side are being exceptionally fair, "very" giving and consistent. I think your children are lucky to have you as parents and WE (Steemians) are all lucky to count you as friends. :)

We are blessed to be a part of this, and I am glad that many find me to be an appropriate example.

That was a nice surprise. Thank you very much for the reward! Meme coming soon.


Great job last time!