
You're welcome!

Great job in the Culinary Challenge too!

Thank you. Every little bit of encouragement helps.
I'm working hard to establish relationships with other people, build my credibility on the platform by sharing the valuable information that I have acquired,... and power up while I'm at it.
I really appreciate that you take the time to read and respond to your comments.
You are doing a great job @papa-pepper!

I missed this complete post entirely until right - now. Congrats for your mention and some steem too RR.

Thanks very much for that.. there is only so much @papa-pepper to go around, but I try to do what I can.

It's tricky to wear the "big" cape and lead by example. You, with @mama-pepper at your side are being exceptionally fair, "very" giving and consistent. I think your children are lucky to have you as parents and WE (Steemians) are all lucky to count you as friends. :)

We are blessed to be a part of this, and I am glad that many find me to be an appropriate example.