The Story Of THE HUNDRED COIN - A Mini-Mystery

in #crypto9 years ago (edited)

Have you read or heard about the story of THE HUNDRED COIN?

It goes something like this...

There were 100 men in a cage, then one day one of them thought up a "wonderful idea".

Hey, I can make everyone of us bleeping rich! He blurted. How? Inquired his companions.

Well here's how, I will sell you "THE HUNDRED COIN", which will earn 1% to 5% daily depending on how many buys it in a given day, and with your help, THE HUNDRED COIN price will only go up, EVERYDAY! He explains.

How, will that make us rich? One of the other guys asked.

"You see, in the beginning we can all buy it CHEAP, like dirt cheap! And then we will DOUBLE the price every once in a while till every coin is worth a LOT!" He enthusiastically explain.

"Show us with numbers, how this is supposed to work" Some from the group requested.

"Here, like this:" As he showed them his wonderful plan in numbers.

1st day. Every coin = 0.0001 cents
first doubling = 0.0002
second doubling = 0.0004
3.... = 0.0008
4.... = 0.0016
5.... = 0.0032
6.... = 0.0064
7.... = 0.0128
8.... = 0.0256
9.... = 0.0512
10.... = 0.1024
11.... = 0.2048
12.... = 0.4096
13.... = 0.8192
14.... = 1.6384
15.... = 3.2768
16.... = 6.5536
17.... = 13.1072
18.... = 26.2144
19.... = 52.4288
20.... =104.8576
21.... =209.7152
22.... =419.4304
23.... =838.8608
24.... =1677.7216
25.... =3355.4432 "this will be the coin's price after the 25th "doubling".

"This means that if you buy 100 Dollars worth of THE HUNDRED COIN from the beginning, you will get 1,000,000 coins and if you will HOLD the coin, even up to the 15th doubling, your coins will be worth, more than a whooping 3.2 Million dollars!" He exclaimed.

"Wow! That's a really cool plan you got there! Shouted one of the person in the cage... Some of them, do not think that the plan will work, while some would like to wait and see if there will be people who would join and then they too would's potential is huge anyway, and may make them lots of money if it should work.

The guy who thought it up, proceeded with the plan, and there was the first "buyer", with a hundred dollars, he was given a million of THE HUNDRED COIN.

"Now what should I do with these "coins" " The first buyer asked.

"You should HOLD them, keep them in a safe place, don't sell for at least 6 months, by then YOU ARE ALREADY A MILLIONAIRE!" the guy that made THE HUNDRED COIN replied.

The other guys within the cage are watching what's going on. They are curious how things will play out, they have mixed feelings about all of these, and they would like to know what will happen to the guys that have bought into the idea.

"It's our 10th time to double in price!" Exclaimed the obviously happy, THE HUNDRED COIN(THC) creator.

10th.... = 0.1024 <---- "WE ARE HERE, if you have bought from the start, your 100 Dollars is now worth 102,400 $, which gives you 102,300 $ worth of PROFIT!" What he is saying is partly true.

"Now don't sell your THC coins too much, remember that we have more "doublings" to come, until we reach the point that the WHOLE CAGE are all rich! We are now marching to our financial freedom!" The happy THC guy shouted to everyone in the cage. "If you need cash maybe you can sell 1000 coins a day, so that your net worth will go up, even if you are getting regular money from it." He further added. "Sell some to your friends for cash, so they too can learn and earn from our coin."

Now the people with him are excited, they see that the first guys that bought the coins are now well-off, they were buying some good things with their profits from the THC coin. Hmmm, why the heck they did not believe the guy from the get go?? More of them, bought THC that day.

Consequently, more of them say the same things that the coin creator is saying, so that more people can break free from poverty, or at least make some money. They are now helping for THC's success. Everyone would like to see that "ultimate price", when every THC is worth 3,355 $. They have bought the coin for much less than that anyway, so they are bound to make a hefty money too, when that price arrives. This coin's price never goes down anyway, it only grows up daily. How can they lose? So the 100 guys in the cage have these happy thoughts about THC.

And that is the story of THE HUNDRED COIN.

To those who have eyes, they will see. That's enough even if you don't follow me. :) -easteagle13

#story, #coin, #mystery, #finance


This is a clever story, "To those who have eyes"!!! I'm wondering just how many will get the joke.

I'm not sure if making the initials THC was a Freudian slip or an on purpose dig at tokers but the whole story made me laugh.


^_^ I am not sure too...maybe it's a slip of a fat finger! Let it stay. I hope we can save the world from getting RICJ!

looks like ponzi to me..

rofl. You think? Well many won't get the joke till it's too late.

Great story!

thanks god of thunder ;)