
Thank you. Every little bit of encouragement helps.
I'm working hard to establish relationships with other people, build my credibility on the platform by sharing the valuable information that I have acquired,... and power up while I'm at it.
I really appreciate that you take the time to read and respond to your comments.
You are doing a great job @papa-pepper!

I missed this complete post entirely until right - now. Congrats for your mention and some steem too RR.

Thanks very much for that.. there is only so much @papa-pepper to go around, but I try to do what I can.

It's tricky to wear the "big" cape and lead by example. You, with @mama-pepper at your side are being exceptionally fair, "very" giving and consistent. I think your children are lucky to have you as parents and WE (Steemians) are all lucky to count you as friends. :)

We are blessed to be a part of this, and I am glad that many find me to be an appropriate example.